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Search results

  1. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    Au naturel is fine when you're 19. I need a bit more help and a rainy day in London didn't bring out the best in me. I might put the picture up a bit later and you'll see:phear:
  2. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    thanks Cryptonia:D Its great to have had a mentor, someone who really influenced you and helped you to grow. I am quite jealous of that. My spiritual director is sweet but he hasn't asked a single question about me since we began. I'm going to give him up. I 've had more spiritual direction...
  3. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    me, first thing in the morning with no make up:eek:
  4. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    The programme I used was an American organisation I found on the internet. It's called SAGEprogram and specialises in educational tours to India. It cost $3000 for 3 1/2 weeks. But they also give scholarships so the richer kids subsidise the poorer. But there are loads of charities that do this...
  5. eudemonia

    Non American Films

    I love those Aussie comedies - Murial's wedding was great; Strictly Ballroom was brilliant. And Baz Luhrman, I love him. I have watched Moulin Rouge a million times and I still cry every time. But then, I love La Traviata too. There was a great Aussie film about two kids stranded in a desert...
  6. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    OMG huevos rancheros and corn, not flour, tortillas...whereabouts does your wife come from? have you experienced this? I know you said you did in Palestine but that's a bit different. I love meeting people who are travelling and I don't get the impression that we would all jump on any random...
  7. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    Wow, all credit to your mother. I did think of homeschooling my daughter because she didn't fit the system at all. But the amount of time involved and the pure dedication needed made me decide against it. It would have taken over my whole life. I'm curious as to how you feel it affected you...
  8. eudemonia

    pretty sure I'm an ENTP

    I have got to say something here Cognisant - even though this will probably give you all sorts of prejudices about me:(. My daughter is an ENTP as was my father. One word sums them both up - rebel. My daughter started to rebel at 13 - my dad ran away from home at 15. My daughter had tried...
  9. eudemonia

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    I would just like to share something my 15 year old daughter said to me today. "Mum" she said, "since you've been on this forum, you've been much jollier and younger". So I asked my 13 year old son if he had noticed a difference. "Yeah, too right" he said. "You seem much younger and you make...
  10. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    So how did you grow as a human being Shai gar from your experience of travelling on your scooter today?:D Anyway, that's one support for my theory - you're from Australia and are widely travelled and intending to travel more. I fancy the African road trip myself - I've always fancied a trip...
  11. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    Thanks for your comments Decaf. As to counselling - well it depends on what type of counselling. INTPs can make great coaches because they can help people make sense of things and they are not afraid to challenge. They also tend to identify and use cognitive behavioural therapy very well...
  12. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    In Europe we have the impression that Americans don't get out much. By that I mean they don't get out of their own country much, that they are inward-looking and not that familiar with the world outside their borders. On the other hand, Aussies and Kiwis are voracious travellers. Europeans...
  13. eudemonia

    INTP Characteristics

    You know I had imagined you looking just like that - quite thoughtful and intellectual with very sensitive eyes....
  14. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    OK so I'm going to have a go. I won't use the same format as Fusion as I think the format reflects you as much as what you say. My name is Karen. This is pretty boring. But my brothers were named after great people: Karl, after Karl Marx and Keir after Keir Hardie. I was named after my...
  15. eudemonia

    A proper introduction

    Thank you for that Fusion Knight. It is really satisfying to gain a sense of who I am talking to (for a large part of my day!). I get the impression of someone who is at one with themselves - who radiates calmness - which is surprising in someone so young (I have assumed you're mid 20's). I...
  16. eudemonia

    weird shit makes me cry.

    I love Nic Askew. What he does so subtly is to combine F and T exquisitely and perfectly so there is no more to be said.
  17. eudemonia

    weird shit makes me cry.

    Loved the film, Fusion Knight. So bleak.... This is a moving film made by Nic Askew, of soulbiographies.com. The link takes you to his website - just find the film of Carlos Enrique Araujo - http://www.soulbiographies.com/category/behind-the-film-blog/films-now-screening/
  18. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    Precisely, nice video. But most of our companies are light years away from that. How on earth are they going to make that journey? Btw, notice the role played by conversations in that video. Thanks for bringing it.
  19. eudemonia


    I can't believe what I've read so far. I think the UK has a real drinking culture. When I went to university I drank a hell of a lot - actually to keep up with the men half the time. Once, I got so drunk that I tried to cycle home, fell over and lost half my front tooth. But, onwards and...
  20. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    Sorry about double post but I just wanted to say to Grey Matters that I love Stephen Covey's work. He is speaking right into this new debate about meaning. He's saying, essentially, that a leader has to bring his spiritual self to his work. That people expect to see someone who is fully and...
  21. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    I'm interested in adult experiential learning - what helps us to keep our minds continually open to ideas and what helps us to to push ourselves outside our comfort zones when we have a strong urge always to find comfort, security and control. The reason I'm interested in forums is that a lot of...
  22. eudemonia

    How are You today?

    Yay! I'm a crappy Christian too! Nice to meet another one.
  23. eudemonia


    Psychologists have found that babies differ in relation to external stimuli. When a noise is focused on them (e.g. a bell) some babies will reach out towards the noise whilst others will recoil or cry. The hypothesis is that babies who embrace the noise will grow up to be extraverts whilst...
  24. eudemonia

    College blues

    Yep, I agree, I'm afraid. It's about recognising and using power. He's got more of it than you and you won't beat him at his own game. Play the system; apologise to him. As Decaf said, he's insecure and insecure people are extremely difficult to manage. He's got to feel that you either respect...
  25. eudemonia

    How are You today?

    Noooo! Don't do it Aphasia! 99.9 per cent of christian books are crap. They are not written for intps. Most are written for and by infps or i/estjs. Ill recomend some books when I get home - I'm at work atm and writing this on my blackberry. Btw lee strobel the case for faith is a good place to...
  26. eudemonia

    Why did you pick your name?

    I like Greek names. When I was self employed I called my company 'sophrosyne' which means achieving wisdom by balancing reason and emotion. Then I got bored of that and wanted something a bit more spiritual and less logical. So I chose eudemonia (you - d' - mone - ia). It means spirit of...
  27. eudemonia


    I spent the last year feeling depressed cos of lots of things going on. I found it did a number of things - my daughter tended to let out bouts of contemptuousness about how I was living my life; it drove them away from me - they didn't want to know especially because they couldn't do anything...
  28. eudemonia


    LoR, do you tell your kids that life is an existential funk?
  29. eudemonia

    pretty sure I'm an ENTP

    I know tons of ENTP's - they're wild!
  30. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    Thanks for that Decaf. You remind me of a friend. I did my research into learning in a nuclear power company. The person who brought me into the company was a nuclear scientist with an interest in Myers Briggs. We got to know each other very well and became friends. By the end of the research...
  31. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    What a lovely site :). Actually, this is why I am taking up meditation. I think that the combination of meditation and conversation could lead to profound learning.
  32. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    LoR I find your posts fascinating. It leaves me wondering about you - the quirkiness, intelligence, wit and creativity of your mind. How much of this comes out in the real world? It seems so sad that we can only be our true selves on line. All that wasted potential..... I refuse to believe...
  33. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    No it is. I was wondering about this Jules. Is it possible that you could get this anarchistic flavour in a corporate environment? So many corporates are looking to break out of their old ways of thinking but you're suggesting that they would never allow their people to post freely (and...
  34. eudemonia

    Help me with some research into learning

    I'm interested in how conversations lead to learning and am about to address a business breakfast on the subject of contagious conversations -how to change organisations by changing conversations. This is a relatively new topic in organisational development and there is not much research around...
  35. eudemonia

    INTP Characteristics

    What about adding stuff about your childhood - like relationship with parents and relationships with peers, schools etc? Eldest child Female gender Right handed normal footed Parents were happily married until my dad died last year Height: 5ft, 9inchs Weight: 140 lb medium build Eye colour...
  36. eudemonia

    INTP and the others

    For me the worst thing about being INTP is gradually, over the years learning how to fit in. Not that I ever wanted to. When I was younger, I was outrageously rude and challenging. Its just that, over the years, mediocrity - the INTPs nemesis - slowly creeps up on you. I recognise totally...
  37. eudemonia

    Happy times

    From what I understand, Csikszentmihalyi's notion of flow incoporates the zone - ie. being in the zone is part of the experience of flow. It could be said to be an extension of the zone. He describes it like this: we have all experienced times when, instead of being buffeted by anonymous...
  38. eudemonia

    The hole I've dug

    Good luck :D
  39. eudemonia

    Happy times

    what's css?
  40. eudemonia


    Me! I'll post more in the 'corrupt a wish' thread and make lame jokes if you go for it too :D
  41. eudemonia


    I often lurk in the corrupt a wish forum - do I have the confidence to make a post - yes, no, yes, no????
  42. eudemonia

    The hole I've dug

    A lot of people in the forum say this - me too. Sometimes a new idea plops into my head but when I try and express it the words are not there and sometimes not even the concepts. I end up feeling like an idiot. Some people on this forum have beautiful cognitive architectures that they express...
  43. eudemonia

    Happy times

    Done it again! I really can't seem to develop my sense of humour - I'm way too serious. Even something I thought was 'fun' has been redefined as 'deep and meaningful'.:( You're right though:)
  44. eudemonia

    Happy times

    Csikszentmihalyi is a researcher and academic who specialises in the psychology of performance. He studied high performing athletes and noticed that they occasionally acquired an unusual psychological state of mind. After winning a race, athletes often reported reaching a state of effortless...
  45. eudemonia


    I agree Grey Matters, Greenleaf's work is great and is very much come into its time. for what its worth I thought I might add a few questions - I'd be interested in people's replies. You can't have leadership without followership. What is followership? Why do people follow others? Do...
  46. eudemonia

    How are You today?

    Do INTPs have natural habitats where you are more likely to find them? Libraries seem to feature a lot, as do computers. Do the species have distinctive behaviours that separate them from the herd? Quiet, morose, rude, argumentative, deep..... Do you know a morose, rude and argumentative...
  47. eudemonia

    About you?

    respect - I didn't understand a word you said, but that happens to me alot nowadays.:( Are you suggesting we should all have photos?
  48. eudemonia

    Are you on medication?

    I don't want to contradict people's feelings about taking medication as I sympathise and thought I would never allow my child to be medicated. But there is a case which still puzzles me. A friend has a boy the same age as my son. From as early as the age of 2, her son had difficulties. He...
  49. eudemonia

    About you?

    Welcome Freddeh. I hope you enjoy having philosophical discussions with us and also some very silly ones too. I just love your winking eye - awesome! How did you do it?
  50. eudemonia

    How are You today?

    I'm feeling excited....I haven't felt really excited for a long time. I met my new boss/colleague today and found out he's an INTP. So we had this long conversation about books and theories and what we could do together and so on and so on. Then I found out, by looking at his bookshelf that...
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