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Search results

  1. nanook

    INTPf and Glasses

    i think you may misunderstand the concept of near sightedness but I can't muster up the motivation to discuss a lame subject like that anyhow i am far sighted (3.5) and use my glasses only at the computer. not even while reading a book, unless it's dark or i am very tired.
  2. nanook

    Certain way to check if you are an INTP.

    so you are actually simulatedworld? your charme is about the same ...
  3. nanook


    cool thread. i also enjoy combining pictures on my tumbler. and creating various transitions in a longer series. i just grab about 20 of my latest favorite pictures and puzzle the longest stream that makes any sense.
  4. nanook

    Closest You Ever Came To Death

    I never came close to drowning but i tried holotrophic breathing once and i got really scared, due to sensing how my body and life depends on these lungs that didn't feel healthy under the stress of rapid deep breathing. I just gave up on that technique ... I'm really a coward.
  5. nanook

    Psilocybin and Openness

    Influencing attitudes, such as philosophical appreciation of being alive, is easy, a moderate dose of any entheogen will do the job. The change would show up in a psychological questionnaire, so i wonder how they have tested for openness. But influencing openness as a solid behavior requires a...
  6. nanook

    Closest You Ever Came To Death

    I my worldview, the visionary realm of a psychedelic drug has become my idea of death and my biggest argument against suicide, because i don't want to end up there, i didn't like it at all. It was an utterly cold and impersonal realm, but it had the handwriting of higher intelligence (natural...
  7. nanook

    Achilles heel of this forum

    I might be the Achilles heel of this forum. If i killed myself unplugged myself from the matrix, it would all become about economics and transhumanism, the dreams of reptiles. No, that's honestly not what i came here to say. The forum might thrive without me. Perhaps my ISFP presence is...
  8. nanook

    Certain way to check if you are an INTP.

    the thread about the 16personalities Test
  9. nanook

    Psilocybin and Openness

    "high-dose" though :kali::ahh04:
  10. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    The lobster. A kafkaesk story about dating. I might have made the same mistake: Going for the heartless woman, secretly thinking i have enough of a heart for two. Colin Farell get's much more lucky later ... Rachel Weisz! fun movie. Pawn sacrifice. Intense movie. I don't care about chess and...
  11. nanook

    Inside Out

    Inside Out (2015) - A movie about the various voices in our head. This movie made me cry a couple of times, yikes. sadness is such a drag. I know, you're loosing all respect for me now. Anyhow, here are the rules (suggestions) for this thread. The core team of your inner voices are the...
  12. nanook

    Your Druthers

    Hail Dark Castle. Maybe I prefer Intuition, or at least Introversion over Rationality. I do rarely have the guts to open a new thread. This message board would not be possible, if everyone were like me, so thanks, hail to the heroes who expose their nutty theories to friendly fire ... I...
  13. nanook

    This isn't facefuckbook, this is real life.

  14. nanook

    How to be an asshole?

    I wish i would have at least the social freedom that a telephone pranker has. I watch Ownage Pranks sometimes. I don't even dare to show up in something like chat roulette. I am too afraid of experiencing my own feelings, reactions to how other people react to me, rejection, my superego. I am...
  15. nanook

    How to be an asshole?

    Amusing thoughts that will make you feel like crap, almost unprovoked by you: I intuit that you have that enneagram nine pattern, you are afraid of your own anger, your courage, your kick ass power, you repress it, in repression it turns into an unconstructive fantasy of destructive revenge...
  16. nanook

    My (non-falsifiable) theory about introversion

    sure, introversion means dealing with the subjective factor. that's just another word for sensitivity, or so it seems. but then you have to differentiate that word from the sensitivity of extroverts, because they aren't exactly dull either. and sometimes introverts appear more dull, as they step...
  17. nanook

    favorite art styles

    I try to keep my tumblr moderately pleasing, so the most scary shadows of my mind are reserved for intpforum :D If i had to describe my taste in words: relatively figurative even when highly impressionistic - there is at least a center of attraction. the technique is often rather detailed or...
  18. nanook

    'Aliens, UFO's & Spirituality'

    not sure where this goes but since we've been talking about nighmares :smoker: this is one of my favorites: and just to bring the thread back to the topic: the artist appears to be james kerr
  19. nanook

    Abstaining from masturbation...

    I guess the negative impact of masturbation is relative to age and individual hormonal configuration. For me at least, becoming aware of how draining masturbation is to a certain subtle mental and psychological energy or state coincided with age. I try to avoid it as long as i can get myself to...
  20. nanook

    Great metal bands?

    i don't really care about genres and don't understand them well. i get turned on by stuff that seems unique to me at the time. i like some records from tiamat, dornenreich, burzum. i grew up with sepultura occasionally i like songs from austere, alcest, amesoeurs, dopamine, heretoir...
  21. nanook

    Eating others' leftovers at restaurants

    Restaurant food isn't healthy to begin with. I found half a melon properly wrapped in foil, as they sell it in the mall in front of which i found it. I didn't take it home, being afraid of how old it might be. I have always had high levels of disgust, when it comes to food being offered by...
  22. nanook


    most or all classic philosophers made the mistake of thinking that they can win people for their philosophy by arguing about every corner their mind took in getting there. even those who went beyond reason didn't seem to realize that doing so implies going beyond arguments or didn't realize what...
  23. nanook

    my new IQ scores

    My numbers would probably look similar, I almost lost my driving licence because of "processing speed" and perhaps working memory when connecting numbers or something on a piece of paper. (It's called "idiot test" in germany, the police requires you to do it, when they hate you for being an...
  24. nanook

    Achilles heel of this forum

    I get a little bit angry each time i look at personality caffee which has "sticky" threads* by a person who i always perceived as being loud and violent about how they express their theories, but not as being right and not even original. my perception is that they get power by stealing the ideas...
  25. nanook

    Achilles heel of this forum

    i don't get it, quicktwist. what's surprising about me being overwhelmed by concerns with real life changes? such as how to get a job, how to get respect from coworkers, how to organize a party. i have a postraumatic urge to vomit when i think about looking up a number in the yellow pages.
  26. nanook

    Achilles heel of this forum

    Practical advice? Implementing Ideas? Well, it's not an EJ or ISTP (Se) forum and the few members who can shed insight on how to implement something in real life would probably be overworked, when those who overcome their shame and ask for advice would come again and again, to discuss what...
  27. nanook

    Favourite anime

    battle angel alita and akira. i can't get into anime anymore ... i have recently deleted 50 unwatched anime on my HD. i used to like anime mainly for the artwork or fantastic worlds.... robot carnival. these are two of my favorite "wallpapers" i would like to see a jean giraud moebius...
  28. nanook

    most complex/difficult books you have read

    boomeritis by ken wilber is an illustration of common modern ways of thinking (technically "post modern") and a critique of how they are lacking or are crazy, camouflaged as a humorous novel, a bit satirical. i find a direct abstract analysis of the subject (as in normal books by ken wilber)...
  29. nanook

    Acquired INTP?

    Perhaps you are falling deeper into the egoic state of consciousness, while you try to gain more control over your life or are allowed and even expected by society to do so. You invent more of a story about who you are and relate everything back to this story, which narrows your mental focus and...
  30. nanook


    I just want to take anything back i said while not being on LSD. Even my endorsements of psychedelics. Infinite Paradox. It's horrifying how focus and understanding constitute almost all encompassing ignorance. You think you know one thing, the price for it is everything. In the egoic state...
  31. nanook

    Why are losers and weakelings the best people?

    Yeah, it never stops to boggle my mind, how little self knowledge or philosophical insight nero-typical and therefore socially successful people have and how happy they are to look down at a person who appears to be stuck in their own ass, about which that person may or may not have learned...
  32. nanook

    Intuitive forum

    I want an integral message board, a board for everyone, a board that has abstract categories to differentiate and include all perspectives, so that everyone who can share a perspective can meet in one place, but socializing is possible across the boundaries of specialization. The only problem...
  33. nanook

    Intuitive forum

    Sensors will think that they are intuitive when everything that is attractive is considered to be the domain of Intuition, by Intuitives. Perhaps Ne vs Ni are rather antagonistic and suppressive of each other. I'm thinking 'RUMI, the poet' vs 'Ken Wilber / Dr Manhattan'. There can be...
  34. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    Uncanny - great Sci Fi about A.I, like Ex Machina. Bone Tomahawk - Pretty cool western. Super Bob. - sympathetic, fun. Love - omg, it's like chatting with themanbeyond, only more graphic Victoria - it's like a female version of themanbeyond on coke.
  35. nanook

    Intuitive forum

    The word intuitive attracts people who simply imagine things and consider it to be factual knowledge. You know, going from A to C without having a need to consider B. In other words: "Aliens!" The word interpretative may attract people who are aware of their subjectivity or of the process that...
  36. nanook

    Strive for a better dream?

    dreams are where you learn that egoic attempts to improve life by changing exterior facts are delusions. of course objective quality of life matters to a degree. but the continuous demand for idealistic improvements ruins the experience of being. nobody wants to hear that, so people suppress...
  37. nanook

    Dreams of INTPs

    #somewhat realistic dreams, often not lucid: cruising around endlessly and somewhat pointlessly, by bike, skateboard, public transport, .... driving in a family car, having accidents or getting trapped in car chases ... skiing, riding roller coasters, diving ... stealing or destroying shit by...
  38. nanook

    Analyzing alpha quadra

    What makes alpha alpha? See: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/quadras/Alpha Can't really figure out what quadra is my home :( I may be factionless :storks: I think i may know an Alpha 'group' (a cluster of friends inside of another group, entp + isfj + esfj) and i don't really fit in.
  39. nanook

    Hating people for their ignorance

    speaking of baboons, the documentary 'the look of silence' includes impressive interviews with some specimens. highly recommend. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3521134/reference Hate is obviously just a projection. If your egoic self image is based on mental powers, you fear the possibility of...
  40. nanook

    How the fuck do I get out of existential crisis? I want to start living MY LIFE.

    we hate ourselves as a means to motivate change. it's fear based motivations. it's due to the duality of inner child and inner parent that the same principle expresses itself with different emotions. the parent is angry at your performance and afraid of the outcome, the child is afraid of both...
  41. nanook

    How the fuck do I get out of existential crisis? I want to start living MY LIFE.

    There are different kinds of social and business relationships, due to different stages of psychological development. Those are like different operation systems with different programs running in them, all on the same hardware and at once. On two levels adaptation to particular principles of...
  42. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    re: jenny yes, context is relevant, because the separate self is a complete illusion. i used to feel like this in regards to the society of neurotypical people. i mean i still feel it as a potential. "you did this to me". yes, they co-created my self hate, at the very least they gave it form...
  43. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    if our mind is fully focused on a single goal, such as getting this one girl or even getting any girl, we are lost in ego story telling mode and are removed from the present moment. without this one story about needing a woman, we would resonate with opportunities of the moment through many...
  44. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    downs exist only in fantasy land, in relation to your demands, which are also fantasies. so downs don't actually exist. you have a healthy body and live in a peacefully country. in truth everything about your life, but your fucked up stories of life, is positive. if you are trapped in a broken...
  45. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    no this is not my point at all. in how many words do i have to say that words should attempt to wrap themselves neatly around the empirical nature of things? we can't exist without language. it's an organ of our brain, like the heart is an organ of the body. either we tell bad stories about...
  46. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    a man who just wants to get off is a expression of nature procreating itself. we owe it all to nature. to agree with life, we have to be naturalists, not in a reductionistic sense (reducing life to it's exterior appearance of bodies or atoms), but in the sense of being empirical about phenomenal...
  47. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    "choice" is limited to waking up from or letting go off ideas/stories that don't work for you. something greater will appear in it's place. intelligence is a creative problem solver, but can not be creative, when we hold on to what we already have come to believe in. life doesn't need a...
  48. nanook

    Is suicide ever ethical?

    hating your parents and hating your life is a synonym. it's a choice you make. you don't have to "like" your parents (or interact with them), in order to live your life. but you have to be grateful. it's psychologically and logically impossible to be resentful for the specific life you were...
  49. nanook

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    this whole paragraph about depression and intoxication was only loosely inspired by speculations about you and was mostly a generic hypothetical used to communicate an excuse that i have found valid, in the past, when i didn't feel like voting. i don't suggest that the true reason you don't vote...
  50. nanook

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    what is it with my pushing of my views? it's just because you don't really get "mine", or rather what a developmental perspective is and why your worries about your money/self-interest make you loose connection with what is important for the greater good of civilisation. i usually don't care to...
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