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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    Parents of INTPs

    Good cop bad cop dad esfp good ol religious upbringing mom esfp trying not to fuck up the kid divorced when i was like 4 because he tried to kill her. good times
  2. peoplesuck

    pedophilia and a logical society

    I really find the act of pedophilia really off-putting. the main point was not the discriminate against someone for what they cant help, as that makes no fucking sense. i think its very odd that someone would even want a little kid as a partner as i dont see any middleground for the two people...
  3. peoplesuck

    pedophilia and a logical society

    somehow that slipped my mind. good point
  4. peoplesuck

    pedophilia and a logical society

    I think this falls under philosophy:confused: ey some controversial stuff so if you cant handle stuff, dont if this thread already existed kill this one. i can never find stuff with intp search engine sorry
  5. peoplesuck

    Do you watch TV?

    only a few hours per day. the only thing worth watching is the reality shows. my favorite one has a lot of drama:)
  6. peoplesuck

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    related-ish http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=19720
  7. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    the best song you have heard in a long time:
  8. peoplesuck

    January Goals Thread

    occasionally go to bed at normal human times. be more efficient in my effort to learn to draw. install a light dimming dial to my lamp.http://www.intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2688&stc=1&d=1451470182
  9. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    when describing what color an object is, we should describe it as the color it absorbs rather than what it reflects. storm the streets :evil:
  10. peoplesuck

    What gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"?

    Re: whhat gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"? empathy for those close
  11. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    if anyone is having trouble finding software for a drawing tablet, try krita. its free and very easy to use.
  12. peoplesuck

    Thoughts on this short story I drafted?

    i read about this writing style, it wasnt described, just referenced. would make me go insane to read this for any prolonged period of time. :cat: to write this im guessing you just write whatever pops into your head? interesting, but it makes me feel like a crazy person to read it. how does one...
  13. peoplesuck


    :cat: 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 ;)01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101...
  14. peoplesuck

    Self-Aggrandizement Thread

    i finished an a whole sketchbook learning anime, whilst doing so completely forgot how to draw realistic faces :walker: i also never really learned how to draw anime very well
  15. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  16. peoplesuck

    Dissect this, in other words: (what do you think of me or my type)

    Re: Disect this people arent supper consistent, and the only functions that are somewhat consistent are going to be T/F I/E , from what ive seen. so as long as you know those, why do the other functions matter? maybe im the only one whos functions are not as consistent.
  17. peoplesuck

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    can relate to op. scarily similar dreams :cat:
  18. peoplesuck

    Certain way to check if you are an INTP.

    draw a depressed cat with a fairy on its head?http://www.intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2683&stc=1&d=1450518910
  19. peoplesuck

    The ask me anything thread.

    stance on transhumanism?
  20. peoplesuck

    Closest You Ever Came To Death

    almost drowned as well.;)
  21. peoplesuck

    How Dark is your Personality?

  22. peoplesuck

    Certain way to check if you are an INTP.

  23. peoplesuck

    How to be an asshole?

    surround yourself with sj's, you wont even have to try too offend them. its just natural :kodama1: i gave up on not being offensive with these people because they are looking for anything to be offended by. that or...im an asshole :confused: glad the funny intj guy made everyone laugh more...
  24. peoplesuck

    How to be an asshole?

  25. peoplesuck

    favorite art styles

    post a picture with a sentence or so describing what/why the proportions are interesting since they look alright, but are ridiculous if the image doesnt work its alucard from hellsing ultimate
  26. peoplesuck

    MS Paint Thread, black and white, 5 min maximum, text must be included

    http://www.intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2672&stc=1&d=1449983725 :confused:
  27. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  28. peoplesuck

    Abstinence from audio-visual stimulus and various garbage stimli

    i had no computer and my xbox stopped reading discs for 3 months, definitely more productive. took time to play with my piano and learn a lot about circuitry and drawing
  29. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    skipped math final because there was another class in at the same time so i would of had to sit next to someone, and that gives me really bad anxiety. ;)
  30. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    http://intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2667&stc=1&d=1448451354 been learning a lot about electronics and drawing since my old computer died. :p
  31. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    i made a tattoo gun that is a toy car motor connected to an outlet plug, for some reason when plugged in it wont start spinning, it twitches, if u spin it by hand it takes off. what is causing it?how do i fix this? dw im not tattooing anyone
  32. peoplesuck

    Link between SAT scores and music preference?

    Re: Confirmed: Smart People listen to Radiohead/ Beethoven. Stupid people Hip Hop i had to listen to this stupid shit for a whole hour in one of my classes. the bias will remain till time stops :cat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO89_H7GqaQ
  33. peoplesuck

    Have you ever mastered something?

    from an estimation im around 3600 hours into learning to draw so, nearly half way?:confused:
  34. peoplesuck

    Maybe smart people are the problem

    according to this study and a few others, its the dumb people causing the problem :storks:
  35. peoplesuck

    Bestiality, Zoophilia

    so this article might not be what i want, so if it doesnt defend what im saying, tell me and il actually go get a better one; http://www.laweekly.com/news/sexual-attraction-lowers-womens-level-of-disgust-2393709 so lets say they are into bestiality, according to some studies attraction lowers...
  36. peoplesuck

    Bestiality, Zoophilia

    if they dont hurt the animal why does it matter
  37. peoplesuck

    Any good philosophical movies?

    mr nobody? haven't seen it in many years but i remember loving it
  38. peoplesuck

    Obesity (prev. Make it Mandatory)

    Re: Make it mandatory instead of doing it for looks, maybe for the decrees in resources. maybe spread the unused wealth? idfk js probably a better chance of success if it were done by decreasing appetite instead of exercise. dw too much soon we will be transhuman cyborgs :angel01: or just...
  39. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    for all the physicists who use this here forum, im looking for an estimation on the accuracy of an non rifled barreled gun shooting spheres and or darts. also does rifling effect spheres? making an air powered gun and dont have much interest in something that cant hit what its pointed at...
  40. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    question here. found a long paper im interested in, its on the deep web. if i download this and get hacked/virus can i fix this by reset factory default?
  41. peoplesuck

    INTP Escapism

    i prefer the harsh reality in most cases. when it comes to nihilism you cant really function when rationalizing everything
  42. peoplesuck

    Can anyone reccomend some EDM albums

    try skrux: if you, javan dee final escape,CMA lost in our thoughts,mt eden siera leon freshly ground orchestrea remix,alexisonfire to a friend,rusko soldier on,salm endless stairs,EMBRZ silent, oskar schuster wunder, since u like odesza seven lions and ect we seem to have similar taste. try...
  43. peoplesuck

    sunlight and running thoughts

    fire has the opposite effect on me :D :phear: total pyro <<<
  44. peoplesuck

    Musical interests, what kind of music makes you purr? please share

  45. peoplesuck

    Are all INTP's smart

    failed on all my act scores -waldo
  46. peoplesuck

    talking mice

    Researchers have found a gene that could explain why we developed language and speech while our closest living relatives, the chimps, did not. http://www.livescience.com/7973-human-speech-gene.html from my understanding these mice have been given certain bird dna to enable them to chirp...
  47. peoplesuck

    The story about me almost killing a person

    who knows, why is it when we get hurt by an inanimate object we want to hurt it? we got the derp ass genes..
  48. peoplesuck

    Do you want kids? Why? Why not?

    hell no, i have a cat ^ why there should be correlation: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/women-high-iqs-moms-study-article-1.1421592 http://www.slayerment.com/which-smartest-mbti-type
  49. peoplesuck

    most complex/difficult books you have read

    i have only read one book that was actually challenging to keep up with the plot. gardens of the moon best description of the difficulty ive read was: like the third book in a ten book series its the first book though:cat:
  50. peoplesuck

    in love with my infp friend!

    i'm straight but dunno why what does that mean exactly? this sounds like a classic religion said its wrong thing..
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