Re: Disect this
There aren't errors in standards of specifity in communication, only what works to convey what one intends to convey, and what does not work.
The failure is actually there, if it wasn't we wouldn't have ISIS or Rod Parsley.
This thread is evidence to the contrary. Your shortcuts have not accelerated discourse on anything related to the original topic.
People are resistant to change. Its the resistance we are seeing here and is data in favor of my understanding.
One of the two only responses that was indicative of that was a parody of the lack of specificity in your attempts to communicate.
I want to address this but I'm not sure of what your intended reference is.
The context was communication, I was talking about standards of being specific about what you are talking about. Standards that are used because it is pragmatic to use them.
Again, people are resistant to change and being pragmatic is only useful until you pass the point of diminishing gains. Then you can start subtracting value right off the top of any return on your investment. This is poor economics but is perpetuated by peoples resistance to change, very related to ohms law.
Lift the fog about what? And why is the only way to do "that" "evolutionary conversation" (this can mean many things)?
The "fog" of understanding. It has to be evolutionary because there are levels of understanding and its too much to transfer in one shot. Like yoda says, you must unlearn what you have learned, it cant be forced. Only when you understand will you understand.
You make short work of people who bully you? How?
Its very obvious to me. Maybe it will be obvious to you as well someday. People who understand it, understand it even if they cant quantify it. Its one of the short comings of standard specefities. Its a failure not seen in my model.
Will people always have to ask you several questions about what you meant by something because you are highly vague in your language?
It is really incalculable to think of it so generally but the short answer is yes. That's the only answer anyone could be obligated to give and remain honest. Vagueness is relative to the perceiver not the transmitter. The transmitter can not know what data receiver already knows or even receives. Thermodynamics dictates this. The transmitter cant really even know what they are transmitting according to the uncertainty principle, but I find that to be splitting hairs most times. I find that if you have gotten to that point you know the velocity and location pretty fucking good.
Yes, its unavoidable due to the anarchic mechanism.
Ideal has nothing to with reality. Reality is just like it is because if it wasn't it wouldn't be reality.
Is this evolutionary conversation?
Kind of, lol.
Evolving through speaking back and forth until the fog of vagueness being lifted from what exactly you are trying to convey?
The back and fourth part is the most important aspect. Think of the data transfers as exchanges of energy. General relativity tells us E=MC2. The very act of us exchanging the energy changes us forever. We have no control over what data we receive or even how we will perceive the data we receive so we have no way to control the changes these transfers of energy invoke in us. The egg comes before the chicken because the egg is the combination of the two previous entities and thus becomes an new entity.
Why should others bother to be a part of that?
Why should others bother to spend energy and time being a crutch for your lack of wanting to or lack of being able to explain yourself to a degree where it is relatively easy to be sure about what you are talking about?
Its fun and challenging for one but if its understood by enough people, it could end fundamental radicalism, dependence on fossil fuels and world hunger just to name a few of things.
How did you conclude that your lack of communication skills result from poor extroverted feeling?
I think poor extroverted feeling is better described as a general apathy for their surrounding or in other word narcissistic tendencies. That's my personal interpretation.