Those with sensitive eyes, move along. Rant will ensue:
I went to the store today (a Super Target for those of you in the states). Everyone's out Christmas shopping. Here's a mental transcript for my little excursion into Christmas shopping hell:
Damn ........ parking lot's full ........... you know, just because you own a BMW doesn't mean you get to take up two parking spots, dickhead. I ought to key your fucking car ........... I've got my hiking in today, now ............. time to go inside ......... yeah lets all try and enter the store at once because these fucking doors were totally designed to accommodate a row of ten people at a time ........... get the fuck out of the way ........... all the merchandise will still be there if you have to wait 2 seconds for me to enter the store before you ........... none of the merchandise is running away from you ............ there is plenty of merchandise ............. no need to act like a fucking hungry cow ............. cow .................. you know, lady, if you would get off your fucking cell phone and pay attention to where you're going, my life would be just that much easier .......... hey fucker, who are you fooling? We all know that ointment is for you ............. oh you again! get off the goddamn phone! ............... no man, that won't make your wifes ass look big. Your wifes ass makes her ass look big ............... Tell your fucking kid to stop dancing in the aisle. I need by ...................... Sorry your majesty, I didn't realize this entire aisle belongs to you .................. 20 dollars for that? Are you fucking kidding me ......................... GET OFF THE DAMN PHONE, LADY AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY! IF YOU GET IN MY WAY ONE MORE FUCKING TIME I'M GOING TO SHOVE THAT PHONE UP YOUR ASS AND THEN USE AN ICE PICK TO DIAL IN AN AIR STrIKE ON THIS WHOLE FUCKING PLACE ............... I'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE ............................ I'M CLOSE TO SLITTING SOME THROATS HERE .................. I CAN'T BREATHE .............. OH FUCK I MUST LEAVE ............ I'm at the checkout now ............. only fifty people in front of me .......... why is this asshole standing so close to me? .............. Does breathing down my neck get you out of here any faster? .................. Yay, a teenager who just doesn't give a shit, is ringing me up .................... merry fucking Christmas to you too ............... you'll probably be working here the rest of your fucking life ............... Ahhhhh, made it outside ...................... go ahead and run me over, put me out of my misery .............. hurry now, there is only one thing left on the shelves in there, sir! .......... if you don't hurry they will sell out, oh no! ........... dumb ass .............. now who the hell do I have run over to get the fuck out of here ..............
Ahhh, the holidays. Peace and love and goodwill towards men, right? What a bunch of bullshit.