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Search results

  1. nanook

    What colors do you see?

    what's kinda interesting about the photo is that the colors are the exact negative of each other. the white becomes gold, when inverted, the gold becomes white. http://i.imgur.com/z2hZGCN.jpg inverted version of this: http://i.imgur.com/LGxNeGS.jpg and when you invert the blue and black...
  2. nanook

    What colors do you see?

    look at what blue and black actually looks like: http://mashable.com/2015/02/26/buy-blue-black-white-gold-dress/ nobody who looks at the white/yellow picture is actually seeing a blue skirt and black stipes, all they see is blue-ish white with dark shadows over it and brown-ish stripes. then...
  3. nanook

    What colors do you see?

    cardassian propaganda!
  4. nanook

    What colors do you see?

    It's a reflecting synthetic white, so it looks blue-ish in it's dark environment (it's casting a shadow on it's environment). But there is no god damn black in this picture! It's clearly gold. I can't believe there is an optical illusion inside of the picture. If it's not in your brain, it may...
  5. nanook

    Updating beliefs by obtaining feedback from reality

    Yeah, sounds at least similar to how disconnected my occasional thinking conclusions are from how my motivation moves. I can easily relate to that. There is a strong desire for closure in introverted judgement and closure works based on probabilities but also priorities. For example: would...
  6. nanook

    today i met a lady from wisconsin

    people who think it's creepy when you analyse them make me want to pull out my axe. i make sure to mention typology, stages of consciousness and entheogens in the first conversation. no point in wasting time with neurotypicals. :twisteddevil: :kodama1:
  7. nanook

    Updating beliefs by obtaining feedback from reality

    you have priorities. you achieve one thing (or hold on to one achievement) by fucking up another. you experience one reality by avoiding another. you can't see how you could have the capacity to handle both at the same time. perhaps you really can't. you don't honestly feel that the second...
  8. nanook

    INTP problems

    perhaps the heart section is most specific to intp, although it would require only minor adjustments to make it fit for infp. we fail to be ourselves in relationships, to demand our rights for agency. we sacrifice our services with seemingly endless patience to people who can't fully appreciate...
  9. nanook

    Your Favorite Alcoholic Drinks

    taste-wise some green woodruff liqueur or something vizzy with lime, mojito, etc. i am inexperienced with tastes though. i tried almond liqueur and I liked it first, but later it made me vomit (mixed in the stomach together with some iboga rootbark powder and apple cider vinegar) and i...
  10. nanook

    Self-talking your Inner Demon

    @pyro > The losing person has an already internalized negativity Is it internalized negativity? It's probably memorized, but not necessarily a part of the character. To internalize a limitation into your character could imply two attitudes. 1) "these difficult things are tabu, they have...
  11. nanook

    Intuitives are social.

    i agree with much of what you say, vlassssomething, but it seems the real point of my argument was lost on you. we all see that intuitives are statistically associated with progressive ideas, this is not up for debate and exceptions are not relevant. what i discuss is HOW this can be true...
  12. nanook

    Self-talking your Inner Demon

    I wonder why it's so difficult for me to relate to this whole subject. Is my inner critic so unconscious, are we simply best friends, am i so accepting of critique, do i blame all negative thoughts on others, society and circumstances and am i wrong or right about doing so? Critique is not my...
  13. nanook

    "Like" buttons for posts including threads?

    I can never really tell if the general silence about my posts is a gesture of humility, prayer or disgust. I don't need a large audience, if only 10 people read me, fine, but if i knew that all my fans are the non-intp members and that all the intp are annoyed by me, i would probably go and find...
  14. nanook

    To 'be yourself'?

    basically being yourself means being real in relationships. outside of relationships you can't know yourself, because you don't exist as an object, you only exist as the events that are essentially a bunch of relationships developing. you can be in relationship with nature and surfboards of...
  15. nanook

    To 'be yourself'?

    You can't be raw in this society, the autist is an outsider who can't financially survive. You can either pretend to be less than you are (or something else entirely) or learn to translate what you are into a language that does not threaten other people and fully takes into account the second...
  16. nanook

    To 'be yourself'?

    there are a few books about this, one is 'don't be nice, be real' by kelly bryson. the subject covers non violent communication (rosenberg). you learn how to focus on yourself and say what's happening in you, instead of hiding it all behind demands and judgements.
  17. nanook

    To 'be yourself'?

    not a question :p saw this video of a surfer dude who is supposed to be like autistic or whatever. (i don't respect the theory of the spectrum). anyhow, taking into account that we never have complete reflexive understanding of ourselves i want to refine what i said before: you don't have to...
  18. nanook

    To 'be yourself'?

    one is oneself by knowing one self. by most definitions an asshole is someone who fails to know himself. one of your basic needs if not the most basic needs is to be loved. people unlearn who they are, because they become whores for fake conditional love (social acceptance) instead, which is...
  19. nanook

    love is in the chest?

    my understanding of this energy stuff is rather limited. here is what i have, on the top of my mind. where you feel unity should depend on where you feel identity at the time. last time i could locate a unity experience was in a social context and in that context my identity was in the solar...
  20. nanook

    Type, behavior

    i agree with the general idea, of course type creates behavior in principle. and peoples thoughts about why they do something are often inaccurate, they might be rationalisations of feelings or intuitions or sensations, making the person appear rational. but typing behavior requires a lot of...
  21. nanook

    Type, behavior

    riding my bike gives me the feeling that i am acting spontaneously without external reference point, meaning for once i am neither researching a subject, nor responding to someone's thoughts, nor consuming what other people have created. riding the bike is boring compared to painting a picture...
  22. nanook

    Are Furbies Creepy?

    it's like those banana figures with only one eye. there is an area in the brain that specialized on perceiving eyes and teeth and in demented people it happens that this area becomes more active, than other areas that perceive other areas of the face. this leads to hallucinations or subjective...
  23. nanook

    Drawings in notebooks (while you should be taking notes?)

    my typical doodle was emotionally and psychologically loaded and is found next to a diary type of text. in school i did my best to develop my drawing skills. either way, i promise, no school related information was retained. :smoker: i have rarely touched paper after getting my hands on a...
  24. nanook

    "everything is connected"?

    i find the statement at least mildly annoying, even though i have a high tolerance for the intuitive metaphors that belong to the language of new age/pluralism. everything is connected with something in it's direct neighbourhood and many things are integrated into holons, like cells are...
  25. nanook

    Are people bad, good, or neutral?

    being good or bad is a story you have learned to believe in. those stories are very real to us, but we can become the authors of our stories, then they become fiction. what you really are is sensitive or insensitive, smart or stupid. and your judgemental reactions to your environment depend on...
  26. nanook

    Being down to earth ;)

    I'm very down to earth. I love to sit on the ground, on sidewalk corners or on my skateboard. I love being barefoot or getting my hands into all sorts of places. I use body language consciously, albeit i'm afraid i lack a good precision and do odd things at time. And I use touch to show...
  27. nanook

    the exact opposite of your comfort zone?

    claustrophobia, being buried alive = a possible icon of inferior Si terror?
  28. nanook

    The NSA. What do we know?

    by "NSA website" you mean whatever content is displayed in your browser, right? that would be a funny interpretation. they can see you trough the inter tubes, while you stare at that "website". those inter tubes are like telescopes, but they are buried underground. :cat:
  29. nanook

    the exact opposite of your comfort zone?

    what is it and why? for me its reality and nobody embodies reality like prison inmates, the social workers who try to teach them to keep their projections wrapped up (anger management), police officers and soldiers. when i look at movies that feature realistic (!) displays of such parties, i...
  30. nanook

    Type Filthy Frank

    i think enfp and entp are good possibilities. i would sooner think entp. jenna stikes me as estp, not esfp. 815... you sound like you would mistype a more settled enfp for infp. i may be mistyped, but i'm not dramatic. i am most sincere and i am incapable of joking around. i have to say...
  31. nanook

    Type Filthy Frank

    this is an actor from the movie trash (2014). he is relevant in my mind. http://i.imgur.com/HnFYVQG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/j1tag8l.jpg and of course http://i.imgur.com/a0IENHx.jpg
  32. nanook

    Type Filthy Frank

    I see Perception dominant eyes and my first hunch was Ni but i don't rule out Ne. I still get confused over Fi vs Fe mouth. I don't know what he does, but from the images it's obvious that he is not taking the senses very seriously, in fact his humor is based in taking them so lightly that...
  33. nanook

    Pablo Picasso

    not sure if you were responding to me, cola? whatever history suggests to you, as an artist, you will only allow for influences that are resonating with your mind so strongly, that you like to spend time with them and are capable of reproducing their elements in a unique fashion. it's impossible...
  34. nanook

    Pablo Picasso

    i will go out on a limb here, but: "with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into a sun." introverted processes (intuitions) leading to sensation, as opposed to the opposite path, introverted static impressions (sensations) leading to sensation (Si ((S))) or...
  35. nanook

    Pablo Picasso

    jungle, if you were right, i could not be infp, i would have to be isfp or infj then. my own way of drawing is extremely photorealistic, except it's phantastic (aliens + replicants) and symbolical (sugar skulls, chained people), like concept art. i can ramp up the symbolism, but i can not get...
  36. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    no not really, but i'm only recognized for "insane" speculations, not for practical contributions. i have tweaked computers, 'pimped' bikes, painted stuff but this is always my own property, not the property of other people. they would not like the changes that i would make and they would hold...
  37. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    okay, no problem. random though thread has random posting patterns.
  38. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Kinda sounds like me, you know. Enneagram 9>6, INFP. How i would have behaved at work, in the past, if anyone would have given me a job. I can't go with my Ne, because then i would have to go with my Fi first and that would mean that i travel around the world on a motorbike after setting the...
  39. nanook

    Loss of Innocence

    you know what i am loosing? my naivety. perhaps this is some sort of Te analogy to whatever Fe disenchantment irks the intp. to me, naivety is when I think that something positive could come from sharing my sorrows with other people. the alternative is "realizing" that I have to be all alone...
  40. nanook

    Loss of Innocence

    The first time i saw those fotos of Daniela Poggiali, the nurse who has killed so many old people in a hospital, those photos where she is in hand-cuffs and she has this red tight sweatshirt, i just had to fap like i hadn't fapped in a month. Maybe i had not. So far i feel good on the dark...
  41. nanook

    Thread Derail: "I'm no different from a can of pineapple"

    i think throwing around with Si references like "cinema" (which are, i insist, unrelated to Fi) is typically motivated by Fe, perhaps inferior Fe. so exactly the kind of thing intp would do and disown, thinking of it as being un intp-ish. the purpose of having these peals in your persona and...
  42. nanook

    If Everyone Is Beautiful?

    beauty is physical, but as i have defined in other threads before, aesthetics is the (recognition of) graceful interplay of static and dynamic aspects of reality. so beauty comes in part from movement, from the fact, that something is alive or harmonizes with life. unless it's a zombie. look...
  43. nanook

    If Everyone Is Beautiful?

    beauty comes from being natural and so many if not most people have unlearned to behave in natural ways. as much as being fat is caused in part by being completely misinformed about what sort of food is tolerable for human bodies and by the fact that healthy food is rather hidden away in stores...
  44. nanook

    Last movie you watched

    Trash - movie about kids from a slum playing detective and hunting for a treasure of sorts, very cute adventure story. 8 The Theory of Everything - the movie about stephen hawking. as watchable and worthwhile as a movie about him could possibly be, i guess. 7. Northmen - A Viking Saga - a...
  45. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    googles "the intj revolution" it appears to be a facebook community page and there is a pinterest version of it. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-INTJ-Revolution/311500758967876 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/520165825682513620/
  46. nanook

    Thw drug called "MBTI"

    Understand your addiction. Introverts are driven to understand themselves in intrinsic terms. Who am i underneath how i relate to and am defined by my environment? This is a life long journey and typology can be a path to trans-personal insights, which means, for example, shadow-work. (The...
  47. nanook

    How do you plan to express your theories?

    I don't think i have enough to justify a book, not in volume but accuracy and permanent relevance. I'm always in a process of figuring things out and second guessing myself and this is best shared in personal dialogue, blogs , vlogs and message boards. I'd totally make more youtube videos, if...
  48. nanook

    Ti-Ne hypocrisy of language

    my use of the word is perfectly coherent in my mind. perhaps a misunderstanding. i was criticising a different but common usage of the word. Ti is subjective in the deep sense in which typology comprehends the process. and is only commonly and superficially misinterpreted as objective by...
  49. nanook

    Ti-Ne hypocrisy of language

    tldr :p i think it's a general problem of introversion. we appreciate subjectivity, but taking in someone else's subjectivity through language is still an extroverted process that can be down right painful to me. there is strong competition between your subjective expectation and what you get...
  50. nanook

    Wearing watches

    have no place for a watch, because i already wear my mala on the left. :angel01: i'm right handed, so the right arm is off limits.
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