1. yes. but our perception of essence can be fooled by how juicy words and concepts are to us. sometimes the clearest expression is obtained from a moment of passion and immersion in ones existential position, since facets elusive to the present conscious are then kept. i'm inclined to believe this is something INTP's often need to learn. it's a scary leap of faith and fears ought to be challenged. it's Ne, and Ne isn't fully appreciated if it is only used to connect dots for ones mental model and never to experience and express. agree?
I don't want to speak for all INTPs; but as a 5w4 variant, of course I see value in that. It's just an intuitive form of truth versus a massaged and distilled one... but as such, it has power. Ti might be rock and granite, and Ne might be wind and fire, but it's still all truth.
I'll say it's a weird place to live, though. I wish I could be one or the other. Instead, I end up feeling like the bedrock of Ti has the life massaged out of it, yet the intuitive leaps/bursts of Ne seem to be foundationless. So neither feels good when you're trying to weave a gestalt from them. You're smelting the law and structure of the urviles into the earthpower of the elohim (to borrow from some books I love).
2. yes. these tendencies are parallel in a way. i just wonder if it's sound to always (or nearly always) be meticulous in verbal production and loose in verbal reception. inversing the relation seems to yield equally fruitful potential approaches.
Well, I was mainly trying to answer the questions asked and find a potential sensibility between the two. In terms of how i actually live my life as I age, there's more continually growing experiential "in the moment" truth there versus the overly massaged theoretical.
3. yes, it's a Ti-Ne thing. would you say Ni-Te is the opposite, being content with expressing a bundle of reasonably efficient and consistent (but not entirely cleansed from redundance and contradiction) hunches, while instead nitpicking others? the intellectual pride evident in the more decisive and charged Ni-Te expression seems more palatable to a general public. it's emotion to identify with, it grants the recipient a self-gratifying reward. that's an advantage in comparison to strange INTP robot talk.
That sounds plausible. Interestingly, I'm dealing with an NiTe right now (elsewhere) on an issue of disgreement and that's how it feels when I have to engage him. I also feel like he's playing to the crowd even when the conversation is private... taking those hunches (some of which are completely wrong) but being able to convert them into a concrete structure that looks impressive the rest of the world until you chip off the veneer and realize the blocks are all empty or formless inside.
INTPs definitely have a PR problem -- we get solid internal ideas of how something works [ideas we find very convincing] yet convey them in vague ways, at least to the rest of the world, so we look a bit crazy and/or unattached to what is known.
hypocrisy was perhaps the wrong word. i was trying to emphasize and focus an apparent contradiction rather than firmly claim its truth. i agree that there's similarity and coherence too.
Well, that was my word, but I agree the negative connotations aren't what was intended; there's just an apparent contradiction, and we're exploring whether it really is.