Friar Pug Rush, I'd like to hear your answer to this question.
Well now, how could someone with an ego as oversized as mine possibly turn down a question directed towards him, about him?
Friar Rush and Pug are aliases in folk mythology to Puck, a faery/demon/goblin/puca/etc., (depending on what story, mythology, and my mood), most commonly known for the part he played in Shakespeare's a Midsommer Night's Dream, my favorite play by Big Willie besides Hamlet, and infinitely more catchy, although I guess "Prince of Denmark," does have a certain ring to it. The Puck was known to be rather overly grateful sometimes, extremely vindictive other times, alternately clumsy and graceful, foolish and wise. This, obviously, covers a lot of bases, but the essence of Puck, in my opinion, is his mercurial nature, which I typically share, and otherwise attempt to emulate.
Anyway, I think the good Friar Rush is more representative of the positive aspects of my personality than a few other screen names I use, and I very much look at screen names as masks of personality, not necessarily deceptive, but definitely selective.
I am pretty rabidly pro-faith (mostly because I don't believe in anything, myself, and I attribute most, if not all, of my unhappiness to that deficiency), and almost as equally anti-religion, because I think people should think for themselves and stop letting Jesus, or anyone else for that matter, do it for them. It is my opinion that if ignorance is a choice, then so is intelligence.
So it's literal, figurative, AND ironic! Yay! Words are fun!
I could probably keep drawing connections, but past this point, I'd just be making things up, assuming, of course, that my subconscious hadn't already thought of them...
Plus, it was either this, or ZippyTheGutterSlug, and since I'm using Captain Howdy as my avatar, I figured something a little more positive, or at least something ambiguous, would be more harmonically chaotic.
Thanks very much for asking, Jesin. There's very little that I can talk about at greater length, with greater aplomb, or with as much pleasure, as myself. It helps that I am, typically, my own best source of information about the topic, very passionate about the subject, and am probably the most beautiful person I've ever met. Most days, anyway. ::Grinn::