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Search results

  1. nanook


    I swear, "INTP" are the most intellectually ignorant type, judging by this forum. Such a waste of time and love. plays video games and claims that a pure and broad collection of up to date science is too tabloid level for him ...
  2. nanook


    > Just fall in love and the pounds will roll off. always had the exact opposite effect on me. i'd diet for months, loose a fuck ton of weight until suddenly a girl would show up in my life. then, after chatting for a while, we would meet up in real life and begin to, you know, cook...
  3. nanook


    I suggest you invest a couple of years of your life trying everything that doesn't work until you know for a fact, that those who have inspired you along the way were full of shit. You can probably do it within 5 years or so, if you make diet your #1 special interest. Or, you know, just maybe...
  4. nanook

    Which type would you switch to?

    I don't think that people understand a function at all, if they find it unlikeable. Each has awesome potential, but often we just see them for what they fail to be - something else. Of course Si can't be Ne, duh. But Si can't be reduced to being conservative. In fact all skills in the world are...
  5. nanook

    Which type would you switch to?

    I'd probably like to be James Marshall. He is a pick up/inner game guy on youtube and resembles Viggo Mortensen. I tell myself i look similar, but he doesn't look like an introverted creep, so i guess i don't. You go and type him according to your understanding of typology. But let's face it, if...
  6. nanook

    So, I made a HipHop Mixtape about INTPs

    I listened to Asimov, the only guy i know AND enjoy to relate to. Then i got lost in related tracks ... It's a cool idea. If i could rap, i mean even just come up with lyrics about characters, i might enjoy doing tributes to fictional characters like Django (Franko Nero), Willard (Crispin...
  7. nanook

    The Devil is Within You: the Problem with Conspiracy Theories

    my own research (of my father) suggests that a narcissist who is absolutely obsessed with controlling every aspect of his own life and extending control to anyone he allows into his close circle (puppet player attitude) is most likely to have paranoid psychotic delusions of conspiracies going on...
  8. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    i feel that bond is as stupid as it's always been. it would be cool if it always were more like mission impossible, messing around with more realistic versions of terrorism, but bond has always been about defending blue blood against a ridiculous super villain and spectre was a perfect example...
  9. nanook

    Getting Glasses at age 15

    If i had a bit more money i'd just buy new glasses that are slightly weaker, get used to them, repeat ... it's only 40 bucks online. We don't have to be slaves to the doctor's prescription. You can easily adapt to glasses that are slightly off from the prescription. If they prescribe really...
  10. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    A Perfect Day - "A group of aid workers work to resolve a crisis in an armed conflict zone" - nothing super special, but totaly worthwhile. 7 The Benefactor "A philanthropist meddles in the lives of newly-married couples in an attempt to relive his past." - This Movie wasn't half as lame as the...
  11. nanook

    It's really cold

  12. nanook

    PUA derail from "friend or more?"

    I myself was raised by parents who grew up in the middle of world war 2. Buried in cellars of bombed houses or escaping from hordes of raping killing soldiers. My mother has just barely enough individualistic values to allow for some limited artistic self expression (art isn't consequential) and...
  13. nanook

    PUA derail from "friend or more?"

    what about boob sizes then? Intolerable, do you come from a poor country, where people are primarily concerned with survival, or do you lack any excuse for your views at all? Since parents know, what traits are needed, to survive in a particular society and infrastructure, they are best...
  14. nanook

    My confusion on speaking metaphorically.

    i do use a lot of metaphors but more importantly i recognize that anything, all worldviews are merely metaphor, as concepts are only vaguely related to reality. i agree that having a special jargon (words like transcendence) make many awkward metaphors redundant. common sense language has too...
  15. nanook

    PUA derail from "friend or more?"

    I enjoy your posts on the subject, because it's rare to read comments on gender subjects that are not biased or if so, by accident, not by attitude. I understand that women must have an anxiety based emotional logic (being afraid of evil hunters), this is logically implied by a passive gender...
  16. nanook

    PUA derail from "friend or more?"

    I know where these threads about PUA are going. Misandry. Always. The thing is, men need to learn how to approach women, because women obviously don't approach men and don't respect men, who can't approach women and many men have missed learning about it at an ideal age, like when they were 12...
  17. nanook

    My New Medication

    hate to see this trend. your brain isn't chemically fucked up, you don't need chemical corrections. your problems are isolation, both from action in general and from people. you are hiding and 'spiritually bypassing' by using your abundant imagination to dream up a storyline for your live, that...
  18. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    Diablo. Scott Eastwood looks cool as a 'cowboy' (i identify with his features and he is a good cast for a cowboy who has a sensitive soul, like Franco Nero's Django, not kidding) but this movie is truly horrible, every key idea of the plot is so poorly manifested that it's completely broken. No...
  19. nanook

    What would happen in a house full of sensors?

    I mean respected by his followers. Like thomas from pod'lair is respected by his. Or Charles Manson by his. Or that black chick with the big mouth from the neighborhood. I bet even this massive0r guy gets's respect. It's all about how you treat people. You demand respect, or else you don't get...
  20. nanook

    What would happen in a house full of sensors?

    Everyone thinks i am stupid and crazy for the things i have discovered after being an outsider to society for about 37 years. Raw food, entheogenic spirituality, stages of consciousness, typology. According to everyone, these are all delusions. "Everyone" includes Intuitives. It's possible and...
  21. nanook

    January Goals Thread

    I added some colonics to my fasting routine :ahh04:. A colonic is 4 cups of water up yo ass. Feeling excellent though. Day 13. Love to see my lean face in the mirror again. 1lb weight loss per day. I am more into researching stuff right now, than into introspection. Nevertheless stuff is...
  22. nanook

    Which of the 8 functions is related to physical body awareness?

    in so far the body or in fact all of concrete reality is understood as consisting of qualities, this understanding is generated by sensation. understanding of movements and processes is generated by intuition. introversion and extroversion a probably mainly associative processes, meaning how...
  23. nanook

    Stupidest Thing You Repeatedly Do

    already dropped the truth bomb. fruits and veggies. raw food. mostly fruit and lettuce. if it doesn't taste without spices, etc, don't eat it. we are animals. apes! and when you get sick, fast to speed up recovery. only the body can heal, medication suppresses symptoms required for healing. it's...
  24. nanook

    Stupidest Thing You Repeatedly Do

    social anxiety, avoidant behavior, avoiding experiments that would have a 9 out of 10 failure rate, because i don't want to feel bad 9 times just to feel good 1 time, so basically: - feeling i have managed to overcome all food addictions. some of them were allergic foods. one can be addicted...
  25. nanook

    January Goals Thread

    6th day of fasting, i am doing fine. they say fasting can bring up insights about old conditioning and i already had two of those. being 9 pound lighther is also fun, i can already get into pants that i had grown out of over 2 years ago. (4 pounds of that are waterweight) In germany we party at...
  26. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    my favorite movies, seen in 2015, in retrospect sci-fi: chappy, Interstellar, turbo kid, ..., ex machina, uncanny, western: the dark valley, the revenant, bone tomahawk, ... ,the slow west, history: child44, fury, exodus, crime & pulp: the connection, kingsman weirdo: partisan, lost river...
  27. nanook

    Favorite fruit?

    Anyone who thinks fruit makes them sick must learn about fruit combining (#1 reason for "sickness") and ripeness. Fruit is the only food on the planet that has calories and does not make humans sick at all. You are officially a reptile, if you can't handle them.
  28. nanook

    Favorite fruit?

    I am approaching a fruit based diet and bananas are that one affordable staple food, followed by dried pitted dates and on summer days i would occasionally eat watermelon. Bananas must be ripe, in order to taste sweet. Ripe bananas have many brown spots on the outside. I usually consume...
  29. nanook

    More Than Four MBTI Traits?

    I've thought about this, but to begin with you have to differentiate organic traits (functions aka lines of intelligence), developmental traits (structural stages of lines of intelligence), and surface traits (arbitrary quantifiers like the volume of intelligence for any line or individually...
  30. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Alan Watts reminds me of an unpleasant truth. You can't be happy without having skills. And here i am waiting to loosen up, come out of anxiety, as if that will change everything. But i can't dance, i can't sing, can't really draw anymore, my skateboarding sucks, nobody took enough time to teach...
  31. nanook

    January Goals Thread

    I'm in the mood for physical and spiritual detoxication. That means fasting. Can't formulate a rigid goal with something like that, the body decides ... Other than that i always try to become more awake to possibilities anyways, basically fighting the dragon of unconscious Si routines. Which...
  32. nanook

    What gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"?

    Re: whhat gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"? sleep ;) and lots of bananas.
  33. nanook

    Psilocybin and Openness

    meaningful introspection ... what should i count in as meaningful? only one of my entheogenic experiences was with a type of shroom, so i will only comment on that. the experience was mostly lingering around ego death, extremely weird and difficult to remember, hard to interpret impressionism...
  34. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    I've killed him in 1001 Dreams. This dream felt like a transformative success. :smoker: ps: anyone who interprets physical child abuse into this dream has it wrong. i've already spelt out what this is about. surviving narcissism (comes with choleric anger). you can either fight and die or...
  35. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    seriously you had to put my dream into the split? >well... that was unexpected imagery. i make an effort to entertain you guys (but it's embarrassing to have it at the top of a thread)
  36. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    Re: Abstaining from masturbation... well i shall try to get over my post traumatic stress reaction of feeling socially attacked by how you have even approached me in this thread, poking in my most vulnerable spot (being rejected by the whole world including my parents for not being neurotypical...
  37. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    Re: Abstaining from masturbation... Not going into any rabbit holes with you. Don't act like general patterns of society are about me. A man talks like he is super easy going. She asks: what do you work. He admits he has no income. She is certain and most certainly right, that he is just...
  38. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    Re: Abstaining from masturbation... i took for granted, that whether a man is (un)attractive to women (and thus stuck with porn) depends on many other factors than physical appearance. even height is perceived as more of a symbol of power and influence than as an important aesthetic value. and...
  39. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    Re: Abstaining from masturbation... supporting data? it's not even imaginable that it could be different, given the gender role of women being recipients or rejectors and given that individuals (of any gender) are mostly focused on their own needs, not on understanding and considering the needs...
  40. nanook

    Split from "Abstaining from masturbation"

    oh yeah, those sexual dreams that come with abstinence! all night long. the other night i was in a fight with my father, who looked a bit like a latina woman when i realized that his anger could be tamed, if i were to consider his needs from an empathic point of view, so I fucked him in the...
  41. nanook

    The General Obliviousness of the Post-Millenial Generation

    i was all like "don't you get it, this was just a joke" and then i was like "hm, but what exactly is the joke?" a form of satirical self-irony, hard to explain. anyhow, it's scary to see how few people in the age of enlightenment are dedicated to being world centric. a world-centric person...
  42. nanook

    The General Obliviousness of the Post-Millenial Generation

    what we know has been put there by society. you think you explore reality on your own, but your curiosities and criteria were still programmed by society. (ever tried to find the best source of brotein, bro?) there are still different societies or cultures out there. it's a scary thought, to...
  43. nanook

    INTP and IQ Testing

    mbti defines N as intelligence, so everyone* who is intelligent will absolutely insist on being N, even though it's not true. faking N results in a test is easy for a smart person, even if they don't know mbti, they can surely sniff out that the N answers smells like superpower. as a result, the...
  44. nanook

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    what does it even mean: "wanting" to be a certain way and not another one. having this image and liking it. it IS the ego, that has desires like that. but how is it working? what effect does that image have? or the maintenance of it. how is it generated? it's sort of weird how in 10 years of...
  45. nanook

    Visualisation vs Analysis. What is Analysis anyway?

    In the case you are hoping to find a partner with whom you 'can get shit done'. I'm not experienced with dual teams myself, but i think duals would be able to work together on a goal, that suits both of their general interests. http://www.socionics.com/rel/rel.htm
  46. nanook

    Mr. Robot

    It's only episode 2 and already two chicks have invaded his room and got undressed in there, practically against his will.
  47. nanook

    Visualisation vs Analysis. What is Analysis anyway?

    If you think i am good at dealing with SJ bosses, you have the wrong picture of me. Being psychoanalytic alienates me from people. I see what they can't admit about themselves. It's better for socializing to focus on extroverted stuff and predict how people relate to that. "You want sugar? Here...
  48. nanook

    Visualisation vs Analysis. What is Analysis anyway?

    I believe that most of my intelligence is based on a form of visualisation. Not with colorful imagination or anything visible (don't panic, AK!), but in the sense that i have a map of the organic functional structures of reality, such as of the functionalities of the human psyche, in the same...
  49. nanook

    Mr. Robot

    look forward to binge watch this now (if i really like it), thanks ...
  50. nanook

    INTPf and Glasses

    i think it may relate to the introversion and extroversion of the sensation function, but also with the position of sensation in the stack. this may conflict with other ideas or facts i believe to observe, but i can't help it, you know what it's like .... so i "believe" Si doms tend to be...
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