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  1. EditorOne

    any of you read any of the Immanuel Kant

    I read it and I understood it just fine, so fine that the professor accused me of reading ahead to the next philosopher when I pointed out some deficiency or other in Kant's expositions. However, it was 48 years ago and mercifully the brain cells that dealt with that have evaporated; all that...
  2. EditorOne

    Returning Member

    By all means welcome back, and by all means do the physical therapy for your ankle even if you want to strangle kittens from the boredom and pain.:)
  3. EditorOne

    Why does one resist/reject change?

    I had to study this to bring change to newsrooms. There is a relationship between what's at stake and willingness to try something new. Areas that have traditionally had reluctance to change include the military, hospitals, and newspapers: IN each case, following existing procedures...
  4. EditorOne

    How to fix a Democracy

    History lesson for anyone who didn't know what I'm about to say (if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it). Freedom of speech and of the press was not spelled out in U.S. and other constitutions to insure fair and balanced news coverage. It was spelled out to protect political statements and...
  5. EditorOne

    What's wrong with me?

    Footnote: I seemingly did not have much reaction to the death of my mother in law, who I loved very much. But one of my dogs died a short time later and I was devastated, in tears for weeks. I suspect the obvious, of course, a commingling of grief, but why I went numb on the human escapes me...
  6. EditorOne

    What's wrong with me?

    Just reconsider INTP basics, I think. We tend to be unwieldy dealing with emotions, and while we may consciously be aware of that and do what we can to deal with it, down deep where emotions work there are also forces we aren't aware of suppressing them while we try to gain distance and...
  7. EditorOne

    Authentic living

    Quote: "In any event, more-or-less retirement means I can interact with people or not according to my own inclinations rather than the world's, which is, it turns out for me, half the battle, timing." "What do you mean by 'timing'? As in, you get to choose the time and duration of your...
  8. EditorOne

    Authentic living

    Maybe a reboot? Rather than "authentic", perhaps it helps to think instead of "satisfying" or "fulfilled" and specifically in terms of your personality needs. To what extent are you living a life that meets your needs as an INTP? Because "authentic," while perfectly fine, can be taken...
  9. EditorOne

    What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?

    It is obviously useful to some folks, including me. The first time I took a personality test and then had the results explained to me ("normalized" is a good word) was the first day I took a deep breath and didn't feel broken or deficient. Still misunderstood, yup, but once you know what's...
  10. EditorOne

    I guess this is where it starts...

    Welcome aboard, E404. I can see you will be a voice of wit and reason here. Actually we tell all newbies that, plus it's more or less true. :D Note that I am one of three on the board not afraid to use the occasional emoji to avoid being misunderstood....
  11. EditorOne

    How do my fellow INTPS handle arguments?

    What Pyropyro said, it's best to just avoid the argument. Like the computer in "Wargames," the ultimate conclusion is that the only way to avoid losing is to not play the game. That being said, I've found it better to nudge people pleasantly rather than bulldoze them. Also, reason and logic...
  12. EditorOne

    Thouhts on customer service while shopping/consuming services?

    There's practical solutions and expedient solutions. Restaurant: Pick a corner table, ask for one if they don't show you to one. Get in the corner. Now whatever happens, you'll see it coming. Just that tiny little bit of preparedness helps you deal with waitstaff. Let them do their minimum...
  13. EditorOne

    Need sugestions

    A lot of INTP personality "preferences" superficially parallel many of the symptoms of those afflictions. Focus on the depression, that's atypical, I think. That is, of all the things you named, it's for sure not something found in the INTP personality traits. Boredom or ennui, OK, but not...
  14. EditorOne

    Spare time - or lack thereof

    I'm retired, so all my time is "spare time." It's like every day is the first day of summer recess.... However, when I worked, I found that something different from work was the best choice for my limited time. Since my work was both mental and ephemeral (journalism) I focused on hands-on...
  15. EditorOne

    Absolutely Job/Career Desperate!!!

    "I will say that I worked as a mailman previously and thoroughly enjoyed it." Trash collection for me, summers in high school and college. It served much the same function plus gave me muscles. :-) Human resource departments can be good or bad. I've had all bad. It always seemed to me...
  16. EditorOne

    TMI (Too Much Info)

    Well, sinny, you could always get a tattoo, if I understand your anatomical euphemisms. And there is a thought, perhaps consoling, perhaps not, that by the time guys get to the point where such things are visible, their ability to absorb details, along with their judgment, is usually long gone.....
  17. EditorOne

    Absolutely Job/Career Desperate!!!

    Also, there was a sit-down you mentioned prior to the end of the second job in which you were told things had to change. What, exactly, did they want you to change? Were there any specifics? I had to be on the "sending" end of that situation a few times, I always laid out specific behaviors and...
  18. EditorOne

    Absolutely Job/Career Desperate!!!

    I don't understand what you do, so I am somewhat at a loss. However, I know our personality type saturates in data and then analyzes and perceives. Is it possible that, for the purposes of the jobs you've tried here, you are amassing more data than the suits higher up feel is necessary for the...
  19. EditorOne


    If the planet is your playground, by all means seize the opportunity and play. Additionally, if you're looking for analysis, life is its own reason for existence, it's just that simple. No need to look for additional significance. No need to worry if you're up to the task, or that it must all...
  20. EditorOne

    Writing a book

    Ponderer, I find your idea intriguing, but of course it's much too long term for a commercial publishing house. You'll have to self publish (nothing wrong with that, I do it and make enough each month to buy a hamburger :-) ) so perhaps you should look into the mechanics of that. Don't get...
  21. EditorOne

    Birthday present

    What Minuend said.
  22. EditorOne

    Bronto's ban

    "i would think "what an american brick, he puts people on the ground for talking shit in real life, no wonder he is happy to get bronto banned online and he thinks he is being "civil" for it ... yeah right." I haven't felt the need to smack someone since 11th grade, which is quite a while...
  23. EditorOne

    Bronto's ban

    Additionally, I fail to see what's so bad about civil discourse. All that aggressive stuff just makes me think the poster isn't sure of his footing and is pumping up the impact of his weak idea with deliberate bluster and rudeness.
  24. EditorOne

    Bronto's ban

    " "Shut up clueless fool" didn't even make me bat an eyelid when I read that thread. It didn't even register that someone had "insulted" someone. " Red baron, you have got to be putting us on. That is a gratuitously rude comment on its face. I'm as laid back as it gets, but if someone said...
  25. EditorOne

    Even more dead bees due to Zika hype

    People panic over mosquitoes, and suppressing mosquitoes has been a big industry for a long time. New Jersey has county mosquito control commissions that each spend millions a year. Back in the 1960s and 1970s they relied heavily on insecticides; prior to that they simply poured motor oil over...
  26. EditorOne

    Living off campus, what to eat?

    May I mention the Elvis Presley diet? Peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwiches. Of course it helped kill him, but it sounds pretty good.
  27. EditorOne

    Living off campus, what to eat?

    Anyone can learn basic cooking. You don't have to learn it all at once. The advantage of knowing is that you then have more options for limited food dollars. Generally - there are exceptions - already prepared foods are more expensive than food you buy and prepare yourself. Very often the...
  28. EditorOne

    New here, I think I might be an INTP?

    I can see that. But what does alienation do to an introvert?
  29. EditorOne

    What do you think of young people?

    I like young people. I used to be one. Besides, it's not like they choose to be young or anything, so it's not really fair to hold it against them. :)
  30. EditorOne

    Bronto's ban

    This. Consider the difficulty of being a moderator and having INTP personality traits. Moderation requires passing judgment. Duh. That makes it hard work, because the natural INTP reaction to rude behavior is "oh, isn't that interesting?" or actual indifference. Moderators have to remember...
  31. EditorOne

    Should I do acid

    Just a footnote: No one is required by custom, convention or law to try LSD or anything else. It is perfectly all right to eschew drugs.
  32. EditorOne

    Should I do acid

    "Otherwise, it's sad actually, this forum has been becoming more like INTP Central of six years ago. Used to be people here respected each other and their opinions, now, like there, it's becoming clannish and juvenile." Yes. We are, after all, INTP. What's with all the drama? It is...
  33. EditorOne

    Should I do acid

    "No, why would you do that? Don't fuck with your brain for the sake of a few moments of acting stupid. There are much better ways of getting "endlessly diverting effects that can really open your mind." I'm not sure about the much better ways. However, my concern was more like making sure he...
  34. EditorOne

    Should I do acid

    Here's some advice from the dawn of the acid age: 1. Don't do acid alone. 2. Don't do acid with strangers. 3. Don't do your first trip in a public place. 4. By all means try it in the company of people you trust who have had some experience with it. All of that because it's a strange...
  35. EditorOne

    I need more problems in my life.

    At that time and at that paper, reporters were assigned towns to cover, and were responsible for finding interesting, important, entertaining, significant or whatever stories. The towns you got were called your "beat." Nobody wanted the townships Anders Gyllenhaal got because they were...
  36. EditorOne

    I need more problems in my life.

    How about a real but quite doable challenge, one to make you get outside your INTP and outside your head? Meet one new person every day, engage them in conversation, and find at least one interesting thing about them. Guaranteed to stimulate your mind, both learning how to do it...
  37. EditorOne


    I started with The Press of Atlantic City, a 70,000 daily, in 1972 and moved on to other newspapers starting in 1992. More later, gotta scoot.
  38. EditorOne


    "Editor, you're a journalist from the Newark, New Jersey area... You must know about Mob subversion in those areas, and some of the stuff I'm talking about in my parapolitics threads. Do you have a perspective to offer? " Most of the mobsters I knew were in Atlantic City and were low-grade...
  39. EditorOne

    Intelligence and self-esteem

    I wonder if intelligence was the only thing some of us had going for us when young. It was for me. I was skinny, nervous, shy, frustrated, clumsy and geeky. But I could excel academically, so I did, and while I didn't consciously assign value to intelligence, I did act as if it was very...
  40. EditorOne

    Objectives for the Trump

    Objectives for Trump. 1. Repent. 2. Withdraw. 3. Seek redemption through charitable works. I mean, the guy goes to the flood zone in Louisiana, unloads one carton of someone else's water, and then autographs his campaign hats for people who literally do not have a place to hang their...
  41. EditorOne

    Objectives for the Trump

    I can make a case that "liberals" had not one damn thing to do with any perceived decline in family values. We have untold numbers of families where both parents hold more than one job in order to have enough money to live, where often none of the jobs come with benefits like health insurance...
  42. EditorOne

    Extremely confused lately

    Now, see, that's where you went off the rails. What you say is true, but begs the question of why you aren't out in the world interacting with OTHER people of good quality. Greyman nailed it, you're just in your head too much and need to communicate with other humans just so little bits of...
  43. EditorOne

    INTPs THAT ENJOY YOUR JOBS--what do you do?

    My career was in journalism, from reporter to executive newspaper group editor. Reporting was fun because the hours weren't set, finding stories was up to me, my paper at the time backed me up when the shit hit the fan because I did a story that offended the powers that be, plus I got to tell...
  44. EditorOne


    Jeez, I don't have any problem calling that dude a black bigot. However, the focus of a lot of people outside the United States right now is Trump and the Trumpeteers, hence the focus of my comment. :)
  45. EditorOne

    Are you Pro choice or Pro Life?

  46. EditorOne

    Are you Pro choice or Pro Life?

  47. EditorOne


    I feel compelled to explain something, in the wake of all the racial, cultural and religious hate coming out of the Trump campaign. (A compulsion to explain is why I was a journalist. :) ) Those folks shouting angrily at Trump rallies are loud, angry and represent a throwback not just to the...
  48. EditorOne

    Need Social Advice Please Feel Free to Ignore

    Just a thought born from my curiosity, but if it were me, I'd check to see if she really has a parent in the hospital and if so whether it's life-and-death time or just a hangnail. For me, that would clarify and help me decide. You don't just take someone's word for what the facts are when...
  49. EditorOne

    Are you Pro choice or Pro Life?

    Pro choice for the reasons outlined above. We are going to go through a fresh round of agony on this because of the Zika virus, which seems to produce children with severe birth defects like microcephaly. Microcephaly can be detected before birth, but apparently only in the third trimester...
  50. EditorOne

    "You're Too Deep"

    "Deep" might simply be different communications equipment. Those who understand through emotions more than we do may find you difficult to read. It is, I agree, a kind of compliment, but one intended to excuse the utterer (did I just make that word up?) from any responsibility of comprehension. :)
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