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Search results

  1. eudemonia

    About you?

    I laughed so much at this. I sympathise. I think its all to do with evolutionary biology. In short women in groups are either extremely nasty (dare I say evil) or extremely silly or in most cases both. This is because women's survival in the tribe depended on them being accepted into the group...
  2. eudemonia

    Forum people - new thread

    This is the first forum I've participated in and I've only been a member since August. It's weird how its affected me and its raised all sorts of questions about why people frequent forums. So why do you visit forums? What do you get out of it? How does it affect your life? What other forums...
  3. eudemonia

    About you?

    I don't want to hi-jack the thread but don't know what to do to answer your question without hi-jacking it! I have asked some scientists from Cambridge and Oxford - Ard Louis, a young physicist and biologist; Katherine Blundell, an astrophysicist, Denis Alexander - a biologist and a couple of...
  4. eudemonia

    About you?

    John is delivering one of our talks! If you're in the UK, south of London, in January, come and hear him. The benefits are, you can continue reading your book on Egypt (sounds way more fun), listen to him vs reading him (way more inspiring) and meet ME (wow, even more fun:D)
  5. eudemonia


    I'm generally not a great poetry lover, though I'm a great fan of Blake. However, I connected with this poem by John Clare at the age of 16 and it has never left me. Clare is a nature poet - again, something I don't particularly relate to - but this poem is something else. I am: yet what I...
  6. eudemonia


    good luck SafetyInNumbers. I think it helps if you have a sense of your own uniqueness. You are wonderful and unique in what you bring into the world but the world will try and crush it. Don't let them!!
  7. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I think the question is, are kids any different from adults? In the Victorian era, kids were sent out to work from as young as six or seven. The idea of childhood was a luxury. In upper class homes, kids were kept out of the way until they were considered adult enough to emerge into society...
  8. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I understand the libertarian argument, but no-one has answered my query about younger kids. You say Fusionknight that: 'if people are stupid and wreck their bodies with drugs, then the law has no philosophical basis on which to interfere' But we're all stupid at different times of our lives...
  9. eudemonia


    I'm sure we could all rustle up a few devils on horseback and some feel low parcels or is it filo? Sorry, I'm trying to work on my humour deficiency:D
  10. eudemonia


    The good thing about rejection is that it filters out time wasters and filters in people who will probably be your friends for the rest of your life. I've got a handful of the latter and they totally accept me for who I am. It's great, I can just relax in their company and say whatever I want...
  11. eudemonia

    Would it be easier?

    I know too many people - from 20 - 50 who are thoroughly disillusioned with meeting people from ordinary dating sites like match.com. I'm not sure that an INTP dating site would be any better but it would be worth a try and I bet you'd end up meeting more interesting people than through other...
  12. eudemonia


    SafetyInNumbers I love that! I just love to shock people. My fave party trick is when people are talking about politics (all assuming everyone is Conservative) to say, well I was brought up a communist because my father was a trade unionist and a Marxist Leninist. I just love watching them all...
  13. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    PS its important to note that thoughts lead to feelings too. INTP's are prone to having negative thoughts which generate negative feelings which generate negative thoughts and the next thing you know you have a fully blown depression. You can't really separate thinking and feeling!!!
  14. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    This is interesting. I love Damasio's book: The Feeling of What Happens. Its complicated and I can't remember it all now but he distinguishes between emotions: 'essentially automatic reactions to a stimulus in the world or in one's mind.' and feelings: 'composite perceptions about things...
  15. eudemonia

    Thought-provoking Youtube videos

    Thanks for these replies. It's very interesting how different teaching in a university will be from 'management/leadership development'. There's a culture in MD that as a facilitator you are there to provide experiences that people reflect upon. Management is largely inhabited by 'doers' and...
  16. eudemonia

    Why do peple not vote/research

    it seems like there's an important link between voting and identity. People are tending to avoid voting because it in some way emphasises their powerlessness, their 'averageness', their conformity, the meaningless of their doing anything, the feeling that no-one listens to them etc. etc. Why go...
  17. eudemonia


    @ I floatTHRUlife - I have friends but they don't invite me to dinner parties:confused: @NoID10ts - hero..hmm? Perhaps if I had done it through courage, but I did it entirely through innocence. I wonder what a virtual INTP dinner party would look like? We could all invite each other then.
  18. eudemonia

    Would it be easier?

    Now there's an idea for the entrepreneurs among us (if ENTPs can do it, so can we - though a bit of J would help) - a dating website just for INTP's or people looking for INTP's. It can all be done from home, only having to communicate with people via the internet. You can make money from it...
  19. eudemonia


    One of my funniest faux pas was at a dinner party. This guy had just divorced his wife and was moaning that he had been told that he had to pay a large amount of money to maintain his wife and kids. As a result, he didn't have any money left over to spend. He was ranting and raving about how...
  20. eudemonia

    Why do peple not vote/research

    I often think about not voting because I do not wish to add legitimacy to a system that I think is more and more centralised and unaccountable. We have a first past the post system and I know that whatever I vote, we will get a Conservative representative regardless - that's the part of the...
  21. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    OK, so you do anger! Firstly, I was not trying to 'help'. That was just how Wisp interpreted my question. I was curious - I always am curious and I always end up asking questions that piss people off, because I am curious about what makes people tick. This can be intrusive....but I'm often...
  22. eudemonia

    Would it be easier?

    I think its really difficult being an INTP. In some respects its more difficult being a female INTP and in other respects not. Being a female INTP means you're forever regarded as weird and non-functional. I have never met another female INTP or any other female interested in discussion...
  23. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    touche, Wisp. I'm in management development and I do do some coaching. It obviously comes through everything I think and say! However, I wasn't trying to 'counsel', I have had a horror of drugs ever since my mum dumped me in front of a TV screen age 8 and forced me to watch programmes about...
  24. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    It sounds like your whole life revolves around weed. I don't know how old you are but are you really 'content' to spend the rest of your life just smoking. It sounds like you are sleepwalking through life. How many different kind of emotions have you experienced over your life time?
  25. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    If you could do any job that you wanted (and still smoke weed) what might that be?
  26. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    This is a host of contradictions. you don't like people but it would be nice to have some intelligent friends which is why you would rather talk to us online (we are people too). So actually what you're saying is that you would like to find some friends but people who are more like you. This is...
  27. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I don't know anything about you (I didn't see you on the 'who are you' thread) but isn't weed part of the problem? It doesn't feel like you really enjoy being passively content by smoking weed - it sounds like you would prefer to be out there enjoying life a bit more. The pain acts as a...
  28. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    we all think that Jordan but is it true?!
  29. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I think that the problem with INTP's is that we're way too rational. AgentIntellect has hit the nail on the head. Drug taking behaviour is not rational. We wake up in the morning with our rational heads on and we analyse our behaviour the night before. Then we make a vow to do this or that but...
  30. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    good point. Taking drugs is primarily an emotionally driven behaviour - our rational mind is often put on hold when we decide to take them. A teenager could be feeling really down and decide on the spur of the moment 'shit, why not take some heroin - my life's worth nothing'. If it were legal...
  31. eudemonia

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I'd like to say something from the perspective of a parent. I feel that peer pressure today is almost impossible to counter. Peers have way more influence over teens than their parents. At the same time, values around sex (its like candy), drugs (why not - it's my right) and behaviour (heavy...
  32. eudemonia

    member from India

    Welcome Sushil, great to have you on board. My daughter has just got back from a month long trip to India on a programme called 'From Gandhi to Globalization'. She was going wild in the UK and I needed something to give her focus and food for thought. She was transformed by the experience...
  33. eudemonia

    Thought-provoking Youtube videos

    How would you have changed your college experience Decaf? How could the lecturers have made it more interesting and worthwhile for you? How would you have taught your course? OUr universities in the UK are impoverished, lacking in status and resources. I thought US universities were of a...
  34. eudemonia

    About you?

    What is your name? Karen Where are you from? Basingstoke, England How old are you? 48 unfortunately - definitely not reconciled to this one What's your gender? Female How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I'm in management development so we use these tools all the...
  35. eudemonia

    Thought-provoking Youtube videos

    When I first came onto this site I was both horrifed and delighted to discover that I was one of the oldest members - thoughts like, does this mean I'm sad, do 16 year olds want to be talking to 48 year olds - eek! However, having overcome my insecurities I thought its actually a great way to...
  36. eudemonia

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    hmmm....I've had many years to think and learn about this one. It was a revelation to me that small talk reassures people and helps them to feel comfortable with you (I am accepted, I am OK, this person likes me, can I trust this person not to hurt me etc). In other words it has a purpose...
  37. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    I loved Moulin Rouge, LOTR, The Matrix (1), Serenity, Salvador and Jean de Florette
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