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Search results

  1. nanook

    Your life goals? Dreams?

    When i was four years or so i realized that i was different and that i have no place in this world, so i kept life and dreams separate, i would dress up as cowboy, but not act like one in real life, my father would have killed me. For a while i thought i would grow up to become more normal...
  2. nanook

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    8 out of 10 people in mbti are mistyped. i guess i should be glad, that it's so painfully obvious on youtube. one day the messiah will return and sort it all out.
  3. nanook

    Artistic Preferences

    You showed a preference for tumblr and deviantart. Get out of these holy halls! When it comes to old stuff, i find romanticism and realism consistently appealing, other genres have the occasional stunning work, but most pieces i find unappealing. http://i.imgur.com/RxQNY8K.jpg
  4. nanook

    Define "Reaching your potential"

    for me it's defined as fearlessness. being undivided against myself. what that looks like is irrelevant. potential is when you are doing your best, everyone does their best, except not everyone is fully who they are, thus their best is only a fragment of their best potential. it's not just about...
  5. nanook

    Why no image of Satan???

    Eh, I've seen that porn video too, but what about the devil? G Senjō no Maō (G線上の魔王?, officially translated into English as "The Devil on G-string") is a Japanese adult visual novel. The title "G Senjo- no Mao-" comes from August Wilhelmj's "Air on the G String", an adaptation of J.S. Bach's...
  6. nanook

    Why no image of Satan???

    If satan is music, does it sound like burzum? I don't even know what a g-spot is, let alone g-strings.
  7. nanook

    Spirit animal.

    i did a test like this recently and it suggested i'm a spider. close but too close, thanks. i don't think we have to limit ourselves to one spirit animal. i have always resonated with seals. warm and cuddly, but still isolated and not doers, they don't even have real arms...
  8. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    helene giraud. http://i.imgur.com/QcLSrOL.jpg I was replying to the man beyond, so i wasn't talking about you being similar to her, just to be clear.
  9. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    extroverted, perception dominant. i find out it's dmx, so i google more images to find him smiling. damn, finding a gangster rapper smiling is not an easy feat. i'm beginning to think he is enfp, just because he won't smile. yes, here is a smile. looks Fi to me...
  10. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    would you bang architect? i have just come to the conclusion, that you resemble his flame helene grimaud. it's probably time for me to go to bed, i'm seeing things.
  11. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    i want to be her. i would bang you.
  12. nanook


    benedict cumbertatch, if you are really angry ;)
  13. nanook


    1) you get a warning 2) you get a naked pic from jenny 3) you win a smart watch
  14. nanook

    Ask manipulator

    this is troll photo
  15. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    could be ISFJ or INFP, no? his personality seems adaptive, his mouth may be more like Fe though. eyes are clearly on the Si-Ne axis. is he really a feeling type or just sensitive? could he be intp, after all? http://i.imgur.com/w3QXgiN.jpg i resonate with those open eyes and the sad slightly...
  16. nanook

    INTPs and freedom to speak the truth

    (probably INFP) I don't usually value speaking the truth more than other aspects of life, like maintaining my few and superficial and rather meaningless facebook friendships, or close relationships, but sometimes i do speak up and people do abandon me. It's a constant struggle for me and i'm...
  17. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    i'm impersonating you, of course. always. or maybe just mr spock
  18. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    Fascinating. Raises right eyebrow. If you (INFJ) came into this thread to prove, that Ni can't help but to make unnecessary ad hominem attacks, you have succeeded.
  19. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    Yeah, not in this thread. But i do psychoanalyse people without much hesitation, when i feel that a deep subjective confusion is the source of whatever conflict they project into their experience in reality. (I won't say i'm not an Ni type, but i'm probably not)
  20. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    sounds like you are talking about me :cool:
  21. nanook

    INTP stuff

    I know what you mean.
  22. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    pointing out that a generalisation is just a generalisation, as if this disqualifies all related and intended arguments, is usually an infantile and aggressive "you are wrong, i found a fault in you and i won't try to see your point, because fuck you" move. it's also one of these things that...
  23. nanook

    INTP stuff

    I have become oddly sexualized, don't get me wrong, i'm not that kinky dude with a fox tail, i had three steady girlfriends, that's the whole story of my sex life, but i can't help myself, it seems physicality is theoretically the only language that can connect me intimately to other people...
  24. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    if you call me unicorn, the subjective image is originated by Ni and the fact that you put it out there as if it was objective truth is Se (estp alex jones style), but the fact that you judge the unicorn as being ridiculous and not noteworthy, instead of following me into rainbow land, is...
  25. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    i have an account on intjforum, but i don't use it. i wrote a hand full of my usual monological posts in various threads. my memory is certainly imprecise: somebody asked me to expand on my reasoning, but before i could respond, one intj came along and drew a caricature of me, suggesting i am...
  26. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    Unless we are offended by the fact that Ni types tend to think they are old souls that have lived many times who consider us spiritually weak for not remembering, i don't see what is inherently offending about Ni. If someone lies in arguments it's clearly a result of how they think and feel...
  27. nanook

    Ni bashing?

    My experience is that when people are bashing another type it's almost always an inability to see functions as they are and types for what they are good at. Unless someone has been butt hurt by how they are misunderstood or mistreated by a particular type. For instance various extroverts give...
  28. nanook

    Strong Fe

    I explore the hypothetical scenario in the original post. As i implied, judgement will motivate what sort of perception you will indulge in. Within your spectrum of possible perceptions. Extroverted Judgement (Fe) can pull you into "the world" (interaction, Pe). Another example for Je...
  29. nanook

    Ask QuickTwist (^_^)V (including about his mental illness)

    Re: Ask QT about his mental illness. It's always interesting to learn something hallucinations and stuff, but i lack the gift and drive to inquire verbally into the unknown. Inferior Te perhaps.
  30. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    http://youtu.be/OTF8CUb_JRQ http://youtu.be/sKkx9yRymYk https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5NlLTlu8R1MEAS62_9uaIg/videos
  31. nanook

    Socionics test.

    @JansenDowel which test did you take, the one from the first post? that was not your result, was it? the percentage is given for the next best results only. see my result: Your Sociotype: EII-2Ne (INFj) - LII (INTj): 85% as likely as EII. >INTJ 87% it's spelled INTj, lower case J and...
  32. nanook

    Strong Fe

    If "using Si" means doing detail oriented work that is inspired by subjective demands or subjective enthusiasm, such as setting up your computer for geeky needs, inventing custom paint/photo-shop brushes, skinning your mp3 player, writing a script to automate things, then it's something that...
  33. nanook

    Meditation IQ

    I've been experimenting with intermittent fasting just now. Two days with less than 1000 kcals, 22 hours of fasting and i already forget the PIN for my banking account. Make more typos than usual. Have the greatest difficulty taking in meaning from spoken or written words. Burn my first meal on...
  34. nanook

    Socionics test.

    Your Sociotype: EII-2Ne (INFj) LII (INTj): 85% as likely as EII. IEI (INFp): 61% as likely as EII. IEE (ENFp): 59% as likely as EII. details : http://www.sociotype.com/tests/result/est/100755 I don't really know how to interpret the percentages that are listed there. Relative Strength...
  35. nanook

    Self typing patterns

    They are called differently and as a result imagined differently, by readers who have not yet learned to connect written word with real people. It's very unfortunate. Has mislead me for years. But all we really need to sort out the bullshit is sixteen real life people and accurate knowledge of...
  36. nanook

    Self typing patterns

    Do you usually feel drawn towards people and find yourself waiting for the next party? Yes, in comparsion to the other monks in my monastery. I feel i should have some human interaction now and then in 2015. I am looking forward to the next sylvester party since i skipped it in 2014. I am...
  37. nanook

    Animekitty's Type

    Re: Am I a Sensor: advantages / disadvantages animekitty, you are obsessed with the idea that Ni users are having dream like color full imagery in their mind and that you can not be an Ni user, because you don't. do you have any evidence at all, that Ni users use a lot of imagery like...
  38. nanook

    Thoughts and language

    the part of the brain that processes spatially and processes visual intelligence is inspired by body movements and must be perfectly functional in blind people. therefore blind people are not lacking a visual world, they only lack color. in fact i imagine their visual world is much more...
  39. nanook

    Are INTJ's better?

    i wouldn't say that, TMB, i think its not Ne but subjective judgement (Ji) that makes me so ignorant of beginning and end, because my mind would cycle around from interest to interest, like read a paragraph over here, switch to that video over there, pause, think for myself for a while, ...
  40. nanook

    Are INTJ's better?

    am i missing the joke? are we talking about costume parties now? ewoks vs imperial troopers? who wins? who knows?
  41. nanook

    Are INTJ's better?

    look how the Ni type is concerned with process, timing, starting things. the inxp on here have no idea what you are talking about :p does anything in my world have a beginning and an end? not until someone forces me against my nature to approach things that way. the thought of it gives me...
  42. nanook

    Are INTJ's better?

    intj don't have the 9-5 discipline of Si cubicle drones, they are process oriented, impatient transformers. they work best with a telephone or similar. with apparently "nothing", from a sensor point of view. creating their own work mission, having their work place consist of things in their...
  43. nanook

    Are INTJ's better?

    I think INTJ will work with what works for them, this is why they are always successful. One of them is a janitor, one is creating commercial artwork for his local community, another one is a high profile politician but they are probably the best at what they do, in their local context. I...
  44. nanook

    What are INTP unique abilities?

    Ti is primarily creative. It's sometimes perceived as a problem solver, but not because it understands given "problems" (such as climate destabilization) so well, only because it can invent methodological solutions and possibly circumvent problems (and create other problems) in a world that was...
  45. nanook

    INTP stuff

    to be fair, upon rereading, it does not seem like you told him, that he must not say what he said, you only informed him that you perceive it as offensive and tried to put the fear of the feminist god into him, which is somewhere between okay informal speech and a hidden 'persuasion'. borderline...
  46. nanook

    INTP stuff

    *ism is when you think you have the right to tell other people what to do or to send them to hell if they don't obey, such as when one tells pizzabeak that he must never generalize an experience, even though all people generalize all of the time and even though it's just a rhetorical laziness...
  47. nanook

    INTP stuff

    it's not sexist, it's not a mindset, it's a real life experience. women are like this, not all women, but probably 99% women at pizzabeaks age in pizzabeaks local scene. it's highly sexist to call men sexist when they report their factual experience with women. at worst he lacks the intuition to...
  48. nanook

    Animekitty's Type

    Re: Am I a Sensor: advantages / disadvantages i think you are using Ni and your approach to typology or theory of mind is distinctly different from mine, because of that. you have very focused eyes and your smile does not intrude into your face at all. you are not dominant in feeling. might...
  49. nanook

    Activisty Zeal

    INTP activist has deconstructed all divisive political agendas.
  50. nanook

    INTP problems

    I've got 99 problems but a career ain't one. hiding out in my parents attic/loft.
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