Shouldn't we be more accepting of her new identity? I see it as contradictory to deny her self established identity of being black while supporting transgenders. I don't see her as a liar. I see her as going to great lengths to make her outer world fit her inner one so that she can cope with life.
A sponge is a sponge (the ones in the ocean). A plankton is a plankton. A lungfish is a lungfish. A platypus is a platypus. A hedgehog is a hedgehog. A lemur is a lemur. A baboon is a baboon. a chimpanzee is a chimpanzee. A human is a human.
That said, there are subspecies within the same species. There are various subspecies of finch. There are various subspecies of cow. There are various subspecies of dog. There are various subspecies of human.
A subspecies is genotypically different as well as phenotypically different from another subspecies. Different genotypes between subspecies manifest themselves in various combinations of genetic code or DNA aka Deoxyribonucleic acids. These different DNA codes manifest themselves in how the genotype is expressed in terms of protein combinations in the phenotype (outward physical expression) of a particular subspecies. This is why a Wildebeast (subspecies) is so dramatically different in physical appearance than a Holstein cow.
Here is the rub and what "they" don't want you to know: a given genotype, i.e. genetics, also results in a given behavioral phenotype. Therefore a Golden Retriever, for example, is going to behave in different fashions and forms than say, a pitt bull.
Yes, homo sapien share something like 99.8% of our DNA with Chimpanzees...BUT...we also share something like 50% of our DNA with bananas and something like 75% with earthworms. That is to say, tiny, miniscule, atomic differences in DNA make massive massive differences in behavioral and physicall expressions of genotypes in a given phenotype.
Some subspecies can interbreed but not all. Subspecies of finches yes, cow yes, dog yes, and human yes.
Generally speaking, this female who is attempting to take on the identity of the subspecies of African, may as well be trying to take on the genotype and phenotype of another subspecies of human. It would be like a Holstein cow attempting to pretend its a Wildebeast and stealthily mix itself in with a herd of Wildebeast
Obviously the herd of Wildebeast, and vice versa, are going to recognize this, if only subconsciously in this analogy, and get upset at the absurdity of the attempt.
We live in an insane, unnatural, generally dysgenic day and age*** where it seems like a significant proportion of the herd (usually the loud extroverted obnoxious drama kings and queens) are actually doing their best to engage in forcing the rest of the herd to go along with the whole "emperor does have clothes on" thing and have everyone else in the herd to believe a wildebeast = a holstein and vice versa.
This is to the detriment of both herds. It promotes things such as distrust, animosity, and reduces the ability of an otherwise cohesive herd (social unit) to effectively and efficiently predict one another's behavior. Not to mention the massive amount of cognitive dissonance individuals and society have to be burdened with on a daily basis like a computer's RAM which has too many viruses and opened corrupted programs works way below its optimal efficiency.
Yes this Rachel Dolezal, at least how the media has been representing her, is an emperor without clothes sort and yes her brain is processing her reality on a corrupted program and yes logic, reason, and truth demands she ought to be ostracized by both/ all herds. is the twist...don't hold your breath: the media = "they". And they really don't want the various herds of sheople to know. They are perhaps the worst enforcers of the noxious notion that the emperor is not buck naked.
*** if the loud but interminably moronic extroverts in society are to be continued to be believed, this idiocracy really is the final destination for the earthly human experience (ironically this movie is mypoic in its focus on a particular subspecies of homo sapien, though other than this flaw, the movie is generally right on the money):