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Search results

  1. eudemonia

    MBTI - Improved Type Indicator?

    Well i Just did the first test and came out as an INFP: Fi Ti Ne Fe - all of these quite similar in strength Ni Si Te Se - very low on these I make sense of this as follows: in a certain phase in my life Ihad to learn to develop my F function. Having done that, it is very much a part of me now...
  2. eudemonia


    Yay, go for it EB. And the Jungian interpretation of pencil-sharpening administrators is...
  3. eudemonia


    Pah, why let powerful vested interests and centuries of accumulated culture stop you. Education lets most people down in some way; I don't think it has many advocates in its current form. Go for it - provoke some trouble; open some minds.;)
  4. eudemonia


    Well, at least two people seem to have exercised some attraction by articulating their voice :). Kidege and Auburn, what does it feel like to speak from the heart and have others attracted to your words and ideas? When we speak from that place its almost like we cannot help but exercise...
  5. eudemonia

    Because of a lack of witty or clever titles, this thread is called 'Introduction to myself'.

    Awww, Agent Intellect, are you talking about me and Eloquent Bohemian by any chance? I just love EB's long and beautiful posts. Every line contains a deeply- considered point to be reflected upon. Well, maybe mine are more rambling. I'll try harder, but I'm not so keen on the chit chatty...
  6. eudemonia

    Blowing my own trumpet

    Hey we can all celebrate. This means that the intellectual level of this forum is of such quality that we can attract and retain the best brains (and the nicest people) :D Congratulations Decaf - Berkeley don't know how lucky they would be to get you;)
  7. eudemonia


    I'm interested in the extent to which you would be committed to taking action in these areas in real life i.e. to what extent are these dreams or real visions which would motivate you to take action. I love your passion Auburn, which comes clearly through your post. I love the phrase...
  8. eudemonia


    Just wondering on a lazy Sunday afternoon about the power of conversation to bring about change. I was also wondering about the idea of finding your 'voice' - i.e. the unique expression of your deepest values, desires and principles as manifested both in what you naturally pay attention to and...
  9. eudemonia

    INTP depression prone?

    Hi Cam, welcome to the forum. I hope you'll find that participating here will help a little with the depression. I was quite struck by your posting and the subsequent replies. I think I have a depressive personality although I wouldn't say I suffer from depression. However I did find that I...
  10. eudemonia

    Some posts need approval by moderator?

    I noticed that in my profile there is reference to 1 referral.What does that mean? I know I have had more than one posting syphoned off by the spam filter so it can't relate to that :confused:
  11. eudemonia


    LOL that was really funny! My family think I'm mad sitting here giggling to myself :D
  12. eudemonia


    I should ask EB or Lor for their views on this. Personally, I love Ode on a Grecian Urn, The Eve of St Agnes, Lamia, and To Autumn. A good link is: http://www.john-keats.com/. Or loneliness. I identify with parts of this description except that you make it sound as if it is a failing...
  13. eudemonia


    Your post reminded me of an old concept I had forgotten. When my husband and I met he used to refer to me as the Wordsworthian egotistical sublime whilst he was the Keatsian chameleon poet. The following is a quote: The phrase is first used by Keats in a letter to Richard Woodhouse, dated 27...
  14. eudemonia


    I agree with AI, determinism or free will, identity is a construct. How we elaborate this construct will be influenced by culture, language, experience. But the construct is not the essence (like the map is not the territory). So are we talking about the map or the territory? I have always...
  15. eudemonia

    INTP and maturity

    Have you ever wondered if they are as frustrated with the same conversation as you are? Maybe we are all enslaved by convention. Maybe we all long to connect at a deeper level. It's just that we have lost the art. Then after years of trying and somehow missing it, we lose the will. And...
  16. eudemonia

    Schema Theory

    How embarrassing yes! It was late last night andI was rushing. I know a John Kelly!
  17. eudemonia

    Schema Theory

    I love that quote too - its both hilarious and deadly serious. Max says 'go for it':D
  18. eudemonia

    Schema Theory

    I looked into it 5 years ago but in a business/adult learning context. It comes from cognitive psychology and was very popular in the 70's. Another term for schema is mental model and I think this term is perhaps more widely known. People in business got very excited about schema theory and...
  19. eudemonia

    weird shit makes me cry.

    I'd be interested in seeing that Death. What country are yopu from?
  20. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    That was a powerful point, thanks for sharing it with us. One reason that I haven't said much in this thread is because I think I am quite conventional and probably inexperienced in this area. I met my husband when I was only 19 - we have been together for 30 years (this is really scary). So I...
  21. eudemonia

    confidence, courage, risk, identity

    Thanks for starting this thread Lor. I think for me there has to be an energy or vision behind any risk-taking activity that involves a potential threat to my sense of competence. I have to be taking the risk for a reason which is bigger and more inspiring than simply earning money. I am...
  22. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I have been following this thread with interest and its made me think about my own beliefs quite a bit. I think I was a gender constructionist probably until I had my own children. This is a bit homespun based on my own experience so forgive me, but I was amazed by what I learned from having...
  23. eudemonia

    Help us with a forum logo

    hmmm, slightly egotistical using a self portrait, don't you think NoID10ts?
  24. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I am not quite sure if there is an argument here. Are those who are advocating non-gender stereotyping suggesting that those who want to participate in exclusively male or exclusively female sacred spaces/rituals cannot? Or are they simply wary of the possibility that these sacred spaces might...
  25. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    Hi Stercusaccidit - try lasers - a couple of sessions and the hair's gone forever - yippee:D I haven't got time to go into this now, but I loved EloquentBohemian's post. I nominate you to be our official myth-weaver, ritual choreographer and story catcher.... Seriously, that sounds like a...
  26. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    @Severus, how exciting. This could mean the difference between being able to visit Rome, Florence, Venice, Verona, the Lakes, Pisa, Lucca, Pompeii, Vesuvius....I could go on. My fave cities are Rome, Venice and I love Verona for the opera. @Taylored - Honduras. That's unusual. We only...
  27. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    What??? I AM A BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE :mad: The only reason I've managed to get my daughter to watch these movies is that she has been grounded for 2 weeks. I know I am such a fascist - it's really difficult for an INTP parent - we have to get all STJ on our kids, and I hate it...
  28. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    I loved the Darjeeling Limited. That was such a weird, non-American type of film. We watched it just before my daughter went to India, so it brings back happy memories. I just adored the character played by Owen Wilson and the mother was fantastic!
  29. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    Just to say we all watched Fight Club last night. It was an interesting film but it didn't grip me like say the Matrix, which explores some similar themes. In a way, it was too intellectual for me - reminded me of Brechtian alienation where you're not meant to 'lose' yourself in the movie...
  30. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    Tekton I agree with you and that is one of the things that this forum provides. But sacred spaces based on gender are also vital. We have to start to acknowledge the differences between the genders, without stereotyping or promoting simplistic generalisations. These differences can be quite...
  31. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    You have to bear in mind that more women are SJ's and far fewer women are NT's (according to a link someone referred to in this forum from similarminds.com, but I can't now find the page). Many women are programmed to provide stability and order for their young (which works well up to a certain...
  32. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    Severus, you are going to two of the most beautiful countries in Europe. You will have a fab time. Where in Italy is your brother getting married?
  33. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    Fusion, I'd love to read the book - it sounds intriguing. You know the more you describe maleness in that 'wild' way, the more I think we have trapped men in bureaucratic, meaningless jobs that they are not suited for. I am reading something on management vs leadership at the moment. This...
  34. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I agree these male bonding patterns are vital in the formation of male identity. These rites of passage are important. I'm lucky I have a great godfather for my son who takes him out golfing and to football matches. He's also decided he's going to take him gambling when he's old enough. the...
  35. eudemonia

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I must say I feel sorry for guys. I think that many of you are exploited and have no sacred places to share your experiences and thoughts. Men die earlier than women in general and looking around at my contemporaries I can see some reasons why. OK so women don't get as much acccess to power...
  36. eudemonia

    "You're not as brilliant as you used to be"

    Its me again:D Firstly, success in life is in no way related to intelligence. Its often related to having a vision and dogged determination in terms of reaching it. There are many successful people who never went to university - like Richard Branson and Anita Roddick (who started in a...
  37. eudemonia

    "You're not as brilliant as you used to be"

    are you a virtual hypnotist on the sly? I agree with everything you say, reading your words is like eating foie gras and drinking the best claret, but I can't bring myself to admit it, where's that bloody backscratch.
  38. eudemonia

    "You're not as brilliant as you used to be"

    I am definitely not as brilliant as I used to be. God I identify with NoID10ts, for once. :D Another word for becoming a parent is lobotomy. Your life revolves around kids and small talk and other peoples' kids and controlling kids and cooking for kids and....well you get the picture...
  39. eudemonia

    MBTI Type %

    As only 1% of the population INTP women virtually are extinct. I sometimes feel extinct, as if I am some kind of weird thing from another planet that people look at and think, thank God that's not me:D
  40. eudemonia

    My Favorites: Annotated

    I am sure that if I answered this on another day i would make a different set of choices, but as of now these are my answers: Most influential books War and Peace - because I'm sure Tolstoy was an INTP. His male characters in particular are the type of people I would have liked to have...
  41. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    Wow - that's next on my list. I could use this on a leadership programme.
  42. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    PS my last reply was taken off into the ethernet by the so-called spam filter. Be warned - there are eyes everywhere. edit: this should of course read my next reply - wait and wonder!
  43. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    Lets be careful over our analysis. Firstly this is a definition of aristocracy: Power is maintained by a hereditary elite, from a caste, class, family (dynasty or even some individuals). Aristocracies have most often been hereditary plutocracies (see below), with a belief in their own...
  44. eudemonia

    Top five favorite movies

    OK, I was reading this thread and thought Donnie Darko comes up a lot I'll buy it and watch it with my kids - daughter 15, son 13 - husband is away. So this is what happens: the burglar alarm goes off in the middle of the film and we all go down to investigate - lights go off and we all...
  45. eudemonia

    Happy times

    OMG - I so identify with this Fine and Flow. I got a real high when I was writing my book and my thesis. It's a real high when you finally understand all the random bits of information and they finally fall into place.:D Better than anything else I have felt apart from falling in love:o
  46. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    I find this all rather scary and it makes me feel out of touch. I know economists are always saying that America is living off tons of debt but I didn't really think about this deeply. I had the Keynesian model in my head that yes, in certain times you live off debt whilst in more prosperous...
  47. eudemonia

    Happy times

    Are you referring to eudemonia?! What were you doing when you experienced it - if its permissable to ask;) @Flow/floweuphoria - can you share some times of flow that you have experienced. I'm interested in seeing whether there are any similarities in INTPs experience of flow. @Freddeh -...
  48. eudemonia

    Jung + Enneagram Personality Test

    Introverted (I) 66.67% Extroverted (E) 33.33% Intuitive (N) 86.21% Sensing (S) 13.79% Thinking (T) 77.78% Feeling (F) 22.22% Perceiving (P) 78.13% Judging (J) 21.88% Type 1 Perfectionism33% Type 2Helpfulness53% Type 3Image Awareness10% Type 4Sensitivity33% Type 5Detachment83% Type 6Anxiety10%...
  49. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    I don't want to be insensitive here because I don't know your circumstances - I just need to understand a bit more. I can understand the decline in the dollar's value is a stumbling block. But you can buy 'round the world tickets' for less than a £1000 which currently is about $1800. On this...
  50. eudemonia

    Do you travel?

    In my limited experience of the US - 2 months travelling from Vermont to New Mexico - I was shocked to find that even bread had sugar in it. And whilst New York had great restaurants a lot of the towns we visited didn't seem to have much variety in cuisine. It was hard to get away from the fast...
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