I don't remember using MS Paint since the stone ages, and I've never tried to draw on a laptop touchpad before. I was tempted to do a practice run, fearing that a touchpad would be hopelessly clumsy to do anything with. But once I started pushing the cursor around, I realized it wasn't necessary. This was done in 5 minutes. The lack of commitment enabled me to essentially doodle. Jury's out on whether I'd consider MS Paint a serious production method.
Dammit where's the image? Ok, think I got it. You have to click the image to make it larger.
Noticed this after I was already done:
The picture must include a short text
Screw that. Completely stupid rule, waste of valuable drawing time. If I wanted to make internet memes, I would.
But I can't figure out how come a forum of supposed thinkers don't have more ideas... just pour your craziness into picture form.
My ideas are fine. I draw what I think is of value.
I often suffer from nihilist evaluation of ideas. Why bother to put all the production time into a particular image? Is the image really worth all the time? Not an issue in the case of 5 minutes, there's very low commitment.