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Obesity (prev. Make it Mandatory)

Local time
Today 11:03 AM
Jan 7, 2012
Re: Make it mandatory

Blanket solutions tend to suck.

Dafuq is your obsession with cheerleaders? Just whack the weasel and be done with it already.

(Or move on to ballerinas; undeniable evidence that harder work produces a better result.)


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 3:03 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Re: Make it mandatory

Sports team? Any other options... I would rather do hard manual labor than deal with a bunch of aggressive highly competitive individuals. I am too disillusioned to the superiority that walks in hand with competition.


How about we just degrade people for being fat so that they feel horrible and then throw up their food on a daily basis?

Or we could just create this thing called Physical Education where people find mentally and emotionaly healthy ways to make their body healthy too and make it manditory... nah that's a dumb idea.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 4:03 AM
Sep 2, 2009
Re: Make it mandatory

I really don't think it's something it's something for the schools or the government to fix.

I remember having to run a mile twice a week, and a three-mile run once a month in middle school, and then a mile each day a warm-up in high school gym. It sucked. I got stitches in my side every single time. It didn't make an athlete of me, and it did nothing for the chubby kids because they always managed to get medical notes to be excused.

The thing is, parents need to understand that the choices they make for their children will affect their physical and mental health for the rest of their lives. Health and PE teachers can teach until they're blue in the face. The teachers can set all kinds of standards for the parents to override with complaints, doctor's notes, and excuses. In the end, the parents buying their kids chicken nuggets on the way home from school everyday (it's the only thing they'll eat!), and placing them in front of the babysitting screens are the ones responsible for childhood obesity.


Local time
Today 10:03 PM
Dec 28, 2013
Re: Make it mandatory

It's a cultural problem. Fast and processed foods are too readily available and are a huge contributing factor to obesity. This tied in with kids not being taught to eat properly or healthily. Diet it everything. They'll then get stigmatized for being obese and told that it's there fault and go exercise. When they discover that it is too difficult to lose any weight from exercise and decide it isn't worth the effort they give up and feel even worse about themselves.

I'm not saying don't exercise, but I do think it's almost futile without a healthy diet and making sure you eat properly first is most important.


Local time
Today 10:03 PM
Jul 8, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Re: Make it mandatory

Rather than focusing on exercise aimed at the kids we should we targeting the adults that should know better.

Instead of making physical activity mandatory why don't we put laws in place that make it illegal to consume more calories than one uses. Most obesity can be traced to input exceeding output.

So if you want to eat more you will be required to use the increased energy.

This all reminds me of the saying 'One should eat to live, not live to eat'.


Local time
Today 10:03 PM
Dec 28, 2013
Re: Make it mandatory

Rather than focusing on exercise aimed at the kids we should we targeting the adults that should know better.

Instead of making physical activity mandatory why don't we put laws in place that make it illegal to consume more calories than one uses. Most obesity can be traced to input exceeding output.

So if you want to eat more you will be required to use the increased energy.

This all reminds me of the saying 'One should eat to live, not live to eat'.

People would have to weigh themselves regularly to monitor calories input by weight gain then? It wouldn't work. Making laws wont solve anything. People would eat even more in protest!


Local time
Today 5:03 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Re: Make it mandatory

Regulate the food industry.

Stop making walking-unfriendly car-only suburban dystopias.

Children become lardballs because their environment makes it easy for them.


Local time
Today 11:03 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Re: Make it mandatory

Wants to make fat jokes.... Won't. :angel:


Magos Biologis
Local time
Today 7:03 PM
Feb 3, 2012
Re: Make it mandatory

Just let them walk from their house to their school and back again after class.


The Pharaohs Advocate
Local time
Today 3:03 AM
Jul 12, 2015
Re: Make it mandatory

@Sinny91 - so is that a fat chance or a slim chance that you'll make a joke?

@Kuu - you have the makings of a city planner right there. One of the worst issues in poor, obesity-ridden and health issues-ridden communities is that there are only cheap fast food chains and not grocery stores in the vicinity. Grocery chains don't want to serve the poor market as a business decision; fast food chains are built to be bait for those who can't afford to spend more on food or transportation to a healthier place.

And so they eat more shitty food, develop shitty health issues, pay more on their shitty hospital bills, and the vicious cycle continues.

Once I start developing my own properties, one of the first things I'm going to do is place a grocery store a few blocks from several poor cities, even if I have to found a new grocery store myself. That one thing can do wonders in the long term.


is escaping
Local time
Today 5:03 AM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
Re: Make it mandatory

instead of doing it for looks, maybe for the decrees in resources. maybe spread the unused wealth? idfk js probably a better chance of success if it were done by decreasing appetite instead of exercise. dw too much soon we will be transhuman cyborgs :angel:

or just forget that stuff and gentically engineer photosynthetic cold-blooded people


pat pat
Local time
Today 12:03 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Re: Make it mandatory

The entire diet and brain thing is somewhat complex. There are multiple factors involved, some might be alleviated by teaching people bodily awareness, how hipstery that might sound.

Eating slightly too much over time can make you less susceptible to listen to the signals that tell you you are full. You get used to eating when you are full or eat a full portion when you are very close to being it. If your main meal was largely a certain types of carbs and/ or sugars, you also are more likely to feel "hunger" and cravings within a shorter amount of time than if you eat more proteins and/ or fat.

Sometimes the habit of overeating sneaks in slowly. You sometimes find youngsters who can "eat whatever they like" as they say and never gain weight. At that point their sense of hunger and fullness is appropriate to their activity level. But I think in some cases, they will little by little overeat slightly, because they don't need to think about what they eat. So they eat a chocolate bar here, more dessert there, slightly larger dinner portions and so on. Slowly they gradually become used to eating slightly more, and as they age additional weight will grow alongside them. Of course, there might be some metabolic differences between ages, but I don't think that's the only reason for weight gain.

There's also culture at play. Some have a very pushy eat more dinner, have another slice of cake environment. Abstaining from eating desserts like cake and cookies will often be seen as weirdo behavior, in worst case an insult. If such visits are frequent, if children grow up with it, I can see it as a contributing factor that will lay the foundation for a stomach that starves for more, even if misplaced so.

There's also the thing where your sense of taste is somewhat altered depending on what you eat. If you eat a lot of fats with sugary tasty foods and candy, cooked vegetables can seem quite tasteless in comparison and lose prioritization. Sometimes one gain the habit of always having a dressing, ketcup or other potentially calorie dense choices. Add a bit here and there and together with the food you eat in general you get enough plus in calories to gain weight.

I also don't think people notice or they forget how bad they feel on a bad diet. Loss of energy, mood, concentration. Occasionally their digestion will be a bit off, being so often bloated they don't notice it anymore, not ideal fecal patterns (ok I wont go there). If the bloating is so bad the stomach has difficulty digesting what has been eating, I did read once that the part of the stomach that is not getting (enough) nutrients might still send hunger signals/ cravings which people will be inclined to listen to and eat often more which will reinforce the problem. I can't tell whether that's true however, but there is some signaling going awry for sure.

And there might be some hormone thingies influencing, but I don't know anything about that.

There's also the fact that some people just don't care. They'd rather have their 5 minute of instant gratification, rather than a healthy and well feeling body on a regular basis. I know people who have noticeable stomach problems and still continue to eat a lot of crappy food.

There's also instances of food glorification and pride. Where eating bacon or a tripplemaxxx5000 burger is The Shit and it's really Awesome to eat which means you must be very awesome for eating it too. I remember my brother, thin as a needle, was always awed and followed by encouraging humor by the rest of the family for placing such large potions on his plate. Jokes about buying a bigger plate just for him etc. He's 30 and chubby now.

If you do try to change your diet and restrict, for instance, sugar in almost its entirety because you have great difficulty with controlling yourself if eating only some, some people will easily see you as hysteric or overly nazi when they see you thanking them no for their desserts and cookies. This also ties together with people being a bit pushy in telling people to eat more, even if that is meant politely and to disarm modesty in eating. I do think it's a bit of a bothersome tradition in any respect.

This reminds me a conversation I overheard between my mother and aunt just recently. We were going to visit my brother for coffee and they were discussing whether to bring over some leftover cakes. Because they didn't know if he had anything prepared and they'd have to have "something, if only a few pieces of chocolate". Having a visit with coffee and nothing else was too little to stomach. I was actually kind of surprised visiting relatives, I haven't really noticed before that I'm the only one above 20 who's not chubby or overweight on my mother's side.

And there's comfort eating. Which mechanics I don't have entirely mapped out, but it's there. There's also certain illnesses that make weight difficult to control, but those are more limited.

That's all I can think of at the top of my head, but there are certain to be more contributing factors, making a mess of it all.

And ofc, you can become overweight on healthy foods as well. It's easier to make examples of unhealthy foods, because their consequences are more easily recognized.

Edity: Oh right, I forgot to mention; There seem to be increasing evidence that shows the gut microbes have an impact on behavior and mood. So if your gut bacteria is messing up, you can become more prone to anxiety and depression, for instance. Feeling glum can further impact how much you care about what you eat and your choices of food, making it a reinforcing loop.


Local time
Today 12:03 PM
Dec 4, 2010
Re: Make it mandatory

yeah, let's just make it "mandatory" to behave perfectly. that's a stupid idea, which i guess is your intention so congrats.


Local time
Today 6:03 AM
Apr 11, 2014
Re: Make it mandatory

And there's comfort eating. Which mechanics I don't have entirely mapped out, but it's there. There's also certain illnesses that make weight difficult to control, but those are more limited.

Just want to add to that, that eating stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It's a quick temporary fix to stress.


Stress being more harmful to health, and perhaps debatably more serious of an epidemic than chubbiness. I keep reading loneliness in itself trumps obesity in it's health effects.

All which is commonly self-medicated with alternatives such as alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs, and over-eating.

I agree being obese can be unhealthy, and in some cases can be unattractive. Also, exercise and good food is as great as a stress-reliever and anti-depressant than anything else. Yet the obese-shaming trend gets more and more self-aggrandizing and patronizing as the days come. I find it inconsistent when people gloat their apathy of other human beings, except for the certain exclusion with regards to being fat.

Sometimes, it has nothing to do with sweets or fast-food hamburgers. I think it's that some parts of peoples physiology is not suited or well-adapted to the quickly-changing lifestyle demanded of modern times.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:03 AM
Aug 14, 2010
Re: Make it mandatory

Just so you guys know, you have to do what's mandataury. If you don't, a mandataur will come and chop you in half with it's axe. Especially when it's a mandataury check of a polynomial equation. Those mandataurs are beast!


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:03 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Re: Make it mandatory

Just a thought: Why do we care that others are overweight?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:03 AM
Aug 14, 2010
Re: Make it mandatory

Just a thought: Why do we care that others are overweight?

Because being overweight is unattractive and unhealthy, duh. It's none of our business, but that doesn't mean we don't care. Should we care? I dunno. We should care enough to keep our kids healthy, and encourage other family members when they go on diets, or something, but that, I think, should be about it.


Local time
Today 11:03 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Re: Make it mandatory

Peoples physical health is often a reflection on their mental health.

Fat ass lazy people are sometimes fat ass mentally lazy peeps in my book.
Obviously there are exceptions.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 3:03 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Re: Make it mandatory

Just a thought: Why do we care that others are overweight?

It is hard to enjoy sexual fantasies of everyone on the street when they don't fit my socially trained perspective of what is attractive. It is very selfhish of them to not entertain me with proper visage.


Local time
Today 5:03 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Re: Make it mandatory

Just a thought: Why do we care that others are overweight?

Because they increase the cost of healthcare, and are basically wasting resources both food and medical plus the human / industrial means of their production.

Just consider how agriculture requires large land areas (which leads to deforestation and erosion) and consumes huge amounts of water (which is an increasingly scarce resource)... specially if it is used to grow crops to feed cattle (who also produce massive amounts of methane). Then you have to process that food, package it, transport it, refrigerate it...

That a single individual eats twice, thrice or even four times more than they need to is massively wasteful.

@Sinny91 - so is that a fat chance or a slim chance that you'll make a joke?

@Kuu - you have the makings of a city planner right there. One of the worst issues in poor, obesity-ridden and health issues-ridden communities is that there are only cheap fast food chains and not grocery stores in the vicinity.

Yeah, destructive patterns are embedded in the built environment that cripple communities' development and perpetuate poverty and unhealthy/unsustainable practices. The runaway growth of 20th century suburbia is perhaps the hardest to reverse of all the mistakes of our time.

I've dabbled in city planning, and while the theory of it is extremely enjoyable, in the real world it is even more soul crushing than architecture is. The political-bureaucratic hoops to get anything done are staggering. Let alone anything worthwhile. I've yet to meet an urbanist that is not the walking embodiment of despair. Maybe they're hiding in Scandinavia.


Together forever
Local time
Today 12:03 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Re: Make it mandatory

I've yet to meet an urbanist that is not the walking embodiment of despair. Maybe they're hiding in Scandinavia.

Getting building permits is notoriously hard in Sweden with long waiting times, lots of bureaucratic hoops, really restrictive regulations and a lot of political pressure one way or another from various interest groups. It's a hot political issue here atm due to the lack of housing. Some projects in Stockholm have been reworked and delayed countless times because of this.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:03 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Re: Make it mandatory

I'm thinking reducing population rather than have the population stop eating so much might be a better approach to overconsumption of resources.

FWIW, some people have body systems that are screwed up and pile up the weight no matter what. I'm glad I'm not one of them, it's hard enough keeping weight off without hormones, enzymes and everything else conspiring to turn the smell of chocolate into fat.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 3:03 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Re: Make it mandatory

Because they increase the cost of healthcare, and are basically wasting resources both food and medical plus the human / industrial means of their production.

Just consider how agriculture requires large land areas (which leads to deforestation and erosion) and consumes huge amounts of water (which is an increasingly scarce resource)... specially if it is used to grow crops to feed cattle (who also produce massive amounts of methane). Then you have to process that food, package it, transport it, refrigerate it...

That a single individual eats twice, thrice or even four times more than they need to is massively wasteful.

It doesn't take many hamburgers to gain weight if all you do is sit around watching tv all day. Vegetarians have to eat near 2 or three times the same amount of food and still don't gain a lot of weight. In other words it is a false assumption that high weight equals high food consumption. It is much more about what you eat. If you want to make beef illegal why target fat people instead of just making beef illegal?
Local time
Today 11:03 AM
Jan 7, 2012
Meh. People starve because of politics, not technology, production's over-rated, and people are increasingly being charged more for insurance coverage based on their BMI, depending on their employer in the U.S. at least. Let the fatties fat so evolution can work its magic.

Livestock serve as calorie/protein reservoirs and actually increase resource utilization in a stable system.

One of the biggest improvements we could make (in addition to simple integration) would actually be proper utilization of human waste. You can't pull nutrients out of thin air, but you damn sure can cycle them faster.
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