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Search results

  1. How many books do you possess?

    I haven't read that one yet. Hmm. Seems I missed two Watch books (Feet of Clay and Jingo) between Men at Arms and The Fifth Elephant. I'll have to read those sometime. I seem to have gotten the sequence of the Rincewind books right, though. I know. I like video games, too. But some books...
  2. Admins and mods - the commentary.

    I couldn't find any. The style we have was really made for a white background anyway. I'll see what I can do about finding some that work on a dark background while still being as similar as possible to what we have now. I want it to look better, but I don't want to change the emotions...
  3. Admins and mods - the commentary.

    In other news, we now have our first new smiley! :evil:
  4. Admins and mods - the commentary.

    Sorry. It's a mod thing.
  5. You Know Don't You?

    That post was brilliant. I wonder if I should send that to my chemistry teacher. "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" is another fun one. I'll give my answer to that one after some of you have given your answers.
  6. Admins and mods - the commentary.

    I figured out how to add/edit smilies. I'll do that later. But did you notice anything different about the list of banned users? :D
  7. I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    (This is a rather odd conversation...)
  8. Admins and mods

    I just got my admin powers.
  9. How many books do you possess?

    Yes. That's why PMD2 was so potpourri-opening effective. But I cannot allow your dismissal of books to go unchallenged. To do so would be a disgrace to the name of Terry Pratchett. Read the Discworld books. You might want to start with Guards! Guards! or Going Postal, but really there are...
  10. INTP vs INTJ

    That could just be the people on the INTJ forum, rather than INTJs in general. I mean, have you seen INTP Central? I like this place so much better.
  11. Rethinking the M.B.T. Indicator

    So did I, and it also seemed that the answers were weighted. I just assumed he was talking about the official MBTI test. It wouldn't make sense for him to complain otherwise.
  12. INTP vs INTJ

    Or sometimes I pounce on a comment and then hold it down for you until you arrive. :p :D
  13. Rethinking the M.B.T. Indicator

    WAIT! Before you go any further, aren't the answers weighted? Aren't there some questions, for example, which count a lot towards N if you choose one answer but count only a little bit towards S if you choose the other? Decaf, could you clarify this?
  14. Guest Speakers?

    Auburn, what do you mean by that?
  15. farewell Nia

    Yes, exactly. Don't you dare close that door behind you when you leave. :D
  16. INTP boss

    If she is INTP, you probably didn't offend her or hurt her feelings. Most people here, at least, are not easily offended, and put a high priority on understanding. That said, how do you know she's an INTP? Yes, she would feel. She would just think more than she feels.
  17. The Game

    I was typing in the url for gamefaqs, and this thread popped up in the history list.
  18. My Issue (Long)

    "Maybe it wasn't your fault you committed the crime. Maybe it was your destiny. Maybe it's my destiny to punish you for it."
  19. Is this an INTP thing??

    Hey, it works for me when I do that to myself. Especially when I'm trying to explain myself to someone else (because then I have a motivation to continue). :D Fun! --- Also, the thread title is a little vague. Could you clarify it? On second thought, maybe we should keep it the...
  20. My Issue (Long)

    But what if ethics are fated to exist? :p
  21. My Issue (Long)

    I, for one, say that you should not recommend suicide unless you've gone through with it, or heard recommendations from those who have.
  22. farewell Nia

    And Ogion's still away for Christmas.
  23. farewell Nia

    About your "experience of the Holy Spirit": I think something like that happened to me, too. Only not as much. And without the religious parts. The core group of members here hasn't expanded all that much, has it? I mean, yes, we've gotten a lot of new members, but relatively few of...
  24. farewell Nia

    OK, I guess you don't have to stay if you don't want to. :rolleyes: You don't have to go away forever, either. I hope you'll still pop in from time to time, even if you're mostly gone.
  25. Hard time learning at school, help!

    In elementary school, I also had problems with math because of the repetition. My solution: I skipped the redundant parts. It worked well. I was done with Algebra 1 before 6th grade was done and now I'm a high school sophomore taking AP Calculus BC. :D
  26. farewell Nia

    But... All that stuff goes in a separate section! Don't go away yet. :( (Hmm. A lot of the good discussion has been happening in the chat lately.)
  27. Me

    Are you sure about that?
  28. Networks vs. Communities, and the effects of formal schooling.

    I decided this article was worth making a thread about: http://www.spinninglobe.net/lesschool.htm (I think that to many of us (me included), this forum qualifies as a community.)
  29. How do you feel emotions?

    Wait, what? They expected tears of joy? Over new clothes?
  30. The Game

    Decaf does.
  31. I'd Like to Introduce My Self (?)

    Yes, NoI, there certainly are. Anyway, welcome to the forum. Yup, sounds like you fit this forum well. You might want to talk to Decaf about the concept of the intensity of your preferences.
  32. The Game

    Jar breeze! I lost! Fleur, that wasn't very nice. :p
  33. I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    In other news, INTPforum just had a http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming
  34. Chat in IRC

    So, Ogion, what have you found?
  35. Silence is Golden

    NoID10ts, using two guns only works on TV.

    Yeah, that's the solution I've been using.
  37. Do you guys dance?

    :eek: She actually did it! *wonders how Melkor will react*
  38. User Titles.

    Decaf's title is still "Resident Member".
  39. Do you guys dance?

    What, you mean like what happens in thread number 572? :p My answer to the actual question is: Yes, sometimes, and no, not always by myself. I'll have to tell you about TJ's homecoming dances sometime. :D

    I don't log out because then I have to log back in. Yeah, I think anyone who's been inactive for more than 2 hours should not be on the "online" list. I'll see if I can change that after I get home. *is posting this from school during 8th period, which is sort of a free period*
  41. The Game

  42. INTP humor

    Ah, yeah, that did sound sort of mean. Be careful with that sort of thing. Did he think it was a cruddy laptop, or was that just your opinion? I mean, really, don't try to make light of someone else's situation unless you're pretty sure the other guy will agree with you. When you try to make...
  43. What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    Once again, this time in a different thread. (I know, you're new here. It's fine. Welcome to here, by the way.)
  44. Christmas Bleh

    I said "some", so if you can find any tiny little piece that's genuine, that's proof. And doesn't the fact that I was actually willing to believe that the holidays are not all bad count as that tiny little piece? Ha! I has proofed it! :p
  45. Weird mind state(s)

    Only as much as you want to, anyway.
  46. Christmas Bleh

    Yeah. I like it because it means I get about 1.5 weeks off from school.
  47. Christmas Bleh

    Yeah, it's mostly consumerism, but some of the love and happiness is not just pretense.
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