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Search results

  1. Turniphead

    Computer Love/Hate

    So why add more? Maybe computers actually alleviate some dependencies though. But I do like having the skills to live without them if it came to it. I tend to make dichotomies in a reactionary way. So I probably just feel hateful towards computers when I binge on them(especially in...
  2. Turniphead

    Computer Love/Hate

    Really? What is that makes it actually upsetting. You obviously have the money to replace it... Hmm... I guess I haven't had a computer fail on me yet. Just get old and slow, and battery problems. That was annoying. I get sad that they become basically useless with age. Then I don't know...
  3. Turniphead

    Challenge: Opening Up Under Perceived Anonymity

    Well... ok Seems interesting. I just played it safe for the first try. :cat:
  4. Turniphead

    Computer Love/Hate

    Sometimes I have a love/hate relationship with computers. I've gone as far as purposely not using them for a month or so at a time. But normally I spend a lot of time on them. The main things I use them for are information, programming, digital artwork. -- Information: I love the wide...
  5. Turniphead

    Sub or Dub?

    Depends how pretty the visuals are. Pretty visuals = prefer dubs. Average visuals = prefer subs.
  6. Turniphead

    What would you do if you got robbed of everything?

    I would say: " wow! thanks for the free car whoever you are."
  7. Turniphead

    do you shoot film?

    The limitations off film can be fun sometimes. The darkroom process can be neat, and yes it does look good. The drawbacks(time/money) are just too much for me though.
  8. Turniphead

    I just realized...

    Weird... for me it says: on the left: 6th-August-2013, 10:27 AM on the right: Turniphead's time 6th-August-2013, 04:27 AM I don't get it. Shouldn't both of the times be the same for my own post.
  9. Turniphead

    High on Cheese (the abuser)

    Re: High on Cheese (not the user) Sometimes it can be crumbly, but waxy? Only the cheap orange coloured ones. Which yes are gross. I'm taking oldddd cheddar. Mozzarella is more eraser like.
  10. Turniphead

    High on Cheese (the abuser)

    Re: High on Cheese (not the user) Cheese + Cake. It'll get you high tastierlyer. Or just put you to sleep. I'm going to have some on Saturday. Yay. As far as normal boring cheeses go, I eat Aged Cheddar almost exclusively.
  11. Turniphead

    Asperger's Syndrome

    Yes, often. Usually I'm doing it with things like a "career". I create a false dichotomy between things. "Am I more suited for this kind of work, hmm, maybe that other kind of work. But that one wasn't fun. But I'm better at it, so I should do it anyway." Thoughts like that. I'm...
  12. Turniphead

    I just realized...

    These personalized time stamps on each post are pathetically inaccurate. edit: it's 10 AM not 4, silly timestamp.
  13. Turniphead

    I didn't make either of them. Just to be clear.

    I didn't make either of them. Just to be clear.
  14. Turniphead

    I just realized...

    *shrug* I guess I can be a pathetic. :kodama1:
  15. Turniphead


    Making art apparently... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MsuqvLIttk
  16. Turniphead

    John's Personality type 25quiz.com

    72% INTP 9% ISTP 7% INFP 5% ENTP 3% INTJ Yay for pie charts and skip buttons. *edit: added colours because other people doing it
  17. Turniphead

    Guess My Type - Me vs. Psychologist Game

    Age of Mythology is a favourite and was loosely based around an actual "epic". Other favourites: -Limbo -Advance Wars(most of them) -Machinarium -Lone Survivor is great but I've only played a little bit of it(I don't really like horror games). -SSBM is a multiplayer favourite -Kingdom Rush...
  18. Turniphead

    The Future of Programming

    From "1973" http://vimeo.com/71278954#at=0 http://worrydream.com/dbx/ Thought this was worth posting. Also, as a very inexperienced programmer, I'd be curious to hear other's reactions.
  19. Turniphead

    Photos of yourself from the previous Century

    One e-Cheescake up for grabs! --- Or Pretend to be person in photos you find online and win the title of "Most Tricksy".
  20. Turniphead

    Photos of yourself from the previous Century

    Or your childhood. Or photos that you feel so disconnected from that you no longer feel strange about sharing with the world. -- I was going through some old photos at my moms house, and for the first time felt like they were of someone else or just had very little relationship to me...
  21. Turniphead

    I'm new here

    Hi. How do you feel about Spam?
  22. Turniphead

    Soundcloud Finds

    Electronic stuff pretty much. https://soundcloud.com/tycho https://soundcloud.com/floex Other "likes" on my profile: https://soundcloud.com/absurditure/likes
  23. Turniphead

    Using Ne to socialize

    Same as with NTs, just focus more on the ideas and less on the logical. Don't pick apart and deconstruct everything they say. Just some of the things. Complaining about injustices helps too.
  24. Turniphead

    Using Ne to socialize

    Maybe just drink a little bit of alcohol so you don't self censor. Or just don't self censor in general. It's hard, but sometimes other people will respond positively. I've been debating whether the people who respond negatively to my "fucking rude"ness are worth the effort of trying to be...
  25. Turniphead

    Have you ever told the whole truth to anyone?

    Close to the whole, but not quite there.
  26. Turniphead

    Weird vs INTP

    mostly 0
  27. Turniphead

    Prolific Posters

    My ratio of topics read vs topics posted in is probably something like 1000 : 1. Sometimes I won't come here for weeks, sometimes I will spend hours a day reading posts. It's very rare that I feel like I have something worth adding. Not that I feel I add anything when I do post, it's more...
  28. Turniphead

    MBTI & Socionics & Enneagram

    INTP, 5w4(sp,sx)
  29. Turniphead

    Celebration of the Artificial

    :cheerleaderkitties: Yay!
  30. Turniphead

    Sound of Noise

    Yup. It's about hitting things with other things and then those things make sound things. Except when they don't make sound things. I found this movie very life affirming in a roundabout way. What's the point of doing anything, especially creative things? Because they are wonderful...
  31. Turniphead

    Strategy Game Suggestion

    All that base building.:confused: It's not really a pure "real time strategy" game but if you have an ios/android device "kindom rush" and it's sequel are pretty fun.
  32. Turniphead

    Another INTP... Hi :)

    Hello there, What do you think about cheesecake?
  33. Turniphead

    Ask Valentas

    Do you like travelling? If yes, what kind, and do you find it draining?
  34. Turniphead

    Fuck it test

    54 parrots
  35. Turniphead

    What makes you confident you are INTP?

    Because the reason I hardly post on INTP forums is that someone else has already said what I was going to say, thus making most of my posts redundant. Other forums(type related ones) are full of things I would never say.
  36. Turniphead

    INTP and formal titles

    What credentials give you the authority to have that preference?
  37. Turniphead


    Oh yah? :elephant:
  38. Turniphead


    I'm pretty sure I fear loosing "control" of my body/brain more than death itself. Death seems like it might be a relief in the end. It might be nice to finally let go of what feels like holding up the world with my brain.
  39. Turniphead

    INTPs: Cultural events

    I don't mind them. It's very rare that I will go to one on my own initiative though. Usually only if it's something I already know I will like. I get dragged along to them fairly often(every month or two, maybe). Plays, music shows, art openings, that kind of thing. Doesn't really fit in...
  40. Turniphead

    Smoking weed alone

    It can be better depending on what's it different from. For example, It can be a useful way to get out of cyclical thinking.
  41. Turniphead

    Are you fat?

    6'5" 170lb Just barely in the healthy category. I used to have a non readable amount of body fat. But I've gained a bit over the years I'm assuming. I look like a awkward lanky monkey.
  42. Turniphead


    I just heard about this stuff... I hope it becomes popular and the price goes way down. It sure would be convenient. Any heath "experts" on here have opinions about it? Current ingredients: http://blog.soylent.me/post/53485019917/soylent-v-8-alpha-ingredients
  43. Turniphead

    Typing Tips: Introvert or Extravert?

    " a sensor would not have posted..." I find expressing myself through writing rather time consuming/draining... hmmm is how prolific you are somehow a intuitive/sensing divide?
  44. Turniphead

    Game of Thrones

    Ehh... the Game of Thronesies world is probably only 30.5% as crappy as the real world. Also, from what I remember, the nudity/rape/explicit sex is toned down compared to the book.
  45. Turniphead

    To all INTPs - do the thing you are afraid of

    I'm afraid of spiders. If they are bigger than half a centimeter or so.
  46. Turniphead

    Why beauty matters

    I like beauty, But I'm probably a classicist for the most part: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2008/aug/26/thetribesofart http://imgur.com/a/Snxi3#8pz98
  47. Turniphead

    Game of Thrones

    I'm pretty sure I remember George Martin saying most of his influence is historical. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_the_Roses mentioned specifically. (I may have this wrong as I am remembering something I read a few years ago when I first read the books.) So in Georgie's mind anyway...
  48. Turniphead

    The Dream of superpowers.

    Time control. Since I was little, it's the one I've thought about the most. Even just a "pause" button would be nice. It would sure take the pressure out of life. I would probably just spend most of my paused time traveling the world without having to deal with the annoying aspects of...
  49. Turniphead

    Do you have a motto?

    I wouldn't necessarily call it a motto, just a helpful reminder, but I have: "Channel my Excitement; not Punish my Mistakes" pinned beside my monitor.
  50. Turniphead

    INTP's that don't like math... read this

    I wanted to like math when I was in school, but I always ended up falling behind... creating a snowball effect that made catching up so much harder. The problem was probably the lack of understanding of the why. We only ever learned the how. If I had been taught with the perspective shared...
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