Kinda sounds like me, you know. Enneagram 9>6, INFP. How i would have behaved at work, in the past, if anyone would have given me a job. I can't go with my Ne, because then i would have to go with my Fi first and that would mean that i travel around the world on a motorbike after setting the bureau on fire, but i'm not an enfp like that. And the typical job would require me to act through Te, so i am like an inferior version of ISTJ, except i am not acting out my own personal Si but my copy of the directive of the establishment, so i'm not an independent authority. As an Ne type my attention to detail is selective, so i have Si art hanging on the wall and weeks old trash is emptied out all over the floor. The cats love to play with it. I live through inferior Si routines, eat the same things everyday, do sometimes tweak those routines mindfully, but never allow them to take in more room, they just keep me alive somehow and are supposed to be mostly unconscious, unlike when Si is dominant. So for example i can eat pizza or i can eat ultra healthy, but i will never learn complicated recipes that force me to plan what i shop, etc. I basically eat apples and brown rice and lentils, right now.