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INTP Characteristics

Artifice Orisit

I've noticed throughout the various posts on this site that there seems to be several non-psychological traits that are common amongst INTPs. I've made a list of things which are although not directly related to each other, they all still contributed to the person I am today. Please mention any similarities or relevant "traits" that you have. This is just a little nature/nurture experiment in relation to the INTP classification.

Only child
Premature birth
Male gender
Right handed
Flat footed
Parents divorced (I was roughly six)
Height: 6ft, 2inchs
Weight: 90kg
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: brown
Skin colour: fairly pale
Ancestry: early Australian settlers / British immigrants
Country of birth: Australia
Medical issues
-heart palpitations as a child, stopped about age 7 (unexplained cause)
-tumour removed from stomach as a baby
-no broken bones or fractures, dislocated shoulder as a baby
Mentally unstable relative tried to kill me twice, when I was a baby
(There’s a great story around that)

Those are the distinguishing traits of my life thus far, feel free to comment or discuss any similarities.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Sep 8, 2007
Gratuitous data collecting ;). (Or advertising? :p)

Eldest child
Late birth
Screwed-up miserable childhood
Mid range height
Mid range weight
Greenish eyes
Dark hair
Slightly olive but now paled skin
Caucasian mongrel
...no significant correlation, unless a disturbed childhood counts.

(Write the story of your infanticidal relative some time...)

Artifice Orisit

Gratuitous data collecting ;). (Or advertising? :p)

Ha ha, data collecting was my intended purpose, listing my oddities is probably not the best form of "advertising". Anyway so far the only correlation seems to be being "First born", and there are studies relating psychological traits to order of birth. Genetics can probably be disregarded.

(Write the story of your infanticidal relative some time...)

Well my mother was adopted by a family that already had a daughter, an unintelligent, ugly and chemically imbalanced from birth, daughter. Of course my mum was the opposite, the pretty high school captain type from what I hear. At this point you've really got to feel sorry for my aunt, but then as a final insult, I was born.

Naturally she had a lapses in her medication, because having been medicated for a while she doesn’t feel like she needs it. The first time she met me was one of those times, so she threw me across a room. Evidently I survived.

Another time she attacked the house by throwing wooden supports people tie to young saplings to keep them straight, eventually the police carried her off.
In fact I've been told she "went for me" at various family occasions but after that first incident everyone was prepared. Nowadays she has a family of her own; unfortunately however she met her husband at a mental institution.
(We really need laws to stop people like that from breeding)

So yeah, for now I'm safe, but I can't say the same for the future of Australia.

"Did someone drop you as a baby?"
"No, someone threw me across the room as a baby"-Cognisant :D


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 9:08 AM
Jun 23, 2008
Red = correlation with Cognisant

Only child

Male gender
Right handed
Flat footed
Height: 6ft something
Weight: 56kg
Eye colour: (darkest) brown
Hair colour: brown
Skin colour: fairly pale
Ancestry: Turkish father, Greek mother
Country of birth: Australia
Broke my nose when I was seven or eight


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 9:08 AM
Jun 23, 2008
Hey I can see one hell of a correlation! We're all Australian so far :)

According to our current data... good chance that an INTP is Australian :D

Artifice Orisit

Weight: 56kg

WTF, 56kg, you sure?
Well I guess I have to trust you, after all I could throw you pretty far. :D

I could lose 10kg at most, but 80kg is my absolute minimum weight, I've got a somewhat heavy frame. Damn I feel so insecure now, meh it'll pass.



Local time
Today 4:08 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
I come to skew your statistics :p

Youngest child (older sister and even older brother)
Right handed
Run of the mill arch footed
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: around 80 I suppose.
Eye: dark brown nearly black
Hair: same as eyes
Skin: light brown. Or Type IV
Ancestry: Indigenous mesoamerican + Spanish immigrants
Country of birth: Mexico
Medical conditions: Nothing other than bad eyesight...


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Aug 29, 2008
Lexington, KY
I was actually a late birth, a month late at that.
I am also flat footed
right handed
eldest child
Parents still married
Scottish/Cherokee background
born in the... U.S.A.(DUH DA DA!)
I have officially ruined your Australian party and are therefore victorious
(too bad I wish I was Australian, the U.S.A. is U.S.Gay)
I gots da brown hair, green eyes
terrible allergies
broken my right wrist 3 times now
6'1 and 225 pounds(feel free to convert that in your free time)

So, some things are related, not much.

I primarily wanted to break up your Australian party:cool:

EDIT: I just noticed that someone broke up the Australian party exactly a minute before me.

I am very sad now.


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 9:08 AM
Jun 23, 2008
WTF, 56kg, you sure?
Well I guess I have to trust you, after all I could throw you pretty far. :D

I could lose 10kg at most, but 80kg is my absolute minimum weight, I've got a somewhat heavy frame. Damn I feel so insecure now, meh it'll pass.

Yeah 56kg, I checked on a scale. :) I'm pretty thin... I don't eat much you see. Hmm I'm feeling hungry.

Tekton said:
Eye: dark brown nearly black
That's me alright.

Btw, I have a lazy eye (right eye), and I've had problems with my eyes as long as I remember. I don't wear glasses or contacts though. Not sure why I didn't remember this straight away.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Tomorrow 6:08 AM
Apr 24, 2008
Who wants to know?
I am:

middle child
left handed
arch footed
small (for a guy)
light (for a guy)
dark brown hair (looks black in the shade)
very dark brown eyes
pale brown (it's a really light tan)
Allergic to a random list of stuff.

and I also didn't like my childhood. Any relations yet?


..still alive
Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Sep 29, 2007
Bolehland! also known as Malaysia.
Here my input;-

-right handed
-about 1.6meter
-eye colour : Black
-skin: dark brown
-Black Hair
-I was very mischevious when I'm young,I always break things out of curiosity and can stay at one place at a time,but I never broke any parts of my body until now.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 2:08 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Youngest Child (kind of... my step siblings are all younger and my older brother moved out when I was 13. He was 15... ISTP, go figure)
Right Handed
27 Years Old
Average Arch
5ft 9inches
80kg (After a 4 month weight lifting course I was squatting ORM of 500lbs. I have freakishly large legs... add THAT to your statistics :p. I actually weigh 85kg in the ninja picture)
Brown Hair
Blue Eyes
Fairly Pale
Ancestry: French, Dutch, English, Gypsy (percent in that order... my family was into genealogy. I have no idea of the kind of gypsy my great grandmother was)
Country of Birth: United States

Parents divorced at 8

I have a photic sneeze reflex, mild anomalous trichromacy, seasonal allergies and attached earlobes. Also, I can't drink apple juice or I get a wicked stomach ache.
Last edited:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Only child.
Late birth.
Right handed.
Flat footed.
Parents married when I was 14.
Height: 6'1".
Weight: 75kg.
Eye colour: Blue with yellow circles.
Hair colour: Blond/brown.
Skin colour: Light.
Ancestry: Mostly Scottish and Irish (Celtic).
Country of birth: Scotland.
Medical issues: No serious issues.


Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Sep 16, 2008
New York
Older child of two
Parents have marital problems but still together
Age: 20
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 105 lb. (I'm sorry the US isn't up with the rest of the world. :-()
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Born and grew up in the United States
Medical conditions: Wear contacts, prone to depression, no allergies, never broken a bone


Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Jul 24, 2008
Maine, USA
Oldest male child of divorced parents
Low arches (people ask if i'm flat footed, but i don't think so)
Right handed
Scandinavian ancestry
5'10", 180lbs
Brown hair, hazel eyes
USA American

Also prone to depression
Doesn't respond well to processed foods
Also never broken any bones


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 3:08 PM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
I don't think there's too much of a correlation, but you never know.

Oldest child
normal birth, though I didn't take to breastfeeding immediately
right handed
normal feet
5'7'' inches
both parents married since before I was born, stable family life
dark blond hair
dark blue-green eyes
british/swedish ancestry
Medical issues:
none, except when I was young, I had really bad hearing infections, got tubes in my ears several times, all sorts of ear trouble. The fact that this happened in my toddler/preschool years may be a factor in my being INTP. That stage in life would be when you learn a lot of the unwritten rules of conversation, and I missed out on a lot of that thanks to the hearing problems. Just one theory out of many though.

Slower speech progression like James Black. Nothing specific, but I stumble over my words, and I have to deliberately form each syllable sometimes.

Artifice Orisit

Revelations thus far...
1. I seem to be the tallest, sweet :)
2. And the heaviest, bugger :(
Okay fun's over
1. Eldest born seems to be fairly common
2. Nobody with dark skin yet, that's odd
Otherwise I can't see any consistencies.

James Black

Active Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Sep 7, 2008
Only child for 12 years. (Obviously that makes me Eldest Child now)
Caucasian (1/8th Irish, 1/8th Cherokee, 3/4th Heinz 57)
Dark brown hair
Dark brown eyes (Nearly black)
5'8" ?
135lb ?
Parents still married, but very tense relationship.
Country of birth: USA
Funny foot (Not flat-foot. More... "Overly arched")
Right Handed
Early ear-infection as a child. Caused slower speech progression. Now have a very minor lisp. (>.< I have a tongue piercing, which although did not cause it, nor add to it, is my white little lie of an excuse every now and then when I'm feeling insecure)


Local time
Today 4:08 PM
Aug 8, 2008
Youngest Child of 4 (Father had 2 kids in previous marriage), older sister (26), older sister (32), older brother (33)
Left Handed
Parents have occasional marital problems (my mom is bi-polar and frequently depressed)
Age: 22 (as of today)
Height: 6"2
Weight: 180 lb.
Eyes: Blue green
Hair: Blonde/Brown (going brown)
Ethnicity: Irish/German (White)
Medical conditions: A gang of allergies
Fears: Open water, being tazered


Deleterious Defenistrator
Local time
Today 4:08 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Youngest of 9, 2 true siblings, 3 half siblings from both parents.
Right handed
Medium to high arc
Parents divorced, reengaged 20 years later
age: 21
height: 6'3" (1.93m)
weight: 260lb
Eyes: Blue with green in each eye
hair: dark brown, strait
Anglo-American with miniscule Welsh and Native American

photic sneeze reflex, capable of vibrative eye rotation.

essentially I am Big Decaf.

Artifice Orisit

photic sneeze reflex

What the hell is that?

Is it related to a the "Phonetic" sneeze reflex, e.g. certian sounds make you sneeze.

Wait, no, I've found it. ACHOO syndrome, this honestly can't be right.


still searching
Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Aug 25, 2008
What about adding stuff about your childhood - like relationship with parents and relationships with peers, schools etc?

Eldest child
Female gender
Right handed
normal footed
Parents were happily married until my dad died last year
Height: 5ft, 9inchs
Weight: 140 lb
medium build
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: browny blondy with help
Skin colour: white
Ancestry: London, London, London....relatives everywhere in London
Country of birth: London
Medical issues - none, except for bad eyesight - wear contacts
Childhood - had great relationship with parents; used to debate about anything and everything, the less we knew about something the more we'd argue about it. Went to crappy state school and had nothing in common with anyone. Spent a lot of my time fighting people and being aloof. Thought peers were childish, which they were - being children. Went to Cambridge and, guess what, had nothing in common with anyone. They'd been brought up in a different class, were privileged and stupid (get the theme!); everyone knew each other because they all went to the same private schools. Luckily I met my future husband and we rebelled - went towny vs gowny - and essentially didn't take advantage of any of the opportunities Cambridge afforded us. Who's stupid??


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 11:08 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Ah. a little party of exhibitionisms. Are we opening up, fellow introverts?:p
Well, ok, i go along wth a few stats.

older/first child (5 years olden than my little brother)
normal birth
wth? (i didn't even know about foot archs before.) Suppose it isn't flatfooted but not very high arched
age 21
height: 192 cm (what does that make in the US? 6 feet 4 inches? Ah, i just saw Devercia is actually quite as tall as i am.)
weight: 130 kg Well, that does sound like more than it actually is. I mean, i am not slender, i have my share of emergency rations ;) But most of my weight does not come from fat. I am built quite heavily, i often get called 'bear'.
Dark brown in hair and eyes. Skin is mediterranean, ancestry, well, some euopean mix. I mean from Spanish, to Gypsy, to Germanic and a little Polish...Who can really tell in Europe (look at it's history) :p
My eyes aren't perfect, but i guess that comes from too many hours in front of the monitor...like now :p
Otherwise i have no known of problems with my health. And i never really had some kind of accident or something. The hardest was in my early years as some fellow student in the first year of school (like with five years) dropped a heavy stone on my fingers and one of my fingernails got off.

Parents are together since i was 2 or so (my father is actually my stepfather, but i see him just as my father) They married a few years ago, mostly out of financial reasons.

So, i suppose this isn't showing us enough similarities to see a pattern.
And anyways, for a good statistic about this we wouldn'T need a few dozen descriptions. We really would need a few thousand or more i think.



Prolific Member
Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I don't mind sharing personal details like these. It's actually letting people know me that I have a problem with.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
May 2, 2008
capable of vibrative eye rotation.

I do that.

@Aurora: It means you can cause your eyes to move left and right really fast, or "vibrate". Video might be hard; you'd need a high refresh rate.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 2:08 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Doesn't 'photic' mean something to do with light/photons?

Yep. Due to a misfiring in the brain the nerve impulses that yell at your eyes to dilate sometimes cross over and tell you to sneeze. 33% think everyone has it, 66% don't believe it exists.

I suppose its like restless leg syndrome (which I also have and forgot to mention)

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Jul 28, 2008
Middle child (one older brother one younger sister)
Right Handed
flat feet
Parents together. although a strange mix (dad is INTJ mom is ISFJ) they seem to work out ok.
23 years old
6 foot 2
200 lb. (down from almost 300 pounds about four years ago)
Blue/brown eyes
Sand colored hair. i keep it as short as possible and i usually have a scruffy beard (because i'm too lazy to shave)
Dutch heritage (my great grand mother came across the pond about two weeks after the titanic went down)
White skinned, which is a minority in my neighborhood.
No medical conditions yet, but if i keep drinking like i di, i'm sure i will eventually.
Born in Grand Rapids Michigan (USA for those not familiar), lived here all my life.

childhood wasn't terrible. we weren't destitute, but we certainly weren't wealthy either. paycheck to paycheck, but my dad is great with money so we always made ends meet. obviously, as an INTP (and one with very high "I") i was quiet in school, pretty much stayed under the radar. went to public school. as i'm sure most of you did, i thought 95% of the people at school were anywhere from not too bright to completely retarded. got along great with my dad, as both of us were prefectly fine with our private space, but my mom was always very nosy, although we never really had any big beefs about anything. as i've mentioned before, i was a christian most of my childhood until about four years ago. and thats about all i feel like mentioning.


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 9:08 AM
Jun 23, 2008
I do that.

@Aurora: It means you can cause your eyes to move left and right really fast, or "vibrate". Video might be hard; you'd need a high refresh rate.

Hey I can do that! I've never met anyone else capable of doing that, so I thought I was unique. I guess not :(

I like to freak people out like that, especially in staring contests.


..still alive
Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Sep 29, 2007
Bolehland! also known as Malaysia.
Revelations thus far...
1. I seem to be the tallest, sweet :)
2. And the heaviest, bugger :(
Okay fun's over
1. Eldest born seems to be fairly common
2. Nobody with dark skin yet, that's odd
Otherwise I can't see any consistencies.

I'm dark skinned in case you didn't notice.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 11:08 AM
Sep 8, 2007
I'm dark skinned in case you didn't notice.

Sorry, Death - your post was stuck in the spam catcher waiting to be approved, so probably Cognisant wouldn't have seen it when he posted that.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Aug 29, 2008
Lexington, KY
except when I was young, I had really bad hearing infections, got tubes in my ears several times, all sorts of ear trouble. The fact that this happened in my toddler/preschool years may be a factor in my being INTP. That stage in life would be when you learn a lot of the unwritten rules of conversation, and I missed out on a lot of that thanks to the hearing problems. Just one theory out of many though.

Slower speech progression like James Black. Nothing specific, but I stumble over my words, and I have to deliberately form each syllable sometimes.

I didn't think to mention it earlier but I had that same problem at that age. Luckily,I don't have any problems with my speech.


Local time
Today 10:08 PM
Sep 18, 2008
Middle child
Left handed
Arch foot
Fat, but nowhere near obese
Brown hair
Brown eyes
I have a pretty good tan, not dark, not pale
Allergic to cats, dust mites, grass in the air but never really had a bad reaction to any of these (occasional eye watering and sneezing)


Local time
Today 4:08 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Yep. Due to a misfiring in the brain the nerve impulses that yell at your eyes to dilate sometimes cross over and tell you to sneeze. 33% think everyone has it, 66% don't believe it exists.

I suppose its like restless leg syndrome (which I also have and forgot to mention)

Got any references on that? I have a friend that NEVER fails to sneeze when he goes out to the sun. He claims its this, but I've never been sure wether its real or not...


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
May 2, 2008
Hey I can do that! I've never met anyone else capable of doing that, so I thought I was unique. I guess not :(

I like to freak people out like that, especially in staring contests.

Yes, so do I. That's so fun! :phear:

(Eh, we should get an "evil grin" smiley. That's what I was trying to get across, but :phear: was the closest we had.)

grey matters

The Old Grey Silly One
Local time
Today 4:08 PM
Sep 7, 2008
where it is warm
I am

last child (3rd of 3)
right handed
flat footed
5ft 4 inches and shrinking
blonde hair (mostly)
grey eyes
very allergic to lots of stuff
screwed up childhood
weight: I struggle to keep it in the heathy range
From a family (the blood related ones) of NTP types
Country: United States but I dated an Ausie once
Herritage: general run of the mill American mutt

Artifice Orisit

I'm dark skinned in case you didn't notice.

Sorry, but it seems we now have two coloured INTPs. I'm not picking this out because I see a "difference" between people with different melanin levels; it just happens to be a very visually prevalent trait.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Jul 28, 2008
Don't know if this will link well but i found my old ass web cam and put a picture of me on my profile!

edit- wow, i took a second look at my picture and that is some horrible quality. does that hat look like hair to anyone else?
Last edited:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:08 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:08 PM
May 2, 2008
wow, i took a second look at my picture and that is some horrible quality. does that hat look like hair to anyone else?

At first I thought it was a hat. Then I thought, well, it could also be hair. But it's probably a hat.

But yes, that is horrible quality.


Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Jul 24, 2008
Maine, USA
I suppose its like restless leg syndrome (which I also have and forgot to mention)

you know, i always suspected that was a syndrome invented to sell branded pharmaceuticals.

when my legs feel restless (and they do frequently) i beat the hell out of them one way or another and they quiet right down. works great, and they get stronger too!


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 2:08 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Its not debilitating, but it can drive you crazy on a long car trip. If it hits when you're trying to go to sleep, you get up, shake em around or jog around the block. It doesn't always work, but moving them a lot helps. If I'm with my partner she massages them and that mostly works. When I'm in the car I go frickin' insane. I feel like I want to chop my legs off and throw them out the window. I can squirm for a good 20 minutes before it starts going away. My dad had it too, but fortunately his didn't progress like some cases do.

Fact of the matter is, it exists, but I don't think I'll ever take medication for it. Medication is for when you're injured beyond your bodies ability to take care of itself. This is just like a facial tick that I have to deal with. The medication I might take is not worth the effort, expense or side effects, so in a sense, the popularization of RLS is the pharmaceutical industry grabbing for cash (except in the severe cases where muscle exertion has no affect on the sensation and can last for hours).

Halfway to 1000!


Local time
Today 5:08 PM
Sep 29, 2008
-Youngest Child - I have one sister
-17 Years old
-Cambodian living in Canada
-Approximately 5'9". - Kind of above average for an Asian guy
-57 Kg, or 125 lbs. - Kind of Skinny, yes
-Black Hair (Or very very very dark brown)
-Very dark brown eyes
-Married parents
-I was beaten, and my parents often had serious disputes. Corruption and confusion
-I used to have heavily serious asthma. - Dissipated with sports
-Not Flat-Footed
-Allergic to cat hairs. - This is strange. I am never allergic to cats the moment I see and interact with one. Only the 2nd time I do. Per example, I'm back from work, and go BACK to my cousin's house. That same day, the reaction starts, but only the 2nd time I enter the house. If I sleep at his house, the allergy will disappear the second day.
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