I always liked that MBTI was not a dichotomy. At least it was sixteen types instead of 2 types(male/female, young/old). Now look what you are doing. :pueh:
At least be specific with your hatred, please.
What do people find appealing about Tolle? Someone tried to get me to read the "power of now" but I found it so repetitive and circular... couldn't get through it.
In a similar vein, I prefer Alan Watts. He is much more succinct.
Just found this while searching this topic.
Yup... those four points have been something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I tend to have problems with 1. 2. and 4.
I keep looking and looking and wondering if I'm doing the right thing. But maybe there just isn't the right career out there(or maybe there is... nooo the looping...
I'm good at empathy with people that I am close to.
I'm terrible at empathy with things like news stories about car crashes and disasters.
P.S. Arghh... people, stop quoting intpz. Ignore lists don't work when people on them are quoted.
How did you get that?
I have a love/hate relationship with technology for various reasons, I wouldn't swear at it though. Caves sound fun... I've never been in one though, so I couldn't say.
That has nothing to do with what it's "about".
I was just sarcastically responding to your annoyingly...
Oh look... intpz doesn't have enough money for stimulationzzz... that's a new and interesting development.
On topic,
It has happen fairly often... feeling like I need to solve all of the worlds/universes problems. And the the apathy after realizing I can't. Not as much any more. It helps...
It really is just a question of whether you think the concept of empire is "bad".
Usually empires use more "terrorism" than terrorist groups.
Nagasaki/Hiroshima(a "terrorist" act, if I've ever heard of one) is perhaps a parallel to the destruction of Alderaan...
Just because you know how to use a function does not mean you have to use it all the time.
Avoiding understanding of your inferior function is a bad idea. blbhabh blah I'll just leave this here because It basically explains what I mean.
from: http://personalityjunkie.com/the-intp/3/
P.S. yay I...
I was at the grocery store today and was staring at the dairy section and suddenly everything in the world seemed to have clarity. This doesn't happen that often. It was after a day in a mildly stressful retail job. Random... but clarity more than tranquility.
Tranquility I can get into a...
I'm trying to figure out if I use Ti when I'm drawing or painting. I know I use Ne and Si constantly. I use Ti when I'm studying other peoples paintings. I guess if I wasn't using Ti then I wouldn't draw anything, because I would only be using perceiving functions? Weird...
Haven't played much RTS recently(unfortunately)... used to play lot's of Age of mythology/empires/warcraft 3. Never could get into the original starcraft.
I tend to just turtle until It seems like my military is strong enough to overpower the opponent in one big push. I suck at...
Don't know who exactly you are addressing, buuut...
Makes sense to me.
I don't really understand it as an intelligence either. It just seems to be describing being aware of the world outside your head.
Sense of oneness? No. Sense of community outside of myself, yes. That's maybe the best...
I have felt similar.
Perhaps it's the lack of control being imposed on everything. The chaos is free. But it's also all being chaotic together. So strange...
I love nature*. As in the non human parts of the world. I wish I had been raised with the skills to survive in the wild.
Landscapes and natural phenomena are probably the things that effect me most on a profound emotional level.
*I'm often annoyed at the contexts in which the word...
For the past few years I have been working towards a "career" in the illustration/concept art field. I initially got into it not because I have had a constant need to draw, but because it seemed like the path most compatible with my natural strengths(visuals/problem solving) and lifestyle(less...
Ok, after reading some of your other posts on this forum I've jumped to the conclusion that you have a warped view on what being rational even is. You actually come across as being somewhat close minded and irrational. A lot of your posts seem to be about rationalizing your own...
Right, so why would you rule out a group of ideas(ex. stoicism) just because the ideas didn't start in your own head. I value ideas for how much sense they make, not for where they came from.
What if "Joe" had said "the planet has a lot of people and on the information about...
Hah, there is nothing "spiritual" about it. It's just a vague collection of ideas that a group of now dead people had.
Bullshit. All of your beliefs/opinions are based on, or in reaction to, the rest of the humans on this planet. You aren't an island of unique thought just because you have...
So... I'm interested in how other INTPs go about creating images.
Something I have been struggling with lately is trying to find a process for doing my art that let's me:
-enjoy the process
-work relatively fast
-get quality results
Usually it seems like I can only do 1, occasionally 2, out...
Also, somewhat on topic.... You may want to look into the philosophy of Stoicism.
It's helped me appreciate what I have more than I used to. It's a fair bit like Zen Buddhism but without the anti-stimulation parts.
I like this thread...
Sometimes being broke is nice because then I don't have to make decisions. Right now I have some money, but I should save it because my income is less than my expenses. Arrrghhh, I just distract myself with what to buy or not to buy.
Of cource, if I had huge amounts...
Societies are groups of communities. Communities are built around communication. Communication requires human interaction.
For societies to survive they require at least some level of extroversion and communication from a large percentage of population. Therefore it is generally encouraged...
If I don't exercise I start going crazy. Well, more crazy than usual anyway. I still have a hard time getting out and doing it though.
So I have a couple ways that make it easier get out and exercise:
One--> I don't own a motor vehicle. I either ride one of my bikes, or I walk. I hate...
What, like the fluffy kind? I'd rather eat a brownie.
Percentage of chocolate cakes that are good = 10%
Percentage of cheesecakes that taste bad = 10%
Total cakes eated all up = 90%
Haha, because my head is shaped like a turnip? Because i like round cakes? Because I like round punctuation... ? Because skulls are kind of roundish... or how did you know? :kilroy:
I like cheesecake, although I'm not as fanatical about it as I was in the past. It used to be all I would ask for in terms of gifts. Now I don't even have to ask for it and I still get it fairly often.
Well, that just about sums up my life...
But if there is anything that seems missing...
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