Hegel: collectivism, state-worship. He says the purpose of the State is not the protection of the citizens; the State is an absolute unmoved end in itself, has supreme right against the individual. Hitler, Germany is saturated with the ideas of Hegel. The outline is Plato-Kant-Hegel. Hegel would not have been possible without Kant, who would not have been possible without Plato. They were the intellectual builders of Auschwitz, Hitler's ideas, hatred, blood and all the rest. These philosophers were anti-man, anti-life, anti-mind, anti-reason. Philosophy is a factor that moves a nation, their values, psychology, headlines in the newspaper. Philosophy without reason is impossible, reason is what makes philosophy possible. The sources are metaphysics, epistemology, ethics. Philosophy creators the creators among men, with their achievements and all or unleashes the destroyer, who wrecks it all. Philosophy explains why one country has a good constitution or a bad one, why one country is bankrupt, another prosperous, why one has concentration camps or the rights of man. "Nobody can help anything he does." We got that from Hegel. Hegel says that the state is not an association of autonomous individuals. It is itself an individual, a mystic person. That the individual's supreme duty is to be a member of the state. That is Hegel, 'man is nothing, the state is everything.'