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Search results

  1. EditorOne

    Is belief a right?

    I think Kris's original post pretty much covers it. I would point out that the county clerk in Kentucky who refuses to issue licenses for gay marriage is demanding not just the right to have her belief, but the right to implement it. The harm, compared to, say, a Nazi insisting on the right...
  2. EditorOne

    This job ad is telling me to take the MBTI and send their results to them

    I think you're right to look into it. If you get an interview, try to get a sense of why they included Myers-Briggs stuff. You're kind of at the mercy of their interpretation of Myers-Briggs in connection with what traits they think best match their job and their work culture...
  3. EditorOne

    Truck Driving?

    No paid benefits, but what if you got an older truck of medium size yourself and took on jobs cleaning out attics and garages for homeowners? You already know how to load, and if you set the deals up right you can trash most of the load and sell whatever's salvageable to second-hand furniture...
  4. EditorOne

    Truck Driving?

    Additionally, for your consideration, many transportation companies program their drivers' routes for them and use GPS tracking to make sure they don't deviate. It is partly for efficiency, partly for liability, and partly for defense against theft, ie., the driver can't conspire with pards to...
  5. EditorOne

    Truck Driving?

    I periodically take long trips - five hours or more - pursuing a hobby. What I appreciate most is the opportunity to be alone with my thoughts. I can see that appealing to an INTP from time to time, but a steady diet of it might be too much. On the downside, the 18-wheeler is a massive...
  6. EditorOne


    "Your wife is an INFP?" - Russ Yup. Successfully married since 1989.
  7. EditorOne


    "The intps here are typically single (I'm betting 95% are) so the answers (and questions) you may have interest in may not be available." Oh, good, I'm in the 5 percent again. My wife is an INFP. Interest in MBTI: I accidentally stumbled on it when I was older than you as part of a...
  8. EditorOne


    Sometimes circumstances need to change - or you need to change your circumstances, your environment. History is filled with examples of people who were not much until circumstances changed around them, then they blossomed. I'll give you Ulysses Grant, who I strongly suspect was INTP, as an...
  9. EditorOne

    Moved: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem

    Re: Attractiveness ratting system effects on self-esteem I had a big long angry diatribe, because your boyfriend annoyed me grievously even without me meeting him, but I'm replacing it with this: Tell him it's over. Tell him that thanks to his tutelage you now understand that on his best...
  10. EditorOne

    A giant spotlight is on me and I don't like it.

    All I've got is some lame Tai Chi or whatever that suggests peace isn't in resolving conflict, but in accepting it. That might translate to accept your discomfort, or it might translate to a more sports-related exhortation to "just suck it up." What I know for sure is that the dismay will...
  11. EditorOne

    How not to get harassed?

    Oh, and I've never been harassed by baristas or whatever. I have no idea what that feels like and no advice to get you out of it, except maybe just pretend you own the store and let that dictate your posture and whatnot. Acting like you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing works...
  12. EditorOne

    How not to get harassed?

    In some neighborhoods staring is a serious act of aggression and can lead to violence, in a heartbeat. It's why so many urban dwellers avoid eye contact in crowds: You might engage a normal person, or you might engage someone who thinks he's being challenged. ("He" because it seems to be...
  13. EditorOne

    The potential benefits of gossip ?

    Gee, are we overthinking this? Gossip is the human equivalent of primates picking fleas off each other. It's a form of bonding. The "negative" gossip is just when somebody finds a particularly ugly flea.
  14. EditorOne

    Is trying drugs worth it

    Hi risk, low reward. Been there, done that.
  15. EditorOne


    Welcome aboard. How does one pronounce your user name?
  16. EditorOne

    Just wanted to say...

    That's a good start. :-) Welcome aboard.
  17. EditorOne

    Girlfriend cheating on me?

    I suspect your relationship is over, since no one I know would continue a relationship after the partner invaded her cell phone and no one who would invade someone's cell phone is ever going to trust the person he keeps checking on. Perhaps a simple conversation on whether the relationship...
  18. EditorOne

    Six questions about self-esteem

    Self esteem seems to go up a few points after you realize you need to "rate" yourself according to your own value system, not the one out there in society generally. Letting someone else choose the yardstick for you is not a good plan, but lots of us do it without even realizing that's what's...
  19. EditorOne

    What is "the past"?

    The past is the future waiting to come around again on Arlo Guthrie's guitar.
  20. EditorOne

    Need some career advice

    "Ah, but what do you do if you've explored it all, or at least everything worth exploring?" - Architect I haven't run out of things yet. :)
  21. EditorOne

    BMW CEO Collapses on Stage - None Lethal Directed Energy?

    Not the CEO thing, but the television people: aphasia-like symptoms are one of the manifestations of migraine. I've had that twice in my life; my wife, who has intractable migraines, gets it several times a month. It is somewhat like a symptom of stroke, you have the word in your head but...
  22. EditorOne

    Need some career advice

    Flare: I'm generalizing here, but one of the things that INTPs experience is just what you fear, you're passionately interested in something until you figure it out and then you're bored. Sometimes the cycle is short, sometimes long. Don't fear it, embrace it. You're also kind of...
  23. EditorOne

    Allow me a rant

    Ha! I get a Cliff Clavin moment! Lead pencils were never made of lead. The term apparently got started when graphite, you know, well, was mistaken for lead when it was discovered in, ahhhh, pure form in the 1400s. Yeah, they called it plumbago ore and, ahhh, "lead pencil," well, it's...
  24. EditorOne

    Allow me a rant

    :-) I had what turned out to be a wart on my forearm cauterized the same way. The doc fooled and fooled with the tool. "They got me a new one, said the old one was too old. Nobody showed me how to use it yet. OH!! There it goes! OK!" I've been stitched up and had surgery quite a bit...
  25. EditorOne

    change yourself?

    I'm not sure what you're talking about is changing yourself or simply challenging yourself, but the key thing you have in common with just about everyone else who posted is that you are happy doing what makes you successful, and you want to be successful, because that's where your happiness lies...
  26. EditorOne

    Icing on the Ashley Madison cake

    Sausage fest. I can't stop chuckling. :)
  27. EditorOne

    change yourself?

  28. EditorOne

    change yourself?

    After I learned who I was I kind of liked me. Before that, not so much. (That is, when I stumbled into MBTI as an adult and kind of said "Oh." Since I finally realized I wasn't broken, I went with the "if not broken, don't fix, just mind what comes out of your mouth" paradigm.)
  29. EditorOne

    feeling good about being an asshole

    It drains the hell out of all of us. That's why you need to plan on having a period of isolation and thinking after performing in public. Just like a track meet: Sure, you can sprint for awhile or do pole vaulting, even if it hurts, but then you need to rest up. Contribute, but develop your...
  30. EditorOne

    feeling good about being an asshole

    This is a hopeless thread, because "asshole" is such a broad label. For me, an asshole is someone who is knowingly selfish, arrogant and rude - consciously malignant. That eliminates people who lack a filter between their brain and their mouth, people who don't realize they are being...
  31. EditorOne

    INTP starting College/University soon...

    I was "homesick" for four years, which I now realize was "sick from separation of familiar people". A lot of college is networking with people who may or may not turn out to be good to know in the future. That's not the easiest row of corn to hoe for an INTP. If you need amusement try...
  32. EditorOne

    Obesity (prev. Make it Mandatory)

    Re: Make it mandatory I'm thinking reducing population rather than have the population stop eating so much might be a better approach to overconsumption of resources. FWIW, some people have body systems that are screwed up and pile up the weight no matter what. I'm glad I'm not one of them...
  33. EditorOne

    Obesity (prev. Make it Mandatory)

    Re: Make it mandatory Just a thought: Why do we care that others are overweight?
  34. EditorOne


    You're welcome, I think. It's actually the first time anyone thanked me for simply existing.
  35. EditorOne

    Hello friends! I'm bad at intros..

    Cliff Clavin ("Cheers!") moment: Ferrets, weasels, mink and skunks are all related and can have strong smells. It's worse with skunks because they can project the smell physically into the air and add hydrocyanic acid (I think) to "weaponize" it. And in a further related Cliff Clavin...
  36. EditorOne

    Seeking Coping Advice from more developed INTP's.

    "The pressure I feel to do anything to make someone proud or happy, for absolutely no reason, and the hatred I feel when I believe I have let them down." Leave this behind right now and half your aggravation will go away. It has taken me 50 years to grasp that much of what I was struggling...
  37. EditorOne

    Disabilities, External Circumstances and Nature vs. Nurture on Personality Types

    I'll chip in with those who say "sort of both." I was a newspaper reporter for much of my working career. It was a real newspaper operating on the elusive but desired principle of objectivity or at least dispassionate reporting. That meant keeping my opinions to myself and my reactions to...
  38. EditorOne


    "I mean that we might be disadvantaged for job interviews, retail and restoration jobs, group projects etc, even if we try to be friendly or, at least, not indifferent. At least until we learn the correct way of socializing and become able to project a positive image of us. " Yes. I...
  39. EditorOne

    Yes the forum was down don't panic.

    Glad the forum is back up. I felt like I was marooned on an island with just a basketball to talk to.
  40. EditorOne

    Sad realization that I don't want anything...

    Stop a moment, step to one side, reconsider: Not needing to buy things is freedom, is it not? All material things are anchors of varying weight and type.
  41. EditorOne

    What is your excuse for not being vegan?

    Vegetarian: An Algonquin word for "bad hunter." Sorry. A little humor seemed appropriate.
  42. EditorOne

    Anyone familiar with the INTP rut?

    I'm sorry and I don't mean to hijack the thread, but when I saw the subject line the image that leaped into my mind was dozens of horny INTPs running through the forest looking for mates.... Back to your regular programming.
  43. EditorOne

    Rachel Dolezal

    "Seems very clear it was a deliberate deception." Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. If she is self-deluded about her race and her actual personal history, ie mentally deranged, is it "deliberate" to communicate her delusions to others? As opposed to "I'm going to pretend...
  44. EditorOne

    Rachel Dolezal

    I think the issue was that people realized she was not black, at which point she was the only one who thought she was. Don't know what she thinks now. There is a feeling she gained an advantage to her ambitions by "passing" as black. Whether it's a deliberate deception or not still...
  45. EditorOne

    Rachel Dolezal

    She doesn't need to be ostracized. Perhaps she just needs to be counseled: "You aren't a wildebeest, because wishing won't make it so."
  46. EditorOne

    Disgusted by odd porn

    It really wouldn't hurt to see a counselor if you can work that in. The real shock you got seems not to be just the strong emotion per se, but the fact you had an emotional reaction much stronger than you'd led yourself to believe was natural for you. We are not unemotional, we simply tend to...
  47. EditorOne

    Finding a interesting job?

    One solution is to find a field where you are required to learn new things every couple of years. Journalism did that for me. Between having to cram to learn about a new thing I was expected to write about, learning new computer systems every 18 months, learning management stuff at certain...
  48. EditorOne

    INTPs...do you lift weights?

    Usually if I want some weights lifted I manage to talk someone else into doing it. Seriously, though, I did lift free weights when I was younger, in college, and had a roommate who thought weight lifting was the answer to all life's problems. Over the course of a year I grew impressive...
  49. EditorOne

    How strict are the rules here?

    Jeez. Denial of freedom of speech is something only a government is banned from doing. Internet forums, newspapers, are all privately run and each has its own goals and purposes, which the private organizers and sponsors of the forums and newspapers arrange to have carried out by proxy in the...
  50. EditorOne

    Glory be to Introductions

    "Bogging sentences down with adjectives and redundancies usually hinders the understanding, but hey!" There is some reason to believe that technical jargon is intended to exclude participation and prevent participation and understanding from nonmembers of the crowd that understands the...
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