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Search results

  1. No. of Posts per page?

    I think the default should stay at 50. 100 is really overkill as a default. Some people still don't have the resources to make that convenient.
  2. INTP and banality

    Small talk can be horrible when it's with someone you don't know and you feel like you "have to". But once you find people you enjoy talking to, you may even find yourself doing it by choice. :p
  3. I want to be released...

    Lol, enjoying bowling is not a problem. On the subject of the white picket fence and the two kids and the dog and the "American dream": It's not the 1940s-1950s anymore. (By the way, that's when that book was written.) That is not the only acceptable way to live your life anymore, and people...
  4. I want to be released...

    I recently read The Catcher in the Rye for English class. A lot of it was about that question, and about the absurdity of such a narrow, homogeneous definition of success.
  5. Sacred Home of Dragons

    But topaz is pretty! Especially blue topaz. :p
  6. Google changed its search buttons.

    Linux has the best monospace fonts. :D
  7. Absence from the forum

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been busy with school and distracted by other things. In a couple of days or so I plan to see what I can do about coming back here.
  8. Spinning Woman

    Gah, this is at least the third thread about this. And, as I have said every time, the whole right/left brain thing has been mostly discounted. :p
  9. Nothing is free : Why you should not steal computer software or services.

    Hmm. I wonder if I should mention that the guy who made this thread was banned several months ago for putting anyone who disagreed with him on his ignore list, and generally being a nuisance/troll.
  10. Dwelling on problems doesn't help

    I was sorta like that for a little while. I later realized it and got over it, though. :p
  11. Bernard was down for under an hour.

    yeah, I noticed it go down for about 5-7 minutes earlier today.
  12. Tech problems

    Sounds like it might be the same sort of problem I was having for a while with Aldo. Try to ping www.intpforum.com from your home computer. Also try accessing the forum from a different computer using the same router or modem (the same one, not just the same brand) if this is convenient. If...
  13. What I hate about modern science fiction

    This isn't really all science fiction you're complaining about, it's just superhero-type shows. It used to be nuclear radiation that did this. GeneticEngineeringIsTheNewNuke.
  14. I'm not INTJ, I'm INTP.

    Hallos, and welcome to this forum, which I hope you will find enjoyable.
  15. Bernard was down for under an hour.

    Heh, I think it was my ISP having routing problems or something. I couldn't ping the server, and traceroute was consistently hanging on the same step. For a while it was just this site, but then I had the same problem with several other websites, which lasted for about 2-4 days and then got...
  16. Absence from the forum

    Sagewolf is back! Yay!
  17. I'm a bit afraid to be here...

    Middle schoolers probably swear more than just about anyone else.
  18. Bernard was down for under an hour.

    Umm, here's the original link. It's not gone; I can still see it. If you still can't, maybe you should try a proxy? (During the last several weeks when we were on Aldo, I needed a proxy to access the forum.)
  19. Fi <-> Ti

    Hmm. Ermine, what's the difference between "values" and "principles" in this context?
  20. Absence from the forum

    I have returned! I'll catch up on things and post more tomorrow. For now, though, I'm actually about to go to bed. :p
  21. Here it is.

    Here it is.
  22. Absence from the forum

    I'm taking a trip to Belize starting tomorrow (Friday). I think I'll be gone for about 10 days.
  23. Spoiler tags?

    I'm wondering if we should have spoiler tags (the kind that results in the show/hide buttons and such) like some other forums do.
  24. Who am I?

    Hallos, and welcome to here. Hope you like this place.
  25. Lurker Unlurked

    Hallos! It's nice to be greeting people again. :D
  26. FreeWill

    What do you mean? :p
  27. CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    I've seen some people on other forums say they prefer smilies to be denoted in such a way that could not be typed accidentally, and don't like it when boards replace text smilies with images. For example, :D should be displayed as a colon followed by a capital D, and the image :D should be...
  28. Cats: Master Manipulators

    My cat always stays in the basement. We don't lock him down there or anything; he just doesn't want to come upstairs. We mostly feed him dry food, using a food dispenser that only needs to be refilled about weekly, so he doesn't bother us for food in the morning or anything like that. When he...
  29. Happy Birthday Harry Potter!!!

    Have you seen the sixth movie, though? They had to squeeze the entire sixth book into 2.5 hours. That is a huge task, and they actually did a really good job of it.
  30. CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    Oh, by the way, I was not talking about using the old smilies again. I dunno, the set that the old :evil: came from might be worth looking into. Or something else. I dunno, I'll look at some things. I have to go do something else right now, though.
  31. Back from the Grave

    Lightspeed's back! Hi, Lightspeed! :D :p
  32. CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    I don't really like the new smilies that much, but now that we know PNG smilies work, that opens up a bunch of possibilities. I'll look into the format for uploading them. I'd like to be able to replace smilies myself so I don't have to get Ragnar to do it. I will post other smilies here for...
  33. More Ragnar!

    For that post, Crimson_Knight gets the My Sentiments Exactly award. I don't actually have a trophy/medal/sticker for you or anything like that, so here's this post. :p
  34. More Ragnar!

    I dunno, that looks more like blasphemy than heresy to me.
  35. Who disabled registration?

    Well, the forum's updated. Let's give it a while and see if the problems go away.
  36. More Ragnar!

    I don't see how Ragnar's status as owner could have any of the effects he's worrying about any more than the status of a mod or admin would. If he doesn't want to participate in the forum, that's fine and there's nothing we can do about it, but I don't really see any reason why he shouldn't.
  37. Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    OK, yeah, this is bad. Unless someone else is using that Youtube account, Ragnar was on the internet yesterday, so we should be able to contact him. I hope we can. EDIT: I just sent him a message on Youtube.
  38. Forum Change up

    I'd love to mess around with the stylesheets and such, as soon as we get some other technical problems fixed. I'm waiting for a response from Ragnar.
  39. I don't know what to call this, just come look.

    This is why my showers take too long.
  40. name changes

  41. Gender neutral pronoun in English

    What other kinds are there? :p As long as you know everyone in your audience understands you, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. That's why I can be totally comfortable using words like "phlebotinum", depending on the context.
  42. THe Voice in My Head

    As for the compulsion to correct, that happens to me too. Not to that extent, though. And I don't get it nearly as much as I used to. But it's frequently a fun disease. :p http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WikiWalk I do that.
  43. Forum Change up

    Yeah, the dark theme is just the default. You can pick another one. :p
  44. Noob Question - Signatures

    Alternately I'm good at squishing PNGs. :p I usually optipng -fix -i0 -o7 -zm5-9 filename.png advdef -z4 filename.png advpng -z4 filename.png in that order, varying it some on a per-case basis. (You'll have to install OptiPNG and AdvanceCOMP, which you can find in some Linux...
  45. xkcd - "Overstimulated"

    Today's xkcd wins. http://xkcd.com/602/
  46. The Game

  47. The "Come Back!" Club

    Good idea. I'm temporarily moving this thread to "Suggestions" until we can find a better place for it.
  48. Do you use the word probably, or its variations, a lot?

    Qualifiers? Yup. I use qualifiers a lot.
  49. Im in ur head messin wit ur mind

    I hope they're not serious in that second article about "adding to cultural diversity" by inducing neuroticism being a good thing.
  50. Ban List?

    That is not alaltucy ture. Smoe pnmaiottreus are mroe libglee than ohrets.
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