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Search results

  1. Invisible Boundaries - the discussion

    Fusion, this thread was not derailed, it was merely split. I'm moving that post into the appropriate thread.
  2. FacetiousPersona Banning

    (Cheese, why do you never use quote tags?)
  3. Greetings from INTJ

    Wallet, I was 14 (almost 15) when I joined. That text under my username does not seem to say Banned... :D
  4. INTPforum Slogan

    I like that one. Maybe we should put up some variation on that. Eventually. :p
  5. MBTI Analysis of Community

    What the...?
  6. The Dark

    Full or almost full moon = awesome.
  7. are you a thrill seeker?

    You mean perplex, not perplexes. If you're going to do that, at least get the grammar right. :p And the choice of the word "vex" seems a little off in that context.
  8. snapvine box!

    I will post a recording here. EVENTUALLY! :p (The P stands for Procrastinating.)
  9. The Random Thoughts Thread

    We also have newscaster. :p
  10. Help, I'm dying

    Poe wrote on both.
  11. Naberus's Gender

    I second that.
  12. FacetiousPersona Banning

    No, that was just the automatic spam filter. Cheese's post had a link in it and was shaped like some spam we've had earlier, so the spam filter blocked it. I'm letting it through now...
  13. Serenity Now

    Well, I'm glad that's over.
  14. Verbally incapacitated :(

    Yes, and many people seem to think that altering the position is a bad thing! If you don't alter the position, why have a debate in the first place?
  15. INTPs for the Win

    Steady? Oh, yes. Steady. Haha, that's a good one. :p
  16. Female Rationals

    They're running Windows?
  17. HI!!!!

    No. Socionics gets the E types right. It's only the I types that have P/J flipped. But either way, Socionics is not a perfect match for MBTI and trying to convert from one to the other might result in confusion.
  18. INTJforum.com

    And the INTJs win the award for the type most likely to utter the sentence "You have outlived your usefulness." :p
  19. Moo!

    I can swim! And treading water is a lot simpler than backstroke.

    Once cryptonia gets back, then we'll have someone worth discussing the Bible with. Unless FusionKnight wants to volunteer...

    Not necessarily. But quoting the bible like *that*, yeah, that's going to lead to bashing. 'Why do you pretend you do not "know" this?' Oh, please, no. Not that. Not again.
  22. Programs I've been writing

    I asked Fukyo, and she suggested I try it on this image: Here are the results. (I did not use the Gaussian filter this time, by the way.)
  23. Nia!

    http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OlderThanTheyThink And Face, it's not an in-joke.
  24. Nia!

    Yeah, if shi posts I'll ask hir for permission to change hir username. (And Auburn, have you checked out the IRC yet?)
  25. Programs I've been writing

    I found and fixed a major flaw in my program. It works much better now. Also, I'm using a Gaussian filter instead of a median filter for noise reduction now. I've attached the new results.
  26. WOAH...

    That probably wouldn't help much. The bias I was referring to was the tendency to see it going in one direction after logical thinking and another direction after creative thinking. It's more likely that it does that just because we expect it to.
  27. New here

    Threads merged.
  28. The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you related to him, then?
  29. New here

    Thread moved.
  30. Programs I've been writing

    This is a thread for me to talk about some programs I've been writing. To start off, I've been working on edge detection in AI class. I started with this image: http://academics.tjhsst.edu/compsci/ai/vision/italy/italy.png I converted it to grayscale, and then I ran it through a 3x3 median...
  31. All hail ME!

    But it's mostly blue, not green!
  32. Hello, INTJ here.

    But only those who expect the Spanish Inquisition wear brown socks on rainy Wednesdays!
  33. The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fleur! You never answered my question! Are you a Jeremy?
  34. The Game

    LupeJones said he doesn't know about the Game. Well, LupeJones, this is it!
  35. WOAH...

    We've had at least 2 other threads (probably more) on this already. Every single thread about this is full of confirmation bias, and I'm sick of it!
  36. WOAH...

  37. Why do Emo kids deny being Emo?

    Define "emo".
  38. The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jeremy? Is that you?
  39. No idea where to put tech grievances, so here will do! I can't send PMs.

    I don't get that problem, and I think I know why. Try this: That should fix things.
  40. See, to them, you're just a freak... Like me!

    That would likely cause at least some temporary ego inflation. :D
  41. Webcomics

    El Goonish Shive. Read, or the owl will eat you!
  42. What other type irritates you the most?

  43. Who are you People?

    HALLO! Nice to have you back, Cognisant.
  44. What evokes feeling in you?

    Yes, that can be pretty awesome.
  45. Social Phobia

    I can handle socializing pretty well. I'm not so good with public speaking, but socializing's fine.
  46. The Awkward Pause

    I'm reasonably good at keeping a conversation going when I want to, provided the other person is willing to talk about stuff I find interesting.
  47. How do you feel emotions?

    We have an inner sanctum.
  48. name changes

    Kowai means scary. Kawaii means cute. Kowaii is not a word.
  49. Political correctness? I dont think so.

    Whaaat? I've never heard that one before. That doesn't even make any sense. I mean, I could understand why it was called brainstorming, but if I had never heard either term before and I was told it was called brainshowering, I wouldn't get it until someone explained that it used to be...
  50. INTJs

    Or have positions unspecified, so you get to make whatever argument you want whenever you want. That's my favorite kind of debate. :p
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