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Search results

  1. EditorOne

    My ambition, lack thereof. Tools and other things.

    The notebook? Paralysis by analysis, an INTP trait sometimes. Cultivate alacrity: The instant the idea of buying a notebook comes into your head, get up and go do it. That's all the reason you need. Don't stop to think about it, compute if you can afford it this week, contemplate what size...
  2. EditorOne

    What are you doing in your life

    Joy riding in the late afternoon of my life. :)
  3. EditorOne

    What should a INTP do?

    1. Sensory deprivation chamber 2. A real cave, alone, and turn out the flashlight. 3. Find someone with one of those 1950s underground bomb shelters and arrange to spend a week in it without radio, internet, anything except maybe books and music. IE, overdose on solitude to compensate...
  4. EditorOne

    A newly diagnosed INTP

    You've come to the right place. Welcome aboard.
  5. EditorOne

    HELPP : Frustrated with University

    Good to see you in here again, PJ. Other stuff is covered. Let me ask: Food and exercise? I get the gloomiest moods with low blood sugar, it's like "Paint it Black" is playing in my soul at 100 decibels. Everything is not always mental. I'd say just pay attention to what you're eating (or...
  6. EditorOne

    INTP: Intellectual rednecks?

    All that "could be." I'm personally of the opinion that we are surprisingly vulnerable to pheromones, and that there is sometimes no reason at all behind who we find attractive, just chemicals.
  7. EditorOne

    INTP: Intellectual rednecks?

    "In fact, a lot of famous IxTPs over the centuries seem to have been attracted by "inferior" women... Probably cos such women are a lot more genuine and gave them the emotional support they needed and lacked while they were young ? What do you think ?" Or is it all because we reason that less...
  8. EditorOne

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome aboard the Titanic. :D
  9. EditorOne

    Weird incident in light of terror attacks

    I waited to comment to see if I'd still be angry a day later. It's something I learned a long time go to avoid acting in too much haste. However, I am still angry. I'd have gone up to that guy's apartment and asked him to repeat what he said, since I am somewhat deaf and wasn't completely...
  10. EditorOne

    Male dominance ritual on the forum

    Just as a footnote, I don't know for sure the gender of 80 percent of the posters on this forum, just as I don't know ages, most locations, etc. Am I alone in lacking curiosity about that crap? To me one of the attractions here is just seeing the flow of ideas and dialog all by themselves...
  11. EditorOne

    Why do people drink alcohol?

    If you are easily bored, you drink more. That's all. It gets to be a bad habit, one that might not reach chemical dependency but which is tough to shake, especially if you drink to excess when you do drink. I had this problem, compounded of boredom plus the fact that when drinking I could...
  12. EditorOne

    Why do people drink alcohol?

    Reasons vary. INTPs tend to drink 1. to lessen social anxiety, as noted, because it tends to lower inhibitions; 2. out of boredom. The second is very dangerous if you're one of the INTPs who is easily bored.
  13. EditorOne

    how big of a piece of shit am i

    I guess he got his answer, but offhand I'd say he was more of a piece-of-shit wannabe.
  14. EditorOne

    How common is it for INTPs to be shy?

    This has been a great thread to read. From one of the posts: "I'm a shy person. I have no idea how to initiate because I'm never sure. Once that is passed then I'm OK and very active/talkative/being energized." Let me help with that, for everyone's benefit, a source and then a shortcut...
  15. EditorOne

    Just a thought for people looking for something to read

    It's a series. And I think the author is both using it in her books and is an INTP, not a pronounced one, herself. Also, not INTP, but: Archer Mayor has written some pretty good police procedurals based in Vermont, which is like a state with an INTP personality. And I have a soft spot for...
  16. EditorOne

    Avoidant Personality

    My wife is somewhat INFJ/INTP, and we both tend to prefer to hole up in a canyon rather than mingle with people. It's not full-blown avoidance, but we're aware of it and, since we are both now retired and could actually disappear into a hole, we are taking steps to avoid sliding into a void...
  17. EditorOne

    Have you ever mastered something?

    I apparently have mastered faking confidence. :-)
  18. EditorOne

    Just a thought for people looking for something to read

    I may have mentioned it before, but I just read another book by "Nevada Barr" (her pen name) and was struck that she has successfully created a mystery-adventure series with a full blown INTP and occasionally J. Her protagonist is Anna Pigeon, a law enforcement ranger with the United States...
  19. EditorOne

    To Kill a Mockingbird: Overrated?

    Context is important. At the time this was written, it ripped open a part of American culture many had been happy to ignore, it drew attention to the shockingly casual racism and bigotry that you see reflected not just in the court case but in the old-lady gossip, which is far more startling...
  20. EditorOne


    I know I'm getting fat! It has been increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy weight as I get older, and I found an old photograph of a bunch of great-uncles in their 50s and 60s who look like caricatures of plump capitalist pigs in overcoats and tophats. So I think I'm fighting genetics to...
  21. EditorOne

    INTP Seeking to Attract Female Companion

    "Further more there is an event that she wants to go to (and hopefully no one has already asked her to go). " So OK, two things, first, is the event something you also want to attend? If so, it puts this in the realm of "common interests," which is good ground upon which to take a stand...
  22. EditorOne

    Pruning Some Bad Relationships

    Just a possibility: You could, in the process of breaking it off, tell her you now realize you can't help her, she can only help herself. Kind of "I am not the solution to all the problems you experience. You and only you are the solution to those problems. I feel (yes, I said "feel") you...
  23. EditorOne

    INTP Backpacker

    Great original posting, Shu. I think one of the attractions of picking up and going is the chance to deploy and prove our ability to solve any problem, any where, any time. I know we don't all have that trait to the same degree, but it sounds like you do.
  24. EditorOne

    What is caracter and how do I develop it?

    It is an interesting concept that adherence to duplicity could be a principled stand. We do, after all, kind of generally admire the Greeks for tricking the Trojans. It sort of falls apart, I think, if you consider we are, in Trump's case, the Trojans. However, I simply meant that OP's...
  25. EditorOne

    What is caracter and how do I develop it?

    ", It's obvious that I came here to develop( or to balance) my personnality not my character which is- and I'm really sorry to tell you this- outstanding... " Are you channeling Donald Trump? Meanwhile, back to one of the questions you raised about whether character has anything to do...
  26. EditorOne

    It's really cold

    "My teeth chattered like crazy when I was exposed to ~7C weather in one of my overnight stays in a mountaintop. I'm not sure if I can survive any temperature levels that the forum members posted here." Preparation: dry socks and shirt, insulation against the ground, wool coverings. And for...
  27. EditorOne

    It's really cold

    Down to 5F here in the Poconos ("the land that God forgot") last week. I'm waiting for the same storm, we're on the northern edge of it, might get one inch, might get eight. No big deal. The woodstove is just pulsing with heat, the generator is ready to go and the snowblower is tuned up and...
  28. EditorOne

    My confusion on speaking metaphorically.

    Perhaps it's even simpler and has more to do with INTPs seeing in terms of the larger picture rather than the detail: " metaphor is a figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the...
  29. EditorOne

    Hello. I am very interested

    Welcome. You may be our only Hong Kong person. That's neither good nor bad, it's just interesting. :)
  30. EditorOne

    January Goals Thread

    I was not being judgmental on the cleavage thing, merely observational or analytic or perhaps obsessed with cleavage. My own goal progress: Therapy exercise has knocked the rotator cuff pain down to "negligible" so I can move up to actual muscle-building exercises that should work toward...
  31. EditorOne

    January Goals Thread

    I don't know, cleavage just strikes me as a singularly un-INTP way to go. :) Meanwhile, I hope you get the job.
  32. EditorOne

    The Freemasons

    It seems to be, these days, much like Rotary or Kiwanis or even a business referral group with a good-works sub-agenda. Many of the members embrace stories of the old days when they had secret signs and whatnot, there's a story in Elkin, NC for instance about how in 1865 a Yankee cavalry...
  33. EditorOne

    January Goals Thread

    My January goals include avoiding procrastination in setting monthly goals and combining rotator cuff rehabilitation therapy with weight loss. I'll even list the post-holidays weight that stunned me into action: 225 pounds. Goal: "Fewer."
  34. EditorOne

    Adults as Good Buffalo

    All I know about buffalo herds is that you can't roller skate in one. Roger Miller song, 1965. When I was 15. So that's my credentials as an old buffalo. Meanwhile, I think aging involves more than many of you realize, not all bad. There's always change, in yourself and...
  35. EditorOne

    Half a Month of Rejection and No Legal Way of Obtaining Alcohol

    "Embrace the 'no' ." There's an entire school of thought (of hype?) that says your goal every day should be to keep going not until you get a yes, but until you get a set number of "no" responses. In my current field of endeavor, one fellow did cold calling to seek clients, right out of the...
  36. EditorOne

    A question about how to homework

    What JPS said: Small chunks. We sometimes tend to be daunted by vast tasks. Bust it up into smaller ones and exercise self discipline in tackling the chunks, using the limited size and time as motivation. And reward yourself when you complete a chunk by doing whatever it is you'd rather be...
  37. EditorOne

    Neighbor just revealed A LOT to me, what to do?

    Pretty tough position to be in. I only want to point out that you don't know the FBI visited him and knows about him. You only know that's what he claimed. He could either be trying to impress you with what a badass he is, or trying to lull you into inaction in case the hair standing up...
  38. EditorOne

    What gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"?

    Re: whhat gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"? I'm with the folks who cited curiosity.
  39. EditorOne

    How to be an asshole?

    Watch any speech by Donald Trump. He's got it figured out.
  40. EditorOne

    How do I survive in a crowded college hostel?

    How do you know all your roomies will be braying extroverts? Anyway, it's a question of balance. You absolutely need to find a spot on campus where you can be alone for a few hours at a time, just to recover from the stress of forced crowdification or whatever we want to call it when the...
  41. EditorOne

    Career Advice Redux

    Plan on starting your own business. Working for other people, especially when you inevitably find yourself at the mercy of an ESXJ asshat supervisor, really, really sucks and will inject poison into your psyche. All the business courses will support you as an entrepreneur and you can spend your...
  42. EditorOne

    Are old people smarter than the youth?

    "1) We lose a few IQ points as we age. 2) We become less tolerant of new ideas. 3) Our brain loses its plasticity as we age. We gain in experience but what good is that when we can no longer use the data effectively?" The only change I've noticed at the mature age of 66 is a little longer...
  43. EditorOne

    The battlefront, destroy session.

    Defilade is your friend. Hey, you got to play with girls and guns. It was a great day.
  44. EditorOne

    Hating people for their ignorance

    Ignorance can be corrected, it's a deficit of information. Stupidity is a different story, it's a deficit of capacity or ability. "When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. It's only hard for other people." "It's that way when you're stupid, too."
  45. EditorOne

    Hating people for their ignorance

    I have a problem because so many of them vote and vote stupid. That's power, wielded stupidly, creating problems for the sentient among us.
  46. EditorOne

    How common is it for INTPs to be shy?

    Shy can mean a few different things. However, it is easier to interact with others, or even speak before others, if you have a high comfort level with at least one thing. It makes the lack of a comfort level with strangers more bearable. From the age of four I used to have to memorize a...
  47. EditorOne

    Should I Accept Cofounder Status in a Startup?

    "I'm wondering if there is any info on whether its easier to get a band off the ground (and make a living doing it) as opposed to starting a business. " A band is a business. If you don't treat it like that from the start, it will either fail or you'll be financially exploited like a lot of...
  48. EditorOne

    Should I Accept Cofounder Status in a Startup?

    Added note: Many startups fail, through no fault of those involved in many cases. I'm not saying this one will, I'm just saying it is sensible to find out what startup failure means to you personally.
  49. EditorOne

    Should I Accept Cofounder Status in a Startup?

    Find out if you have liability for debts. If it goes belly-up, are you on the hook to creditors?
  50. EditorOne

    What is the right thing to do in this situation?

    "is there a way to call out the other person for their wrong WHILE STILL being able to suck up to them and earn forgiveness? Or do you have to choose one, as they conflict each other? " I think you need to go one additional step: What if the person who "did wrong" doesn't think they did...
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