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What exactly is encapsulated in the phrase 'be yourself'? Does it mean accepting I'm an a-hole and not doing anything to change it or improve? How does one know oneself and how can one be oneself?
That's deep but I still don't get is oneself by knowing one self. by most definitions an asshole is someone who fails to know himself. one of your basic needs if not the most basic needs is to be loved. people unlearn who they are, because they become whores for fake conditional love (social acceptance) instead, which is really the expression of a need for survival, which is like a fraction broken out of the broader need of love. but if you become an asshole, you make yourself unlovable, even if you can survive that way, being a survivor is still just a fragment of what you desire to mean to the world. so you don't know yourself anymore either, just like the overly popular person, you don't feel the full spectrum of your basic needs, you are an act, not a whole human being.
you don't have to know yourself conceptually, in order to be yourself, you only have to be able to allow for the experience of yourself, which will always lead to some sort of expression of yourself.
I see what you mean. Being 'raw and original' despite what people think. But does it mean that trying to improve on say, caring more about others' feelings, makes him not be himself?not a question
saw this video of a surfer dude who is supposed to be like autistic or whatever. (i don't respect the theory of the spectrum). anyhow, taking into account that we never have complete reflexive understanding of ourselves i want to refine what i said before: you don't have to know yourself conceptually, in order to be yourself, you only have to be able to allow for the experience of yourself, which will always lead to some sort of expression of yourself. so for example this cat like surfer dude gets angry quickly, when he doesn't feel that his needs are met. i am sure some people would call him asshole. but every baby does that. of course babies are authentic. and nobody would call them asshole. what makes an asshole is not anger, but the way an asshole rationalizes or implements the expression of his anger, he explicitly tries to make others feel bad about themselves, or the like. the asshole becomes more destructive of his environment in order to distract his attention from his own experience, which is one of being threatened and angry. the asshole tries to be cool.
I agree with this, it seems to me that being "yourself" can sometimes be more about not being what you're not, in other words; not obstructing your experience of yourself
How does one know what one is. Is it just 'going with the flow'?
Thank you kind miss.'proper' art of expression? hmmm
It is a basic need to desire communication or cross pollination of ideas, for that you will probably need things like language that will definitely take away from the complexity of your self expression, but to intentionally modify expression in order to harmonise with other people's selves/expressions is basically trying to -fit in- and censoring "yourself"
What exactly is encapsulated in the phrase 'be yourself'? Does it mean accepting I'm an a-hole and not doing anything to change it or improve? How does one know oneself and how can one be oneself?
one is oneself by knowing one self. by most definitions an asshole is someone who fails to know himself. one of your basic needs if not the most basic needs is to be loved. people unlearn who they are, because they become whores for fake conditional love (social acceptance) instead, which is really the expression of a need for survival, which is like a fraction broken out of the broader need of love. but if you become an asshole, you make yourself unlovable, even if you can survive that way, being a survivor is still just a fragment of what you desire to mean to the world. so you don't know yourself anymore either, just like the overly popular person, you don't feel the full spectrum of your basic needs, you are an act, not a whole human being.
I think You can have no idea(or a very vague idea) who you are but still recognize instances when you're not being "yourself"...not being yourself= inhibiting the natural flow of your self experience/expression(With all its complexities and vagueness)