Does anyone actually do this?
I tried for a while before, and then I actually lost sex drive. Boners wouldn't happen. Then once I finally gave in, it was mount saint helens. So I see masturbation as a use it or lose it thing. Not overdoing it. Maybe 20-35 times a week. Ideally. Just to keep the machinery working.
I resist it for religious and moral reasons.
For me masturbation was never a temptation or even a thought until I was almost 24. At that time masturbation led me down a dark road that I never could have imagined myself taking. I feel fortunate that I did not end up looking at pornography, although I did experience prostatitis. For me the ultimate resolution was to admit that I have a sex drive and begin the process of pursuing marriage, something that I had been avoiding for many reasons.
You should not ignore the negative experiences with masturbation that some people have reported in this thread or that others have reported in articles online. The idea that masturbation is completely healthy and completely harmless is simply nonsense. It can be very addictive and can lead to self-injury. Yes, there is a biological need to ejaculate on a fairly regular basis and avoiding this can create problems (we were made to have sex--additionally, wet dreams can help to address this), but this should not cause us to overlook all the negatives associated with masturbation.
Furthermore, masturbation could never replace real sex with your spouse. Sex is more than just animalistic release from sexual tension—although that’s certainly important. Masturbation does not understand this. The sexual encounter tends to have emotional and psychological consequences that reinforce your affection for the other person. Masturbation perverts this design. And masturbation relies so heavily on the imagination while real sex involves all of the senses.
Having a sex drive is not a crime, and failing to address it can lead to serious issues. I have very serious doubts that you will be able to completely abstain from masturbation. My advice to you will be the same as what my pastor said to me: Do your best to fend off masturbation while acknowledging that sex with a real woman who is your wife is the final answer for your sex drive.
There are all sorts of little steps you can take to resist masturbation. For me what I found was that living with others (instead of alone) was probably the most helpful step in resisting it. This is not an option for everyone.
Another very helpful step was to pay careful attention to my eyes. For a young single guy with no sexual outlet that step can be extremely difficult to follow at times, but as men our sex drives are largely visually catalyzed. This obviously means that pornography is well off-limits. And of course I want to be realistic and say that gender norms in this country combined with the heat of Louisiana result in young women dressing in a way that tends to drive the male sex drive crazy, despite how oblivious women tend to be of this.
The bottom line is that we are sexual beings living in a country with values and norms that do not understand human sexuality well. Licentious fashion norms, norms involved in delaying marriage, and even norms of sexual repression have consequences. This desynchronization creates real problems for real people.
Having said all this, good luck. There are plenty of good reasons out there to resist masturbation, although, again, I just don’t think it’s realistic to expect all of us to be able to completely abstain forever. Cue marriage--as well as the steps you will need to take to mature for that.