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  1. EditorOne

    one more thing i'm overthinking.

    "Here's another motivation - life is more enjoyable when you identify and immerse yourself in topics or activities that you find interesting." True enough. Unfortunately a lot of INTP (can that be a plural noun, like "bison?") have an axiom that goes with it, which is "Once you have achieved...
  2. EditorOne

    Ambiguous meanings.

    I'd have goofed up the Spanish teacher's assignment, also: I would have assumed she wanted to know if her message was understood, ie., she spent her summer vacation hunting gophers or whatever. There's a thing called 'active listening' that might help, at least in conversation. Hear what is...
  3. EditorOne

    No quarter

    OK, so it occurred to me how interesting it would be to have a new doorbell chime. I'm thinking one that plays 32 bars of Le Deguello. How would I make that happen? I mean, big speakers to blast the visitor with sound, yeah, but I'm a little sketchy on the mechanics and electronics of getting...
  4. EditorOne

    That makes the commute a real bugger. :-)

    That makes the commute a real bugger. :-)
  5. EditorOne

    one more thing i'm overthinking.

    Yes, felt the same. Didn't get the "bad choices" thing, though, I got the "under achiever" label.
  6. EditorOne

    Where are you, eg? what state? We may have offices there and you may want to look into this...

    Where are you, eg? what state? We may have offices there and you may want to look into this. We get paid on commission, a percentage of the settlement, so you can take whatever time is needed. We're trying to maximize the settlement for the homeowner/business owner by making sure all issues...
  7. EditorOne

    Uhm... hello

    Nothing to prove here, remember. We're all tarred by the same INTP brush to some degree. Welcome aboard. Breakfast is at 7, lifeboat drill at 8.
  8. EditorOne

    Careerswitch towards Craftsmanship?

    A lot of pipefitting seems to be unionized. Just noting. Do I understand you were an adjuster working for insurance companies? There's the other side of that coin. I'm in a good spot, licensed public adjuster, working as an independent contractor for a company that only requires me to find...
  9. EditorOne

    "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    It's a pleasant platitude. Some 'master of the obvious' stuff: Clearly you have to get it before you can give it to others, so it is always about how much you have.
  10. EditorOne

    INTP Drug and Alcohol Tolerance

    An INTP on alcohol should be an outgoing, friendly, emotional mess who projects secret fears into the crowded party room and stands out only because he may occasionally be gobsmacked by the collision of feelings and thoughts pounding his head from two directions. I always found it easier to...
  11. EditorOne

    10 Ten Issues

    1. Enthusiastic ignorance 2. Intolerance 3. Indifference 4. Religion (pretty much a blend of 1 and 2) 5. Abuse of power Enthusiastic ignorance believes we can keep on producing people without exhausting the world's ability to support them all. Intolerance, especially of the "acted...
  12. EditorOne


    This isn't my turf. If someone were to come into my office and talk loudly while moving stuff around, I'd make them leave. Yeah, except it is predominantly INTP in this "office," so our first reaction would be "is this going to be interesting?" and, if it isn't, our second reaction will be...
  13. EditorOne

    Imaginary people,i don't see them

    I'm pretty sure you don't mostly hallucinate on LSD, you instead see more of the reality that's out there. It always seemed to me it removed the filters that keep us from being overwhelmed with sensory input: The brighter colors got through, etc. But that might just be me overanalyzing. :)
  14. EditorOne

    Do you assume good or bad in people?

    This is a real minefield for us. I'm looking at all the comments and it's clear we're hampered by clear thinking: Several commenters observed that their assumptions about motive are suspect because they realized people often act against their own best interests. I see that a lot in politics...
  15. EditorOne

    Is a GED worth it?

    You could pursue two options simultaneously. You could take the GED as quickly as possible. You'll pass. Just keep it to yourself for a bit. Keeping in mind the ultimate goal here is self development: You could also attend either school, perhaps the college prep route. If it turns out to be...
  16. EditorOne

    Imaginary people,i don't see them

    Last night I saw upon the stairs A little man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish He'd go away.
  17. EditorOne

    What do you do?

    I am a public adjuster: I help homeowners get adequately compensated by property insurance companies, which sometime in the past 15 years enthusiastically embraced the paradigm that paying out less gives shareholders more. I am also retired. I'm a public adjuster because it was something new to...
  18. EditorOne

    Please help. Obsessed with attaining academic prestige.

    From the distant perspective of post-career existence: One of the usually unarticulated values of an Ivy League school is contacts. Most people, and of most people INTPs especially, have no concept of the value and role of a network of acquaintances who either know you, know of you, or know...
  19. EditorOne

    Just another INTP newcomer and a few issues

    Money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly make unhappiness more comfortable. Welcome. Realize a certain amount of uncertainty and indecision goes with the INTP territory. Even after you pick something and master it and perhaps generate an income or wage with it: We frequently get...
  20. EditorOne

    I need intp advice: Version 2.0

    Get professional counseling. Some degree of procrastination goes with being INTP, but if you just can't shake it together to do anything, get help. It happens. May I suggest you explore the topic of consummate boredom? "I didn't do it because I was bored" sound like an inadequate, prima...
  21. EditorOne


    What Cavallier said. Additionally, credit unions seem to be more aware of account irregularities than even a couple of years ago. We recently broke our pattern of spending with a large (OK, four figures, for me that's large) purchase from a vendor we hadn't used before. The credit union called...
  22. EditorOne

    Hazing in Fraternities: Toxic Masculinity in Brotherhoods

    http://abcnews.go.com/US/charges-imminent-hazing-death-baruch-college-student-attorney/story?id=24448036 Another one, a couple of miles away from me. I never wanted to belong to anything bad enough to put up with the indignity of hazing. When I was in college in the 1960s, it was not unlike...
  23. EditorOne

    Crippling self doubt?

    Relax a little. What's giving you stress is the pressure you're putting on yourself. Intelligence is a little like the fastest draw in the West: There's always someone a little faster. Unlike gunslinging, not being the smartest isn't lethal. A little logic puts things in perspective. In...
  24. EditorOne

    Describe your first kiss

    Is that a good thing or bad thing?
  25. EditorOne

    Describe your first kiss

    Terrifyingly, I can remember this, even though it was 1965. And I can remember being terrified. I can tell you it took me seven months of going to movies with this girl before I worked up the nerve, she pretty much melted in my arms when we finally kissed, and two weeks later I got a note in...
  26. EditorOne

    A Dire Situation

    Nobody mentioned building a fire to keep this guy warm? Nobody mentioned the obvious threat to the rescuer. OK: Who needs a medical base nearby for this story? Get him out of his wet clothing, build a roaring bonfire, stuff any of about six kinds of moss in the cuts and wrap them with leaves...
  27. EditorOne

    How to choose a career

    "I love what I do, but less so enjoy doing it for a company." I get that. I quote a former colleague who did not share my enjoyment of being a newspaper reporter (going to interesting events and simply having to write about them afterward): "Anything they pay me to do is WORK." :)
  28. EditorOne

    Have you ever interacted with a truly evil person?

    I've met people who were despicably ambitious, back-stabbing, lying corporate ladder climbers; I had an acquaintance, in the neighborhood, who committed murder and robbery twice while stupefyingly drunk. I'd put the first group in the "evil" category and the killer in the "unfortunate" category...
  29. EditorOne

    How to choose a career

    Well, the don't-be-a-scientist essay is just the bad news. The really bad news is that there is an excellent chance you may never know what you want to do. The good news is you have the personality to adapt and to learn quickly, so you won't starve to death. Grasshopper mode: If you make a...
  30. EditorOne

    The Self Defence Survey

    No one has mentioned it per se, but IB gets it: Demeanor is a weapon all by itself. It doesn't help with a blitz attack by a drug-addled desperado, but projecting confidence despite circumstances and surroundings can change "inclined to attack and rob" to "disinclined to attack and rob."...
  31. EditorOne

    Dress Code

    There is an apocryphal story that during WWII, when the U.S. sent massive amounts of supplies and war equipment to the Soviet Union, the USSR requested 1.5 million condoms and specified that they be 18 inches long. The U.S. complied, marking the boxes 'medium.' Similar marketing ploys would...
  32. EditorOne

    Dress Code

    I think it's time for codpieces to become fashionable again.
  33. EditorOne

    History teacher gave me a 60 for participation

    "I said earlier i take notes whenever we have the opportunity to and i sit in the front so in my opinion there's enough evidence I'm paying attention" That's not the point of the exercise. The point of "participation" is "contribute something to the group." One possible solution is to...
  34. EditorOne

    How do you feel about children?

    I get along fine with little kids and dogs. Presumably I project harmlessness. Occasionally there's a brat. Then I wonder how far I can drop kick a brat.
  35. EditorOne

    Grammar lessons

    I've spent most of my life scanning grammar, spelling, syntax, verbosity, all that good stuff, so I'll pass. These days, if I can understand what you're saying, I'm happy, and if I can't, I'll go read something else. So far as I can tell, posters in here are head-and-shoulders above the norm in...
  36. EditorOne

    INTP Types and Marketing

    The key is in the description of what you want to do: marketing research ANALYSIS. That's a big INTP favorite.
  37. EditorOne

    Do you get treated like an idiot?

    Show the work: Sometimes we are misunderstood because we don't connect the dots that lead to our conclusion. And sometimes we do that because we haven't even articulated the dots in our own heads. It's one aspect or facet of the "intuitive" part of our nature, the step-by-step takes place...
  38. EditorOne

    Can't keep a job

    Perhaps the next step is, as already discussed, abandoning the job paradigm and starting your own business. That brings its own problems. It's really a question of which set of problems you'd rather deal with. I think a lot of us have problems with authority, especially authority ineptly...
  39. EditorOne

    Can't keep a job

    Just to get you out of your rut: Tell me why you couldn't go to work for the government for a year in one of the inspection services that are supposed to be keeping the wildcatters toeing the mark? Tell me why you couldn't go to Toronto for a year and work for Mike Holmes and get some creds as...
  40. EditorOne

    New to the forum.....

    It is not always harmonious in here. It is, though, pretty much always comprehensible to an INTP. Welcome aboard. Start bailing.
  41. EditorOne

    How much different would your life be if you never discovered your MBTI type.

    I did live a big chunk of my life without self awareness or MBTI awareness and it wasn't much fun. I could have made better choices when younger had I been aware of the strengths and weaknesses of my personality type; I could have dealt better with all the folks who tried to "fix" me, too. No...
  42. EditorOne

    Well fuck me sideways in all 11 dimensions...

    Of all the personalities types, INTP is least likely to succeed at MLM, network marketing and direct sales, don't you think? The only one I know who has succeeded is Eric Worre, a situational extravert. He did at least analyze MLM down to the microscopic level and develop a plan even an INTP...
  43. EditorOne

    Well fuck me sideways in all 11 dimensions...

    1. What's the product? 2. How long has this particular MLM been around? The old type MLM requires a hefty buy-in, and people make money bringing in recruits. If the recruits subsequently didn't make money, the recruiter at least got a chunk of the buy-in. They tend to be few and far between...
  44. EditorOne

    Emotional Response To Emotions Of Others

    I used to get feelings of contempt, disdain and revulsion from things from watching cheerleaders cheer, from actors projecting happy faces, from saccharine thoughts spoken out loud. Now, not so much. Not that I'd let those feelings show, but it used to be tough dealing with what I'd call "angry...
  45. EditorOne

    So tired of school

    I'm not sure if we're talking about high school or college here, but if it's high school: Take the GED test, get that diploma, and then make your plans. That's a United States education system thing, so if it's some other country ignore what I said. As a living, breathing, just-over-broke...
  46. EditorOne

    My mum is dieing, i'd like some advices from other INTPs

    I found an article quoting a former co-worker on the value of music for some folks in your Mom's situation. http://musicandmemory.org/2014/04/29/when-end-of-life-nears-music-renews-joy/
  47. EditorOne

    My mum is dieing, i'd like some advices from other INTPs

    Also, watch your own reactions because other people's personalities will really try your soul; it's a function of the emotions you're riding. You might very well not wail or shout, but you'll find yourself extremely impatient with the shadow side of everyone else's personality, which tends to...
  48. EditorOne

    My mum is dieing, i'd like some advices from other INTPs

    Most places there's social service functions available, private or public; hospice isn't just final physical care, it can extend to counseling for grieving family members and counseling can start before death. I think the overlooked element in all this is what your Mom wants to do in terms...
  49. EditorOne

    Why Must Stories Have Conflict?

    "Conflict is a pretty broad concept." That. It can include "change" and doesn't have to involve other people, just to add one more little thing. Conflict is ubiquitous to human nature, therefore it is a natural, common focus of interest, a magnet for our attention. Managing conflict of...
  50. EditorOne

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    I hate widespread, random noise because I can't pick out the parts I'm intended to hear. I hate specific repetitive sounds because they force my attention when I'd rather be doing something else. In both cases they induce a kind of random attention disorder on me, as a vehicle to escape the two...
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