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  1. peoplesuck

    How do you feel normally mentally?

    it was a one time thing
  2. peoplesuck

    love that picture with the Asian girls that said judging extra hard.

    love that picture with the Asian girls that said judging extra hard.
  3. peoplesuck

    How do you feel normally mentally?

    I took a nap in my room when it was like 80-90 degrees and i woke up feeling completely lost,blank. I dont know if thats bad but my mind was so blank it took time to remember what i had done that day. It was a great feeling because i usually have a thousand things going on at once.
  4. peoplesuck

    any adrenaline junkies here? If so whats your "thing"?

    I am usually safe but for some reason going fast on a motorcycle is too fun, i love the "no stomach" feeling. does this make me an adrenalin junkie?:angel01:
  5. peoplesuck

    Avoiding infatuation

    never had this problem but i suggest looking down when you walk and stay focused in school.
  6. peoplesuck

    how can you tell if someone is insecure or touchy?

    well people kind of are jokes..imo w/e she was crazy imo as well.
  7. peoplesuck

    how can you tell if someone is insecure or touchy?

    I ask tons of questions in school and when i make the teacher look dumb they always say don't question my teaching strategy. are they touchy or insecure? side ? last year my teacher was being really touchy, so i said "you take yourself too seriously" and in the moment i didn't know the exact...
  8. peoplesuck

    If you are intelligent does it mean you have to be good at making strategies?

    I have been told my whole life i am brilliant, I have taken many IQ tests and always score above avg and i was playing chess the other day and couldn't beat the comp. I may just be bad at chess but does intelligent mean you are capable of using it xD?
  9. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    Bigapple sorry for late reply but from what i know shyness is wanting to interact but being too self conscious. who knows :d
  10. peoplesuck

    Game of Thrones

  11. peoplesuck

    Would you consider yourself a closet "perfectionist"?

    When it comes to art, like drawing definitely.It looks wrong even when its right :/
  12. peoplesuck

    random questions.

    0_o thanks
  13. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    Took 2 different autism tests one seemed credible and didnt score anywhere near autistic. thank god 0_o
  14. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    I looked at all the links, im not a anti-social or a psychopath. As for the grammar ....meh?
  15. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    lol sociopath test, no dude im not a sociopath. maybe unconsciously but not consciously, if that makes sense.
  16. peoplesuck

    What is love to you?

    the relationship i have with me. Tbh i dont understand people who hate themselves.:)
  17. peoplesuck

    extroverts change to introverts?

    Well my question was answered thank you everyone. love these fkn forums, smart people go hard!;)
  18. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    ok so im crazy case closed thanks
  19. peoplesuck

    Am I too serious?

    shave your eyebrows and dont worry what anyone thinks.
  20. peoplesuck

    The Void's Collection

    Re: What kind of sorcery is this? meh whos to say life isnt a big dream and when you die you wake up.
  21. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    no but when i say reaction i mean thought not action.
  22. peoplesuck

    A not so simple question.

    Murder is legal for the next 59 :twisteddevil:seconds.
  23. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    It makes me mad because no one else is being aggravated but me, i feel like they are doing it on purpose. Idk so im not sure if its normal because im getting mixed responses THE ORIGINAL POST WAS A BIT OF AN EXAGGERATION. (THE PART ABOUT STABBING THEM)
  24. peoplesuck

    You know you're an Intp when...

    being sarcastic and forgetting to sound sarcastic. Miss-communications todos los dias!
  25. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    Im not worried im going to hurt anyone but it makes focus in a loud room impossible.
  26. peoplesuck

    random questions.

    Does light reflect light?Do cats with more whiskers have better balance?Does air have a color? most of these are probably stupid, ask w/e you want
  27. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    I figured it wasnt normal to be bothered by noise to the point i am so i looked up the diff types of hypersensitive hearing, found one that matched.mineund. I dont hate sound so its not the one that starts with misan_ i like music so idk
  28. peoplesuck

    extroverts change to introverts?

    Ok, but how do people change? extrovert to introvert socially.
  29. peoplesuck

    Is my minds way of dealing with problems normal?

    So i noticed this when i was figuring out what type of hypersensitive hearing i have. One of the types was, certain sounds make you mad, this is definitely me. When someone taps a pen my first thought is to make them stop, take the pen and stab them. I never do things like that but my first...
  30. peoplesuck

    You know you're an Intp when...

    when someone comes over and you think,"well i guess im not eating today". critiquing is like seeing in color, you can't not do it. L is your favorite death note character.
  31. peoplesuck


    the wise man's fear is a good book imo. so is the name of the wind.
  32. peoplesuck

    extroverts change to introverts?

  33. peoplesuck

    extroverts change to introverts?

    when i was a kid(still am) i was very extroverted. Im now a complete asocial loner. Ive done some research on introversion and introverts have different brains( receive info different), they also have longer dopamine pathways. So how does someone turn into and introvert?( I dont know much about...
  34. peoplesuck

    Darkside of Genius

    base groove you know this how?
  35. peoplesuck

    Do you think in words or pictures?

    I think in words but when im recalling something its in pictures or reliving the memory .
  36. peoplesuck

    Is suicide selfish?

    as if they deserve it, also that is very selfish.
  37. peoplesuck

    Is suicide selfish?

    I got this from some anti bullying video. said that suicide hurts everyone who knows you so its selfish. I disagree, anyone who wants you to be miserable, wanting to die every day doesn't even like you. imo :l just to clear this up im not suicidal was just an argument i had with myself xD
  38. peoplesuck

    poll how much do intps like people?

    I posted this to see where being an intp stops and being a loner starts. when i feel like socializing i just remember what its like and forget about that sht. and sorry for posting a thread in the wrong section im new, dont even know how to post n the lounge.
  39. peoplesuck

    INTP's ADD when it comes to reading.

    i am the same way. mostly history stuff i just cant focus. to dayum boring :storks:
  40. peoplesuck

    "This forum is a drug"

    chronic insomnia:kodama1:.
  41. peoplesuck

    post your favorite jokes, skits

    I for some reason find it hilarious when someone freaks out or dry humor.if you want smart comedy i recommend myq kalpan.
  42. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    Introversion has nothing to do with fear, shyness.
  43. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    thanks thats what i was talking about.
  44. peoplesuck

    Darkside of Genius

    test is flawed said im popular and calming to be around.:confused:
  45. peoplesuck

    poll how much do intps like people?

    just answer the poll;)
  46. peoplesuck

    Moments of Mental Retardation?

    It feels very stupid to read out loud and mispronounce half the words when im a great reader. it's crystal clear up here. :facepalm: may be because i don't talk much.
  47. peoplesuck

    Is it possible to see intelligence in the eyes of a person?

    Blue eyes are linked to intelligence.
  48. peoplesuck

    introversion is nature here is why.

    I dont have the book atm but i think it was the way outside stimulants effect them. also it said that when the introverts experience happiness its never the same high as extrovert happiness. The 2 book are QUITE and INTROVERT POWER.
  49. peoplesuck

    why do we vocalize pain.

    I agree that it is inborn. You cant be quite when you experience enough pain.;)
  50. peoplesuck

    has anyone here taken a personal genome test? Scientist have found a gene related to introversion.

    if you look up "is introversion nature or nurture" you will get mixed results and i dont know why..we have evidence! :evil:
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