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Search results

  1. MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    Gloating? Why?
  2. MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    I lol'd. :D
  3. INTP vs INTJ

    Yay for this forum! :D
  4. "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    When we've got people like NoID10ts and Melkor to compare you to? Nope. :p
  5. Webcomics

    Yay! It worked!
  6. Flee for the hills fools!

    Ah, yes. The one where he stole your butterfly. I think we can leave that one for now.
  7. "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    It's a satire.
  8. "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    Or pretends to. Or is only semi-serious.
  9. "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    He was basically saying ENTPs are awesome, and everyone else sucks to varying degrees. Jokingly, of course. Typical ENTP. :p
  10. The Game

    Boris is the name of a guy who goes to my school. He's sort of tall, wears a trenchcoat, and has gotten people to associate him with the game.
  11. Team INTP versus Team X the MBTI Olympics

    Probably nobody who's been lurking for more than a minute.
  12. Yet another 'am I really an INTP' thread

    I like your new signature.
  13. Flee for the hills fools!

    Three? Where's the other one?
  14. In praise of the feelers. Let them come!

    Oh, really? I hadn't noticed. :rolleyes: :D You're sure you don't mean Judgers? :p Some of them are S.
  15. User Titles.

    That's a new one. :p
  16. Silence is Golden

  17. How Types Age

    Well, we have Coberst and Da Blob.
  18. The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

    A lot of what is labeled as "evolutionary psychology" is crud. The theory has merit. The problem is that it's so drastically misunderstood/misapplied.
  19. Silence is Golden

  20. The Game

    There is no required interval.
  21. Violence

  22. How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    I don't think we should have a "type" field. Lor's argument against a "gender" slot applies to this even more.
  23. I have arrived

    It's pretty much a standard MMORPG, but it's a 2D sidescroller.
  24. Flee for the hills fools!

  25. How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    Oh, that was just Melkor. Nobody pays attention to him anyway. And for good reason, as you can see here: http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1799
  26. INTP vs INTJ

    That ^ brilliant.
  27. The Game

    Yup, northern Virginia.
  28. I have arrived

  29. INFP relying on thinking judgement?

    Not necessarily! That's the sort of assumption we want to avoid.

    Yes. Read it, all of you. READ IT!
  31. the INTPians' invisible audience?

    :eek: The Yozuki is returned! Expecting I did not that.
  32. In praise of the feelers. Let them come!

    Agh! I have attempted to correct someone and found out that it was I who was wrong! That does not happen often. Hmm. May have something to do with this sleep deprivation. :p
  33. In praise of the feelers. Let them come!

    The key word there is "some". Snail is an F.
  34. The Game

    No, I just go to TJHSST.
  35. The Game

    No, he actually isn't. Some of my other friends cause loss at least as much as I do.
  36. User Titles.

  37. The Game

    In other news, the real Boris has been losing some of his game-ness. He says he doesn't want it anymore anyway.

    Are you Barnacle Junior?

    Chimera, why are you always so antagonistic? :p
  40. The Game

    Started what?

    Actually, I'm not sure you're using it incorrectly. Whatever. Here's this article. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Kawaisa

    Ooh, it's a piñata! GREAT..... AETHER!!! Oh, and guys? Are you sure you've been using the word "kawaii" correctly?
  43. Flee for the hills fools!

    *begins charging up*
  44. I have arrived

    Anthile. Your signature. Maplestory?
  45. INTP terrible at algebra

    !!! I was in a Montessori school through 2nd grade, and I hated arithmetic! Now I'm in Calculus and it's one of my favorite subjects!
  46. INFP relying on thinking judgement?

    Everything about that post says "INTP".
  47. I have arrived

    Welcome to the forum. So, how much did you lurk? Discover anything useful?
  48. Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    What do you mean "our language"?
  49. Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    Yay! I had been trying to figure out how to word that.
  50. Lonely

    I was referring to the pangolin killings. And no, I was not talking about Lor.
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