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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    Round 5: Comparing Mangos and Strawberries

    is there a dog vs cat thread? we need one.. :confused: strawberries
  2. peoplesuck

    INTP problems

    Everything is better in thought, compared to reality :ahh04:
  3. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Someone like architect should make an" has this thread already been made" thread. ;)
  4. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    anybody tried reading a book while high? How did it go?? :o
  5. peoplesuck

    Self-talking your Inner Demon

  6. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    is spirituality more N or F?
  7. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    what combination of drugs would make an intp seem normal?
  8. peoplesuck

    oh, thanks

    oh, thanks
  9. peoplesuck

    Drawings in notebooks (while you should be taking notes?)

    my notebooks are usually half notes half drawings, taking notes seems to distract me from what is actually going on. always drawing people for some reason 0_o
  10. peoplesuck

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    never settling is why we have progressed so much, agreed
  11. peoplesuck

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    did you think i was blaming others? also: human history kind of proves that people tend to be unkind It doesnt matter anyways, people will never be satisfied ;p
  12. peoplesuck

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    I would be satisfied to be able to handle one of these jobs. crippling social anxiety/not being able to deal with people
  13. peoplesuck


    The same article said that you will still use the same muscles a good amount, therefore how would this atrophy your brain?
  14. peoplesuck


    So i read this from some article: "If you stop speaking, the number of neurons that are active, or could be active, for that process will get smaller, and the neurons that were once active for speech will become co-opted to do other things." and i was wondering what the neurons that were...
  15. peoplesuck

    How do you feel normally mentally?

    New users, how do you all normally feel mentally? maybe add your type as well ;)
  16. peoplesuck

    Something, something, sex.

    The seemingly asexual schizoid
  17. peoplesuck

    What is the mbti type of your best friend?

    Can i count myself? ;)
  18. peoplesuck

    Trolls according to the MBTI

    or do plays on words which were obviously veiled insults. ^ 100% accurate
  19. peoplesuck

    Are you the firstborn or only child?

    youngest, my older brother has debilitating autism
  20. peoplesuck

    Does the MBTI make you feel special?

    unique>insane>outcast>schizoid>(current) intp>crazy intp schizoid my journey to what ever the hell i am
  21. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    during school i get up at 7:00 during no-school 11:00-1:00 im pretty level as far as energy goes. more energy at night though. sleep in total silence? good 1 i keep my room pretty dark it makes me sick to eat when im not hungry
  22. peoplesuck

    How Quickly Do You Get Bored?

    If i am able to be by myself i will stay entertained all day easily. If i am expected to pay attention to a presentation about the constitution, im mentally suffering. I jump from topic to topic, once i understand the portion i care about i drop it. I wouldnt worry about it, i read that once you...
  23. peoplesuck

    Hum Dum Dim Dum Why do I exist?

    if u want a reason just join a religion thats why most people join em.knowingly or not, at least thats my theory.. :dontbelive:
  24. peoplesuck


    Someone with Introverted Thinking may take a while to fully understand a concept. This is because they want to know all the components and how everything works together. A Ti user would not be satisfied with someone saying, “this is the gas pedal, you press it to go.” A Ti user would want to...
  25. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    computerhxr The circadian rhythms of individuals with non-24 can resemble those of experimental subjects living in a time-isolated environment, even though they are living in normal society. Ill try and do all the recommendations and see if im still the same. as for nanook, i live in the us...
  26. peoplesuck

    Functions: preference or real ability?

    Is it just me or is tmills posted description of Ti really hard to read? also why does he spell fantasy with ph?
  27. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    sorry that was kind of a bad link, mb The internal circadian clock, located in the hypothalamus of the brain, generates a signal that is slightly longer (occasionally shorter) than 24 hours. Normally, this slight deviation is corrected by exposure to environmental time cues, especially the...
  28. peoplesuck

    MS Paint Thread, black and white, 5 min maximum, text must be included

    http://www.intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2406&stc=1&d=1418548544 i was determined to get better results sorry for triple post
  29. peoplesuck

    MS Paint Thread, black and white, 5 min maximum, text must be included

  30. peoplesuck

    MS Paint Thread, black and white, 5 min maximum, text must be included

    how does one post a ms paint pic?
  31. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    noooope nope :dontbelieve:
  32. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    I have a few questions about bipolar disorder. is it possible to only show very few signs of a depressive phase? If someone is having a manic phase and they barley sleep is it normal for them to be fine when being entertained,yet to crash when they get bored? I am apathetic, and i show a few of...
  33. peoplesuck

    Why personality tests dont work

    i think i took an official mbti at school. It was really cool to see a section of the test had different words, which you choose the word you like most. somehow this helps them determine type, at the same time you really cant tell how it will affect the score(no bias) I really dont understand...
  34. peoplesuck

    Why personality tests dont work

    what if they are t-f doms? can u fk up ur dom function?
  35. peoplesuck

    Why personality tests dont work

    Can your ego mess up t-f preference? it seems like a thinker values t over f, and f values emotions over t. Would your ego actually change the preference? (its going to change the percent but you will still have the same preference right?
  36. peoplesuck

    How often do you catch yourself staring into a mirror wondering

    "oh that's what they see"
  37. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    if i am depressed (idfk). depression is common with non24. Will eating/environment(lights) make you change ur sleep schedule to be nocturnal/ always fluctuating? my windows are all covered, though i do use my laptop The main reason i question if i have it is the fact that .3 or .003 % of...
  38. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    i dont exercise much. i dont drink coffe, rarely drink soda i can usually only sleep when im drop dead tired hobbies..i like to learn about stuff, gaming i eat badly, not too much though. my mom said i dont eat enough, the food is usually not healthy though. i eat when im hungry. eating in the...
  39. peoplesuck

    identifying non24 sleep wake syndrome

    I was not sure what category this would be, since it seems to be a neurological disorder.. Does anyone know how to tell non24 sleep wake syndrome from really bad sleep habits? its either this or delayed sleep phase syndrome, but since people with dsps seem to have normal-ish sleep schedules it...
  40. peoplesuck

    Pearson-Marr Archetype test (unofficial free version)

    You are the Creator! 41% Innocent, 60% Orphan, 63% Warrior, 28% Caregiver, 70% Seeker, 28% Lover, 63% Destroyer, 72% Creator, 46% Magician, 40% Ruler, 69% Sage and 61% Fool!
  41. peoplesuck

    sacred cows

    this is one of the examples where ... how could it offend someone? this looks more like a source of bother/irritation. disregard for others personal space?
  42. peoplesuck

    sacred cows

    -people who will sit next to you in a empty room, also if they do that and tell you to turn down ur music because they can hear it. -mouth breathers -people who will sit right next to you on a bench. -anyone who doesn't over-analyze everything -blind faith - the word,"they're"put before,"either"...
  43. peoplesuck

    if you put the forum on default it wont kill ur eyes. still ugly tho

    if you put the forum on default it wont kill ur eyes. still ugly tho
  44. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    if somebody is drowning or choking, you help them. But you only help them because you will feel bad if they die, so isnt kindness just selfishness that helps someone else ?
  45. peoplesuck

    Percentage of mistyped people

    if anyone has taken an official test, was there a section that had 4 different words and you pick the one that describes you best? if so i took the official test( a guy at my school gave the whole class this intricate mbti test) he said i had the most dominant functions (preferred dominance)...
  46. peoplesuck

    What is your preferred genre?

    Is this indie? dance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvpS6EDFk7I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0oLrP79bjc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWjDAe7h_SM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy41l5iYoBw
  47. peoplesuck

    Do you like other INTPs? (INTPs on this forum don't count)

    Theoretically, the stats (never trust those things) say 3% of people have the INTP personality type. So three in every hundred should be one of us, so either we have met a bunch of them without realising it, or the stats are there to taunt us! Intps are less likely to leave their house, therefore..
  48. peoplesuck

    Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

    People often think my attempt at being warm is cold. c:
  49. peoplesuck

    Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

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