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Search results

  1. EditorOne

    job recomendations

    "if you enjoy what's getting you money, i don't think your enjoyment module is properly calibrated." That doesn't necessarily follow, does it? Getting money and enjoying whatever it is that brings in the money are not mutually exclusive. I enjoyed journalism for a long time and it did bring...
  2. EditorOne

    Why amount to anything at all?

    I think one of the things somebody needs to say to you is that hitting people is utterly unacceptable unless you are defending yourself or someone else. That your parents would tolerate being slapped baffles me. It's your frustration coming out, sure, but it's not a logical or helpful thing to...
  3. EditorOne

    Is this INTP attracted to me?

    I think he's comfortable with you and the homework is an excuse to start interacting. It might be his perception that homework is a socially acceptable way to talk to someone who already has a boyfriend. However, that's all a bit un-INTPish: He has a goal of interaction and he actually acts on...
  4. EditorOne

    can memories unfurl

    ^ That, the sails. I got a mental image of a sail unfurling and filling with wind, empowerment, movement, changing position, progress. If that fits your intent overall, good image. "Uncurling" also works. I hope that doesn't give you a worse case of hesitation.:)
  5. EditorOne

    Some of my work

  6. EditorOne

    job recomendations

    I'm not sure what they're paying hermits these days. "reason tells me that one shouldn't look for fun and excitement in a job. " Reason tells me the first wrong assumption is thinking in terms of "a job," ie, you do "work" someone else pays you to do. That's inherently, basically...
  7. EditorOne

    Dream Logic

    My dreams seem to have no logic, except for one thing. I can't dream what can't be experienced, at least beyond the point where it's even imaginable. So I haven't had any dreams of weightlessness, for instance, because I can't project what that would entail. Ditto dying: Occasionally I...
  8. EditorOne

    INTP's and Explaining

    Also. On a potentially related note, I have this habit of...offhandedly observing people. I don't realize how much I've noticed, about a person for example, until I suddenly have a conclusion/theory that seems very accurate drawn. Which doesn't strike me as very Ti + Ne. Which I also thought was...
  9. EditorOne

    How do you define "Truth"?

    That was good. Often when I see people talking past each other it's because they're not listening. Not so much different paradigms, contexts, or realities, just too much mouth and not enough ears.
  10. EditorOne

    Supervisor professor

    There's no reason why a self-aware INTP could not be a supervisor or professor. It is a matter of knowing your strengths, tendencies and weak spots, and being willing to use the strength, find ways to shore up the weak spots, and use the tendencies - eg, if you need time alone to get through the...
  11. EditorOne

    I'm sorry!

    ddspada, Remember the part where INTPs overanalyze? Yeah. Just simplify your life. Call her again and say "How are you doing?" Any negative response gets just one reaction from you: "How can I help you with that?" Stop brooding, stop thinking, pick up the phone.
  12. EditorOne

    What do think is your greatest flaw?

    "Showing that you can point out areas of improvement and take the steps to improve, really wows them." 1. Never trust human resources staff. Trust me, some of them worked FOR me. 2. I prefer, outside this forum anyway, to nurture the illusion of near perfection. It may only be window...
  13. EditorOne

    What do think is your greatest flaw?

    And oh shit, Reality is Optional, I didn't mean it was a fatuous question in here - look at all the serious responses - I just meant that in the context of applying for job it was stupid and annoying because of the insincere, duplicitous and self-serving answers it would generate. In here...
  14. EditorOne

    What do think is your greatest flaw?

    I found this exact question once on a pre-interview interview questionnare from a human services department at a company I'd been interested in. For some reason it annoyed me, so I told them my greatest flaw is my inability to hold my tongue at fatuous questions. Never heard back from them...
  15. EditorOne

    Failure of will or doing what you want?

    I have found that if I take whatever the ultimate goal is and slice it down into smaller and smaller component parts, I can hold it together long enough to tackle it on a "by the slice" basis. An enormity of concept can be daunting, just like someone expecting to sit down and eat five pizzas...
  16. EditorOne

    Deciding where to go

    I'd pick places based on my interests and try them out, one by one. That, plus curiosity. Additionally I've considered the advantages offered by converting a small working boat, like a trawler or pilot boat, into a home: When a location palls, you crank up the diesel and move. Doesn't...
  17. EditorOne

    What's Good?

    I found a dollar in the clothes dryer. My 'good' threshold is set pretty low, yeah.
  18. EditorOne

    Need help in becoming a better writer

    Forgot: Dumas link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Dumas
  19. EditorOne

    Need help in becoming a better writer

    When you study writing enough, almost everything begins to look like a plot device, a contrived foil, or whatever. Learning the art of writing, especially fiction, can interfere with the enjoyment of reading. However: Don't think you're not good enough to write well. Remain aware INTP...
  20. EditorOne

    Gentlemen - How is your libido?

    "... it seems like my friends around me want to go out, find a girl and get laid. I'm more interested in the depth of a girl and would probably get more satisfaction out of an evening lost in conversation (if she is interesting) than a night 'in bed'. Analyzing myself, I think that I find the...
  21. EditorOne

    Question Mark Usage

    Besides, why do we have to prove you're "wrong?" You wanted to know what we thought. Now you know. If you want "throw weight" behind the conclusion that leaving out the question mark is merely confusing and distracting, rather than poignantly weighted with extra meaning, OK. I edited...
  22. EditorOne

    Question Mark Usage

    When you become e.e.cummings, you can make some of your own rules. Ditto if you are engaged in an obvious literary venue. Outside of that and a few other exceptions, you'll simply fail to communicate fully.
  23. EditorOne

    Question Mark Usage

    I'm with Fukyu. Point of inquiry: In a written communication, how do you communicate to the target that you don't really expect an answer because you left the question mark off the words? The phrasing within the question makes its use for effect apparent. If you're going to establish your...
  24. EditorOne

    Ebola outbreak

    The danger may turn out to be an irrational reaction to ebola by policy setters because it furthers some sort of political agenda, like anti-immigration. So far it hasn't happened, but I no longer underestimate the power of ignorance, especially in the United States. If you want to stampede...
  25. EditorOne

    I just finished my book!

  26. EditorOne

    Oh the Joy of being an INTP...

    High school is particularly bad for a lot of reasons, including hormones, social pressure and a system designed, apparently, by rabid ESTJ personalities. Just remember to turn that inside out: Others are also being affected by their hormones and those social pressures and their demeanor...
  27. EditorOne

    INTP Anger

    "During confrontations, I feel like my adrenaline kicks up higher than the other person and I feel very uneasy" That uneasiness is a side effect of the adrenaline, right? Especially if you have no way to disperse it through physical activity.
  28. EditorOne

    INTP Anger

    When I was younger and got enraged, it could get out of control, especially if there had been some alcohol. I'd release it by punching things, especially windows, but I don't do that any more. Some form of betrayal of my trust was and is the biggest trigger. I think it is probably...
  29. EditorOne

    An INTP Musician

    Emotional vulnerability is a kind of pain. Dealing with any kind of pain is learning not to avoid it, but how not to mind it. I'm reminded of the scene in Lawrence of Arabia where Peter O'toole pinches out lit matches with his fingers. Colleagues watching assume it is some kind of barroom...
  30. EditorOne

    Coming off as offensive

    That was good. :)
  31. EditorOne

    Sensor Sabbatical

    Attitude rather than location or something else? "I can't control other people's annoying attributes. I can only control my own reaction to them." Although I admit that often boils down to "There's just no explanation for asshattedness, so I'm going to ignore it."
  32. EditorOne

    Behaviour and success

    "I doubt you'll find a janitor job like that anymore which would have put pressure for him to either work more (3 jobs?) or pay money to learn a trade or degree which could have helped but maybe not. A friend of mine worked a job while going to school. She was a single mom raising her kids and...
  33. EditorOne

    No REAL friends in High School

    ^ this
  34. EditorOne

    hello INTPs

    I have enjoyed this thread. However that may simply be due to the Vicodin they gave me after surgery to fix the pinched nerve in my elbow. That is supposed to relieve the numbness in my fingers, which is supposed to allow me to type deftly again. I think that part's working. However, I'm...
  35. EditorOne

    hello all

    Yes, you found the right place.
  36. EditorOne

    Can you strengthen functions simply by attending activities that utilize them?

    Yup. In my case I prefer every INTP function there is over the alterative, but have what I call "deployed" the opposite at times for a particular purpose. I prefer to be agreeble and give the impression of agreeing with someone even when I'm merely indicating, in my mind, that "I hear what you...
  37. EditorOne

    "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    He obtained money and power immorally and used some of it to do moral things. Those moral things also kept him in power where he could get more immoral money. Don't look at me for a judgmental analysis of this! I am INTP to the bone, and merely find this an unusual and very interesting...
  38. EditorOne

    Can you strengthen functions simply by attending activities that utilize them?

    And a reminder that all your functions are at some level preferences, not inescapable compulsions.....
  39. EditorOne

    Can you strengthen functions simply by attending activities that utilize them?

    Nope. Performing music and delivering a comedy routine will strengthen those functions. You can learn something by observing, but participating is better if you want to deploy those functions.
  40. EditorOne

    "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    Oh, he did it for political power. Everything he donated meant votes. Votes kept him in power and able orchestrate more graft, from which he made more donations. But in the end, was that a good thing or a bad thing? (We know his graft was blatantly illegal, but that's not the interesting...
  41. EditorOne

    Can you strengthen functions simply by attending activities that utilize them?

    Yes, but you must participate. It is a lot like exercise. You can join the football team, but if you don't do the conditioning work and participate in the drills, you never improve your football skills. Learning the active, visible elements of the various functions and practicing them does...
  42. EditorOne

    "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    Nucky Johnson, the political and rackets boss of Atlantic City, NJ, in the 1920's, got a cut of every illegal profit made in the resort, from public contracts to a $6 'surcharge' on illegal whisky brought ashore through town to money from prostitution and gambling. He took a big wad of that...
  43. EditorOne

    Yet another IQ thread

    Nobody yet has mentioned the seizure meds. Someone close to me took them because the doctors were afraid she'd have a seizure. Her IQ dropped probably 20 points, she couldn't find the right words to express herself, her ability to focus pretty much lasted about two minutes. She calls it "the...
  44. EditorOne


    This forum is kind of therapeutic. We at least get to "normalize" our experiences by reaffirming the epiphany that other people have the same outlooks, paradigms, limits and challenges, plus there is something to the proposition that a burden shared is lighter. Please let us know it turns out...
  45. EditorOne


    Welcome aboard. You're lucky to have had doctors smart enough to connect all the dots and get you squared away. You're in the right place, as you'll see.
  46. EditorOne

    How many words per minute can you type?

    It's fun trying to see if your fingers can keep up with your thoughts. More proof we are not like other personality types. :)
  47. EditorOne

    How many words per minute can you type?

    64, with two numb fingers. Operation on my elbow in two weeks to relieve nerve pinch. it's very, very annoying. Old age is not for the weak. Triumph of the nerd, 1963: Took typing in a high school business class, got an F the first marking period, won the trophy for fastest typist in the...
  48. EditorOne

    Time travel back to a war...

    Hm. Well, I'd like to have been present at a great many historic events, and I'd have a great many questions to ask people ("General Lee? Sir? It's 12:45 p.m. July 3. You sure about this?"). But I wouldn't particularly want to change any of it.
  49. EditorOne

    Hello, nice to meet all of you

    Welcome aboard. We promise no solutions, but there are interesting discussions. What's the sloth thing all about? Are you promoting it or fighting it? :) (I'm allowed three emoticons a month. It's Sept. 1 here, so there goes one.)
  50. EditorOne

    Hello there

    Finding it easy to master the norm kind of goes with the INTP personality. You should, perhaps, have realized by now that excelling at the standards set by and for muggles isn't that hard. Exceptional people need exceptional goals and achievements and challenges, which you will probably have...
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