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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    We come up with ideas on the fly all the time.

    what exactly where you looking for (post wise)? And yes it true but hopefully if you think all the time you have an idea or two. :P
  2. peoplesuck

    Obsessive Interests...List Yours!

    psychology. biology. time travel. trying to figure out were extroverts get their unlimited, unmatched energy. Games. meeting intelligent people( i would like to meet a genius before i die) ......annddd about everything that ends in -ology
  3. peoplesuck

    differences between intp and intj

    Ok thanks i think i got the idea now. ;) was on the fence a little because i have some intj traits, but im an nt so i guess thats normal.
  4. peoplesuck

    INTP Producer here. I would be honored to hear your opinion!

    Re: INTP Producer here. I would me honored to hear your opinion! 2 and 4 were good, i think you should vary the sounds though.
  5. peoplesuck

    Why don't doctors look out for INTPS?

  6. peoplesuck

    Why don't doctors look out for INTPS?

    you are an intp so tell me the answer to this: what is going to make you more money? A this kid is fucked up give him 300$ MEDICINE. B hes normal leave him alone. Also it is spoon fed in our society to be all the fuckn same ._. Thats why they are disorders, nothing wrong just different.
  7. peoplesuck

    differences between intp and intj

    Why do intps and intjs seem so similar when they have no functions n common?
  8. peoplesuck

    Psychology of the beautiful gyal.

    Not sure if this will be related but, heeerrr we ger. The most perverted people mated and now we are the product of 1000's of years or perverts kids, so high sex drive is probably normal. Not sure if this was help full but hey fk it
  9. peoplesuck

    Am i for sure intp?

    They are similar, depends you should look up the functions and decide witch suits you.
  10. peoplesuck

    Am i for sure intp?

    definitely intp or intj
  11. peoplesuck

    differences between intp and intj

    I read that since Intp are Fe they seem warmer, is this not true?
  12. peoplesuck

    differences between intp and intj

    I have looked this up and watched videos and i dont see much difference, so if someone could tell me the biggest difference that would be great :). you can turn this thread into whats the difference between x and y.
  13. peoplesuck

    what do you do when you are stressed/pushed?

    Can someone tell me what the major difference between intp and intj are? I cant figure it out :kodama1:
  14. peoplesuck

    Psychology of the beautiful gyal.

    what was the point of this thread?(not being a douche bag, i really dont know)
  15. peoplesuck

    what do you do when you are stressed/pushed?

    When im mad i usually try and make them hate themselves by pointing out all their flaws. Cant really hurt an intp like this because they except their flaws from what i know.
  16. peoplesuck

    what do you do when you are stressed/pushed?

    Im guessing withdrawing is what intps mostly do.
  17. peoplesuck

    what do you do when you are stressed/pushed?

    When i ask this i am talking about when someone tests your patience and you need to work with them. Also to the point where they are really making you crazy. When this happens i usually withdraw and everything around me seems surreal, very interesting exp. Wasn't sure if this would be...
  18. peoplesuck

    What every INTP need

    ...But INTPs use Ti right..?
  19. peoplesuck

    Merged: INTPs with Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD)

    Re: INTPs with Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) I think i have SPD, i would see a therapist but im trying to save the trees :p. I feel like relationships are fake and people just in it for things they want..
  20. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    OMG his face matches my reaction to your post xD its a sign i am the re-still living -incarnation of micheal cera.
  21. peoplesuck

    Can you read eyes?

    I got 30 and i call bs on the pic with the girl with one eyebrow raised, that is definitely joking. the others i missed was because i didnt know the words xD
  22. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    My friends said i remind them of micheal cera ._.
  23. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    Please recognize the fact that is was a figure of speech, an exaggeration and only in that specific area that i dont care about.
  24. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    What do you all think the most socially awkward type is? Intp imo!
  25. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    @ANTARK you have to take social adjustment into consideration.
  26. peoplesuck

    What You Seek in Literature

    Unexpected things and intelligent pacing with the story. Also very creative atmosphere no non fiction. New concepts, magic.
  27. peoplesuck

    Hey guys

    I thought i had avoidance personality disorder until i found out about introversion. But i was still a weird introvert, now i know i am an intp and still weird (._.) If people mess with you tell them you value your sanity over their opinion of you, they will leave you alone.
  28. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    Do intps care at all? Life is more simple when these are your problems though, abuse is bad in any case i would know but wanting to contribute sounds normal. I am terible with people so i may have nothing to really add.:o
  29. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    Im going to buy -gifts differing- a book about myer brigs, anyone read it?
  30. peoplesuck

    worst personality type to be

    I am still learning about typology so i cant say much for other types. In my exp. being an Intp sucks a lot. I only know one other INTP and im 99% sure hes Entp since he knows nothing about personal space. I cant relate to anyone i know and lets be honest, misery loves company. What is your...
  31. peoplesuck

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    Over population, answer: make kids illegal for 20 years. Also i think war should be reverted to swords and bows, way more awesome also personal.
  32. peoplesuck

    Naw was just not sure if the thread was active. answers are good too i supose

    Naw was just not sure if the thread was active. answers are good too i supose
  33. peoplesuck

    Don't like people going through my stuff

    Same for me, i think its because you want to be ...not understood? I refuse to give anyone my MP3 ever. My MP3's language is in Japanese so if someone looks or steals it they are fked.
  34. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    random idea: what would it be like having psychological warfare with an exact copy of yourself?
  35. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    All the cool kidz are doing it. :elephant::elephant:
  36. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    Path of most resistance :p always a challenge
  37. peoplesuck

    Moved: How often do you have emotional outbursts?

    Next time try screaming like in that movie with Pual Rud and Jason seagle xD.
  38. peoplesuck

    Moved: How often do you have emotional outbursts?

    uhmm.. like when you finally kinda freak out and show how much something is bothering you.
  39. peoplesuck

    Sorry to all the mods that have to move my threads i suck at being a functioning member of any...

    Sorry to all the mods that have to move my threads i suck at being a functioning member of any type of society.
  40. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    I agree but people will always try and make you make a stand on one side. Its reaaaaly annoying in writing classes where you have to pick one side and be bias.
  41. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    I understand that failing my way is better than winning your way but your still failing x_x. was kind of meant as in school test,debate type decisions.
  42. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    haha well when you take a test and there isnt an option you like you are fucked, and fucked we are. stuck in other peoples box- fkn misspelled box, heres my intp card.*hands it over*
  43. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    there usually isnt a third though. I mean when there is only two and you are forced to pick one
  44. peoplesuck

    choosing one side or the other

    please only intp replies- Do you find yourself never picking a side, just going over pros and cons of each? I hate picking one side because you're ignoring all the things wrong and the pros of the other side.
  45. peoplesuck

    Rank All The S-types from best to worst:

    haha <3 every time other people argue.
  46. peoplesuck

    Moved: How often do you have emotional outbursts?

    Re: How often do you have emotional outbursts? polz pleez
  47. peoplesuck

    Sense Of Time

    I have a terrible sense of time, when im bored i swear to god time stops. never check the clock, a wizard is never late nor early he arrives precisely when he means to.
  48. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    Im so lost, if something doesnt interest me i might aswell have adhd becuas i wont be able to pay attention.
  49. peoplesuck

    Moved: How often do you have emotional outbursts?

    I usually get these like once a year because family will come over and i get no time to be alone. Side note, does anyone else have a weird insomnia where you cant turn off your mind?
  50. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

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