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Search results

  1. Stupidity in office (jurisdiction)

    Yes, moral guardians can be annoying. Especially when their loud indignation persists even in the face of proof that there is nothing to be indignant about.
  2. Stupidity in office (jurisdiction)

    Yes, but that wasn't the time or place for it. What's stupid is that they were going to throw her in prison for trying to teach at a school that didn't keep its computer security up to date.
  3. Talking about you guys in RL

    Yeah, that's why it often works at my school (TJHSST). I'm not sure about everywhere else, though.
  4. Is INTP passed genetically?

    Yes, we know.
  5. Stupidity in office (jurisdiction)

    Yeah, lock up every teacher who's ever had porn ads pop up on the computer. Let's see how many tech teachers and subs are left after two years or so. Egh. I almost wonder if the witnesses who claimed to be experts should be tried for perjury, but that probably wouldn't accomplish a whole lot.
  6. Shirts an INTP might like

    @lemonsunite: I think I just saw someone wearing that shirt at school yesterday (or maybe Thursday).
  7. Where are you from?

    He probably knew that already. He did that on purpose. He always does that on purpose.
  8. User Titles.

    Ha! Yes! I got another victim!
  9. User Titles.

    He does both. He has done both for a while. I don't think smirking counts. The PsychoticSmirk and the SlasherSmile count even less.
  10. Who are You? *inside*

    Actually, Auburn, I think that applies to you too. (@loveofreason: I fixed Jenny's post.)

    http://www.structuredprocrastination.com/light/organization.php I sort of liked that essay.
  12. I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    There's an article for that. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IResembleThatRemark
  13. Flashchat

    I said, "I would give you some, but...", and then "the Internet doesn't carry ice cream very well." Then I asked you several times why you were logging out and in again, and said "You don't need to reload the page, you know."
  14. Where are you from?

  15. Flashchat

    No, you disappeared. You kept logging off and on repeatedly, and you wouldn't respond when I tried to talk to you.
  16. User Titles.

    Barnacle Junior? No, sorry, that's just the avatar, not the personality.
  17. Fictional Characters

    Samuel Vimes?
  18. Flashchat

    To everyone who is uncomfortable with the chat: There's no pressure to instantly come up with something witty or profound (but if you occasionally manage that, good for you). You don't have to polish what you say, even if you're talking about a profound topic. Even if you get the wording...
  19. Who are You? *inside*

    But I like the metric system!
  20. Hello there

    Yay! Someone recognized it without being told! Specifically, it's an LWSS.
  21. Hello there

    Welcome, I hope you have a good time here. I see no problems with your English. We have several non-native English speakers here, and they all write at least as well as and sometimes better than most native speakers. So far, you don't seem to be any different.
  22. I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    Not the last one! You don't want Hanna Montana singing on this forum, do you? (Also, "transmetamorphosize"!?)
  23. Chat in IRC

    Yes, that too.
  24. I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    I just knew you would get there before me. And that is one messed-up file hierarchy. Command line options, people! Hasn't anyone ever heard of argv?
  25. Chat in IRC

    Mibbit looks good. Easy to use, doesn't require installing anything, relatively polished, etc. Snail, however, has refused to accept anything that does not allow her to see multiple private message windows at the same time, so we have to find something like that for her before she'll switch...
  26. Talking about you guys in RL

    I think this is partly because new members here don't often meet people by starting up a conversation, or when someone else starts up a conversation with them. Usually, they just see a discussion that interests them, jump in, and start making comments. I wonder how that would work in real...
  27. Who are You? *inside*

  28. How computer literate are YOU?

    I can do that! I redesigned my church's website over the summer, with the result that I learned a lot of XHTML and CSS tricks. (Writing something that conforms to standards and will be rendered correctly by most browers is relatively easy. The hard part is writing something that's...
  29. Talking about you guys in RL

  30. Talking about you guys in RL

    Or, you could just do this: "I know this guy from X, and he said..." "How do you know him?" "Internet."
  31. Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    No, I agree, we don't want to go overboard. But really, the lack of an evil-grin smiley annoys so many people (myself included) so frequently that I really think we should have one.
  32. Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    Evil snigger emoticon needed everywhere. We really should have one of those. Like the one I'm attaching to this post. You can use this url: http://www.intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=143 to put it in posts.
  33. Talking about you guys in RL

    Maybe instead of "I know this guy from X, and he said..." you could say "Some guy from X said...". Or something like that. I dunno.
  34. Love

    Oh, yeah, that could be it. Well, he still has time to edit it out if he wants to, although he can't prevent us from remembering it. I hope he doesn't run away or anything...
  35. Love

    Yes, that was a bit confusing. Please explain. (I think I recognize this pattern...)
  36. Most Users Online Ever...Yesterday?

    That may have something to do with how carefully we use the term "friend".
  37. About you?

    Did you get mixed up and accidentally put your email address in the username field? If so, you're at least the second person to do that here so far. If you want your username changed, loveofreason can do that for you.
  38. Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    There are two people in that picture. Which one is you? :p
  39. Good book?

    I'm moving this thread to the Literature section. Lor, if you want to do a thread merge, go ahead.
  40. The Game

    Grr. I just looked at someone's profile, and you know what I saw? I saw this:
  41. Visualisation

    I can remember visual scenes. I can visualize quite easily, which comes in handy for finding volumes via integrals, or as a kind of sanity check to make sure the derivative or integral I just took makes sense. When I try to visualize, it works, but when I try to "see" a mental image, I end up...
  42. How computer literate are YOU?

    Can you read Python?
  43. Visualisation

    Mostly in "visualize" and "see". I just thought up a potential experiment for you to try. Try drawing Africa. Just the shape, without bothering with other details. Use plain white paper with no grids. Do not lift the pencil, erase anything, or go back over your lines to straighten them out...
  44. Good book?

    Yes, I have recommended it strongly and repeatedly to everyone on the forum, and also some other people. As far as fiction goes, DISCWORLD!!
  45. Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    I don't! Why, you ask? Umm... I dunno, I guess it looks like it has a personality that is quite unlike mine? Or something. And I agree, the picture you chose for AI does not look like him as a personality, even if it looks vaguely similar to a picture he once posted of himself. /me is...
  46. Visualisation

    No, it's not that. I know I can really visualize things, I know I can see mental images. But I also know that when I ask myself, "Can I actually visualize things?", and I mentally experiment to find out, I usually come up with the answer "no". When I try to visualize something, it works. But...
  47. Good book?

    Yesss! *punches the air in triumph*
  48. Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    Exactly! Except for one thing. The size limit is 80x80 px.
  49. An appreciation of Love of Reason

    We haven't seen you in coffee, either. :p (This post is a good indication that I need to go to sleep in a few minutes.)
  50. Visualisation

    Umm, this sounds like terminology confusion to me.
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