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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    human genome and the possibilities with it.

    0_0 oh so were not very close to complete understanding?
  2. peoplesuck

    human genome and the possibilities with it.

    I learned we have mapped the entire human genome and i was wondering what are the biggest changes we can currently make/change. Also i would like to know the kind of things that this can be used for in the future. i think it would be amazing to make people with lion mains or cat eyes. use...
  3. peoplesuck

    How hard is life extension?

    ps what they are doing to that dog is terrible.
  4. peoplesuck

    How hard is life extension?

    what is the point, no one would want to go through with this. also i dont think we have the knowledge to stop decaying/aging./ unrelated but blue eyes is a sign of intelligence in humans but does anyone know if it is for animals as well.
  5. peoplesuck

    Have you noticed that some people don't know what "logical" means?

    I prefer:facepalm: to avoid people like that.
  6. peoplesuck

    why do we vocalize pain.

    if you get stabbed you cant just not make noise, i am sure that apple was right when he said it takes the focus off the pain.
  7. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    I have looked this up and found that people are not sure if being introverted is nature or nurture. I have read a few books on the subject and they talked about how introverts have different dopamine pathways.(not exactly sure what it was called, do not have the book with me.) they actually...
  8. peoplesuck

    why do we vocalize pain.

    I'm reading these i may not reply to them all. Bigapple did you research that or just a guess?
  9. peoplesuck

    why do we vocalize pain.

    ya mabey
  10. peoplesuck

    why do we vocalize pain.

    I have not done research on this, i was just wanting to see what everyone's opinions are. My first guess was to scare away what ever is causing the pain but i don't think that would ever work. when i say pain i mean like physical pain.
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