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  1. EditorOne


    Tberg is right, within the limits he set. I lived in the South for six years. I observed that 1. Florida is not the South 2. Atlanta is about like any other urban area 3. Small-town and rural South is where you find what most people think of as "The South". 4.While there are haters...
  2. EditorOne


    Good stuff, Yellow. I'll pass on baring everything. You're welcome.:)
  3. EditorOne

    Remembering Dreams

    I remember some dreams, but of course none of us can say we remember them all because we're asleep, right? The most recent ones have been quite troubling, in which I am tasked with some challenge but am never prepared, whether that is simply because my trousers are unhemmed or because, last...
  4. EditorOne


    "Yonkers is not a borough of New York. The one you're missing is the Bronx." Thank you Smith Comma John. :) I just like saying "Yonkers" so much....
  5. EditorOne


    It makes more sense if you look at the rivers as main arteries of transportation during the colonial era. The Hudson river valley is the eastern part of New York State, running north-south up to a chain of lakes that connect with Canada and the tributaries running into it from the west made the...
  6. EditorOne


    I used to walk two miles through snow to get curly fries from Arby's when I was in college. In the past 40 years, though, a lot of the franchises have gone downhill in a big way.
  7. EditorOne

    Do INTPs become more normal with age/maturity?

    Yes, I recall that fear quite clearly. But since I am no longer a young man, I don't worry about it any more. You can take it too far: I distinctly recall refusing to take courses in creative writing and refusing to "schmooze" with established authors for fear my precious uniqueness in writing...
  8. EditorOne


    If you have a stopover of any length in Newark (quite possible) give a yell.
  9. EditorOne

    Do INTPs become more normal with age/maturity?

    I think you can learn to appear normal as you get older, but "I" am still there under that appearance. I know when I'm "normalizing" my ummm style and content, it is s always an act or a robe you put on for decency's sake. :D
  10. EditorOne


    Don't eat at Taco Bell or Arby's. That's all. The country is too mixed up right now to generalize about anything. I thought we were doing OK, but the American Party (the "know nothings") have staged a comeback after an absence of 160 years, so I guess not. Ask these questions again after Nov...
  11. EditorOne

    my Mom's cat died

    Sometimes bad shit just happens. Sorry it happened to you, but all you should be feeling is sadness, not guilt. I'm quite familiar with cats, you can diligently take them to the vet, feed them properly, all the right stuff, and then they inexplicably sicken and die. An increasing number of...
  12. EditorOne

    Another INTP searching for fellow demented INTPs

    Welcome, and yes, your novel ideas sound quite interesting.
  13. EditorOne

    Career change at 29

    Quite right to get out of journalism. It's largely a field for impoverished idealists. I agree with Kuu on not looking to university for an employable degree. It just doesn't seem to work that way any more.
  14. EditorOne

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    Just another facet of this: Is everyone familiar with the use of specialized language to exclude those who aren't "in the know?" I see this a lot among people who have an almost desperate need to feel part of a group, no matter how artificial. It is most noticeable, to me, among educators...
  15. EditorOne


    I'm in a slightly different place. Posting on Facebook is a lot like writing for a newspaper, which was my livelihood since forever. It has also allowed me to get in touch with people I graduated from high school with, which is a good thing. Ditto a far-flung family. And the mixing up of...
  16. EditorOne

    Morality and cynicism

    "I find that it's best to leave toxic people in their toxicity." I'm with Pyro on this. It is difficult for thinking people to understand someone whose motivation is not to understand, but to destroy. You can "reason" with a toxic person 24-7 because they have an endless repertoire of tools...
  17. EditorOne

    Violence begets violence

    The reason justice is preferable is simply that it prevents an eternal feud. That the justice system doesn't always work doesn't mean personal vengeance is automatically better. You might be momentarily satisfied, but going through life waiting for something to happen to your family as a...
  18. EditorOne

    Violence begets violence

    Speaking generally, this is why some prefer the concept of "justice" rather than "vengeance," with appropriate dispassionate institutions to make it happen. It's why gratuitous violence is treated as a crime against everyone, answerable to everyone, rather than a personal affront.
  19. EditorOne

    What's your favorite aspect about yourself?

    Sinny: "My favorite aspect about myself is: my ability to just keep going." Damn, Sinny, are you my unacknowledged daughter? I read the thread title, thought "stolid durability for me, I guess," and then popped open your post. :D
  20. EditorOne

    hello! + introduction

    Cats=Good. Welcome.
  21. EditorOne

    Job interview question

    My cynical side says the question "what is your weakness?" is what you'll see as an "area to be improved" on every performance evaluation while you are with the company. :-) You're pretty much loading the gun the evil human resources department will use to shoot you. If you put down "none...
  22. EditorOne

    Job interview question

    The other end of this is writing a "help wanted" advertisement that filters out folks who won't fit the work culture. I mention this because asking if you can work in a messy environment may mean they have a messy environment. When I had to come up with a help wanted ad during the time we were...
  23. EditorOne

    Job interview question

    Superficially it's a simple question to see if you expect what the person who will be your supervisor has as a management style: micromanager vs just get the result, etc. At a conceptual level there are a couple "good manager" concepts that you should probably consider if they fit with your...
  24. EditorOne

    Process oriented vs result oriented

    I'm not even sure how "results" works. I tended to focus on processes, which, in journalism, involves a whole lot of cool stuff. For innovation work, I'd envision a result, like more daily visitors on our newspaper website, and then work backward to imagine all the steps getting us from where...
  25. EditorOne

    Get rid of PaulMaster

    Reconsider, because if you don't belong here, you don't belong anywhere. :)
  26. EditorOne

    This thing people call identity, applied to me

    Welcome. You can relax here. You can learn stuff, too. Just don't expect any good jokes.
  27. EditorOne

    How Dark is your Personality?

    Moderately nefarious.
  28. EditorOne

    Greetings from an ex-lurker

    Congratulations on coming out of the closet in your head. :D Welcome aboard.
  29. EditorOne

    INTPs & the military

    What Sinny said, except that if you can stand the guff, the braying extraverts, the utter reliance on routine, you can get promoted high enough to where all that analysis and whatnot can do some good. Some of the best generals in history might have been INTP, including U.S. Grant and Dwight...
  30. EditorOne

    I'm Back

    "So, here I return." Home is where, when you go there, they have to let you in. Welcome back.
  31. EditorOne

    Why you don't read as much as you used to?

    With Kindle, I read more than ever. I read so much my wife has had to caution me that I'll kill the monthly budget if I'm not careful. I regularly go through two to four books a week. I love the idea that I can go anywhere and have several books to read in the little Kindle whenever things get...
  32. EditorOne

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    Just a couple of general thoughts that haven't already been expressed. First, the problem with having too much time to think is that you can think your way into trouble. Second, I'm hard put to remember any menial jobs I had that did not have a certain amount of Zen-like attitude on my...
  33. EditorOne

    A little bit of non-scientific research

    Intermediate deadlines help a lot. Divvy the work up and set a deadline for each part. That way you're not looking at an iceberg you have to move, just ice cubes.
  34. EditorOne

    A little bit of non-scientific research

    - What motivated you to do one of those MBTI tests? It was part of career counseling I went through when I was desperate to get out of the company where I was working. - How many tests did you do before your were convinced you were an INTP? Just the one, it backed up what I intuited about...
  35. EditorOne

    Another bloody INTP

    Welcome to the White Star Line. We have plenty of lifeboats. Nothing will go wrong.
  36. EditorOne

    The Hairy Chest

    Yeah. Pheromones fuel the madly-in-love 18-month passion. When your system adapts and they no longer interfere with your emotions, it's time for shared interests, compatible personalities and all the rest to take over the fuel the long-term commitment. All the hair stuff - look at photos from...
  37. EditorOne

    The Hairy Chest

    Pheromones. The hair, angles and whatnot don't matter. :storks:
  38. EditorOne

    The Hairy Chest

    This all got started a long time ago when male swimmers started shaving body hair to cut down drag while competing. Since male swimmers tend to be well muscled with excellent definition, it kind of caught on. You can see the change; early James Bond movies from the 1960s show Sean Connery with...
  39. EditorOne

    Star Wars: the Force Awakens

    It was not the worst movie I've ever seen but, like Redfire said up in the very first responding post, it was Episode IV all over again. That is excellent for anyone who never saw Episode IV, and a great many folks who did are all gaga over the thing. Those of us cursed with an analytic mind...
  40. EditorOne

    INTP high school dropout in need of advice

    Are you sure you're not taking the piss here? Anyway INTPs can get bored and a big project stretching away into the future is fertile ground for boredom. If you're going to educate yourself, pick a book and resolve to read just one chapter a day. Do it in small slices. If you find yourself...
  41. EditorOne

    Are you healthy, happy?

    People have been trying to define happiness for centuries. I tend to think of it more as an overall condition rather than a moment of happy. I'd say I'm content with things in general these days and gently amused to the point of laughter several times a week, usually by something read in a...
  42. EditorOne

    do you care about politics?

    "What is interesting in the US is how active people get during a presidential election. I think it is problematic when a person only concerns themselves with such elections and forgets about their local representatives, their schools, their police, companies, industry, farming, the local...
  43. EditorOne

    Do you own/carry a weapon?

    Well, nobody much wears hats requiring hatpins any more, but pinned into your blouse or top these could just look like jewelry. Big decoration = better grip. Definitely give someone pause. I own all kinds of crap and can legally carry, but don't. The legal carry is to avoid all grey areas...
  44. EditorOne


    Welcome. One reason to post here is because, although there are many of us, it pretty much feels like you're talking to yourself anyway....
  45. EditorOne

    Spelling and Bans

    Some people write with an accent....
  46. EditorOne

    Does this logic hold up? Am I being an idiot?

    Emotions are real, but INTPs seem to find them somewhat less than useful, convenient or fun. That's all.
  47. EditorOne

    Ways to escape a social situation

    I take it escaping means actually escaping, not pre-event avoidance. Set your smart phone alarm clock with a phone-like alarm sound. Program a time during the dinner party, let it go off, pretend your answering your phone, and then just announce something has come up and you have to go. If...
  48. EditorOne

    INTPs liberal, conservative, or centrist?

    Perhaps you should post your definitions of liberal and conservative. Both words have been overused as pejoratives and carry a lot of baggage. I might see a conservativemerely as someone reluctant to change the way things are now out of fear they'll get worse, others will see a conservative as...
  49. EditorOne

    I pose a simple question.

    "It was good talking to you, I need to make the rounds" is understood by the extroverted sensing world to be "normal" if it is a social function. Like an old-fashioned line dance, the purpose of the get together is to maximize contact with others. If it is family or a situation where...
  50. EditorOne

    INTP Career Changes at 50+?

    Well, sort of. I took early retirement when life as a newspaper editor finally became too stressful and depressing. After a couple of years I got bored and took an interest in public insurance adjusting. It is not normally something an INTP would find interesting, however, the way this...
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