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Search results

  1. nanook

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    that's why i have no friends :smoker: I hate 4 letter codes, i hate the j/p dichotomy. I care about functions. But in mbti NiFe means INFJ, NiTe means INTJ, both have Se shadow, because that is just what comes with Ni. mbti calls the shadow "inferior function". inferior doesn't mean weak as in...
  2. nanook

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    by the way, did you know, estp is shadow of NiFe, which is why it's not far fetched to bring the comparison up. SeTi-NiFe vs NiFe-SeTi. both dynamic. btw, that is also why i brought thor into this. thor is estp, in my mind. btw, i'm not saying you are estp, i'm saying a part of my mind has...
  3. nanook

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    Haha, I think my Te is coming on too strong. This is just me communicating ideas and associations and telling it like i see it, i'm totally neutral on the feeling values :))) I'm really approaching you with sympathies. dynamic means : dominant perception (Ni) + perceptive shadow (Se). it...
  4. nanook

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    to be perfectly honest, a part of my intuition perceives you as estp. "quick twist" you are a dynamic type, lead in perception. i see you running around like a dog (literally), chasing girls, being like the opposite of introverted, but still doing it all in a very subjective way. doing too...
  5. nanook

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    If Thor came by and hit Keanu Reeves on the forehead, you would be the result. Gary Oldman in The fifth Element comes to mind. Or Leo Di Caprio. Tilda Swinton. Im perceiving you as Ni dominant. It's hard for me to see your feeling, but i think it might be Fe - because i have been influenced...
  6. nanook

    Do You Ever Really Know?

    I'm never sure about my definitions/perceptions of what a type is. I can use different concepts, to wrap my head around different aspects of my interiority. Some are theoretically contradictory to others, but have various advantages, highlight different aspects, so i keep the contradictions. I...
  7. nanook

    I have marked it as unread, so as to not forget it, but i really don't seem to come up with a...

    I have marked it as unread, so as to not forget it, but i really don't seem to come up with a worthwhile response, as time passes ...
  8. nanook

    Cool experimental sounding music

    that's sounds great, Helvete, i didn't know it. and don't get me started on people who think music instead of hearing it, Salmoneus :aufsmaul: doesn't matter, if they are are thinking it old or new.
  9. nanook

    Cool experimental sounding music

    most of what i like (see my whyd account) has so much individuality that it goes beyond a genre, if that is possible. on the other hand, since i never listen to typical genre music any more, i will sometimes hear an average piece (perhaps pop or electro) and it sounds all new and special too...
  10. nanook

    Newcomer, p.s. ganja

    yeah, let's not get too cerebral on intpforum :smoker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6h_kHYHBaQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG5YAQsY2Tc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXLED5HuI8o
  11. nanook

    How to stop being a fattie fat fat?

    i think andrew perlot is one of the few good examples for true fattie fat fats. his understanding is broad, holistic, moderate. perhaps slightly too mechanistic. he does have a concern for lifestyle, but afaik never goes into analysis of specific attachments that are in the way of freedom...
  12. nanook

    How to stop being a fattie fat fat?

    100% understanding is the only thing that could ever motivate me to do anything with consistency. eating differently is impossible to me now, it would be like drinking battery acid or jumping out of a window. the best thing is, that this understanding of health is not limited to theory, because...
  13. nanook

    How to stop being a fattie fat fat?

    combine the understanding of overweight of the gabriel method with the understanding of human health as communicated around the 801010 world. the gabriel method teaches that calory restriction makes fat, because it's traumatic famine, and fat is preparation for frequent famines. that the...
  14. nanook

    Have you ever interacted with a truly evil person?

    that's a strong point, it can hardly be argued that language has a strong democratic element and i can not be surprised about how it's being used, but I will still teach my take on the language, just like they will release oxford, because: 1) those people mean what i mean, they just have...
  15. nanook


    can't tell how many lucid dreams i had, in which my hope for stumbling onto some sacred illuminated insight about "the source" provoked the manifestation of some sort of church or temple and when i tried to enter it, i woke up, with the clear sense that the dream was interrupted by the fact...
  16. nanook

    Which Pulp Fiction Character are you?

  17. nanook

    Have you ever interacted with a truly evil person?

    and since i'm bringing up the word soul i know what some of you are thinking. i don't want to troll, but i honestly have a hard time not perceiving people as somewhat evil/ignorant, who say (or i'm thinking they just pretend) that they do not even understand what the word soul means. the word...
  18. nanook

    Have you ever interacted with a truly evil person?

    i think evil is an unfortunate mismatch of soul and mind. little soul + little mind is very dangerous, but you can still pity it, while you toast it on the chair*. little soul + big mind is just too damn spooky, so we like to disown it, which is probably what the word evil is supposed to do for...
  19. nanook


    yeah, all right, it's a thread about ayahuasca. or chihuahuas if my spellchecker get's to have a say. "chihuahua eats psychotropic viridian from capiz" i haven't done it yet, but i have the ingredients ready and intend to do it soon. i'm undecided about whether i should do it early or late...
  20. nanook


    oh, Lot, so your previously mentioned trip was not a break through yet? that's probably the explanation for why you spoke about "joy". i began to think you are some sort of alien who gets off on the total alienation from being a human being, that salvia provides. to me, what you write sounds...
  21. nanook

    Cool test, I think its a big 5 one.

    "shaman" :kodama1: Big5: always neurotic (90): vulnerable > self-conscious > anxious > depressed :phear: generally agreeable (80): sympathy > cooperation > morality > modesty :angel01: usually open (54 ): artistic > progressive > intellectual :smoker: [if need be] Conscientious: Cautious >...
  22. nanook

    The State of the Forum

    i don't know man, you mean well, but if you were to restrict my access to a marked subforum, i'd still be looking at the New Posts view whenever i visit this place and see all the topics i'm not allowed to reply to, it's pure torture and i would decide to troll the hell out of this place...
  23. nanook

    The State of the Forum

    Spirituality has nothing to do with faith. (i save the argument for later) If we are keeping the numbers of subfora low, spirituality ought to be joined with psychology and perhaps even neuroscience, albeit spirituality and psychology are interiority and neuroscience is exteriority, so it makes...
  24. nanook

    The State of the Forum

    of course all of the intj will reply to this thread and the intp won't bother to, so the results will be skewed. (intentionally using lower case mbti, to refer to personas, not to cognitive functions) thus, we intp must overcome our limitations and reply: "whatever keeps this place a stark...
  25. nanook

    A Revitalization of Spirit

    1) every stage of psychological development is like an awakening to newly recognized possibilities. my next cognitive stage would probably be integration of spirit and body, but i don't feel it coming yet. i probably need some healing to make that possible. 2) shadow integration can have...
  26. nanook

    Post photos of people whose minds you find attractive.

    Ken Wilber - Integral Philosopher. Alan Watts - Kosmic Poet. Benjamin Smythe (freestyle statsang philosopher type) Adyashanti - spiritual teacher. Moddi (singer songwriter) Stephen Wolinsky - has helped me understand the enneagramm. Bert Hellinger - Intuitive Psychologist...
  27. nanook

    why have I never found a decent, thorough description of the 8 functions?

    the only purpose of descriptions is to awaken you to a new level of possibilities of differentiation. once your mind is equipped with those, it needs to apply them to real people and see how they occur in reality. the more simple your basic differentiations are, the more useful they will be...
  28. nanook

    Lucid Dreaming

  29. nanook

    Lucid Dreaming

    Calea zacatechichi has given a delirious quality to my dreams and it gave me somewhat red eyes or similar side effects, if i remember correctly. Various similar substances cause stimulus and stress and sometimes stress can result in higher dream recall, not so much lucidity, unless lucidity is...
  30. nanook

    Lucid Dreaming

    The best way to access your dream world is to fall in love with yourself, to be fascinated by your conscious experience for the sake of itself, not for goal oriented expectations. Most people, including myself, will have their first intentional experiences with altered states as a result of goal...
  31. nanook

    Trying to understand intuition vs sensing

    Actually, i'm just reconsidering one aspect of my view. I was stating that sensation is forming a static comprehension of objects first and intuition is analysing the dynamic aspect later, from comparing several snapshots of static comprehension. If this is happening like this, intuition must...
  32. nanook

    Trying to understand intuition vs sensing

    >The way I see it is intuition is taking in the whole picture all at once. It can be a concern with the whole picture at once, but the whole picture is your whole knowledge about and understanding of the situation you are confronted with or you are wondering about. You are not taking that...
  33. nanook

    Trying to understand intuition vs sensing

    >Would it be accurate to say that intuition is paying attention to your thoughts, and sensing is paying attention to reality? Sounds like introversion and extroversion. (Though i would not use the exact formulation to explain introversion and extroversion) >I see intuition as...
  34. nanook

    Obsessive Interests...List Yours!

    only four people have mentioned politics. i'm proud of you. on focus: i was also unhappy to witness, how the internet took away my ability to draw anything. to sit with empty paper :ahh04: the trance of painting for hours was ecstatic. sometimes. today my focus is best when your threads...
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