It is that I could not possibly be anything else.
For me, it's not anything that will make me confident I am INTP. It is that I could not possibly be anything else.
For me, it's not anything that will make me confident I am INTP. It is that I could not possibly be anything else.
How about you?
Past behavior is the best indication. For example
- Being disinterested in minutie of peoples lives
- Disliking groups and group activities
- Constantly needing new intellectual stimulation
- Fascinated with theory
- Usually remote, but can be charming and only occasionally warm
- etc
After a few decades of life you round out and pick up bad habits, like the ability to make small talk. It's important in midlife to reassert your fundamental nature.
This applies to me. INFJ. :3
For instance, I am only sociable since of late.
If I do not feed my intelligence I go absolutely nuts.
I theorize everything. And I can be obsessed by a theory for months/years.
Logical realizations can drive me nuts for weeks.
I am a loner.
For quite some time (When I was a noob) I was confident that I was an INTP.
But even if every trait applies to you, it is not a certainty that you are indeed that type. How consistent it may be, one has to look deeper than one his ego.
At any rate INTP's and INFJ's share two functions, Ti and Fe which accounts for the similarity.
One key difference is that INFJ's are highly attuned to and desirous of physical beauty (inferior Se) where INTP's are unlikely to even notice.
yeah I am also me. We all are, but there are 16 types.
Funny how your motivation for being an INTP is in itself a sign that you are not. Man you need to listen to people and get a bird eye's view on your posts, you think you are being rational but you constantly refer to your own qualic experiences as if though they were irrefutable proof. There's nothing logical about saying "yeah I thought this over and concluded this" without describing the thinking process and what it involved and then being baffled when people are annoyed.
INTP's are typically able to verbalize their thoughts to a relatively high degree.
(Some people cannot understand settle humor)
i assure you that cherry cola can understand subtle humor. by your standards, that's proof enough. as he points out, you tend to apply invalid variants of "cogito ergo sum" everywhere.
nevermind that "cogito ergo sum" is bollocks in itself.
"Some people" is an open ended statement.
However, you may assume anyone you wish.
oh come on.
that's like quoting someone, replying "asshole" and defending that by saying "i didn't explicitly state YOU were an asshole! perhaps i was just randomly thinking about assholes! i am chad with my precious random stuff."
now please quit evading legitimate criticism.
(Some people cannot understand settle humor)
The question is "What makes you (myself) confident you are (I am) INTP?"
Not how can you prove to Charry that you are an INTP or anything else.
I answered the question rather you find it relevant to you is your problem not mine.
I don't care if you care or not.
As far as the arrogant topic goes, it has already been dealt with. By your standards and many others I am arrogant. I am perfectly fine with that by the way.
In case you don't see what is so funny about this situation, it's that you said you are confident that you are an INTP because you feel like one, rather than for any rational reason.
The question is "What makes you (myself) confident you are (I am) INTP?"
Not how can you prove to Charry that you are an INTP or anything else.
I answered the question rather you find it relevant to you is your problem not mine.
I don't care if you care or not.
As far as the arrogant topic goes, it has already been dealt with. By your standards and many others I am arrogant. I am perfectly fine with that by the way.
If I really wanted to insult someone saying that they have a hard time picking up on my subtle humor would not be how I would do it.
The whole point is my humor is subtle meaning not obvious. If you find it offensive that I stated that you (actually some people and I was including you in that mix) don't see my humor because it isn't obvious. You really need to take a breath and claim down.
You're not defective just because you missed a poorly placed joke.
My humor however is defective and that is the point. It to subtle for people to pick up.
I point out that I said some people not charry because I wanted it to be clear that it wasn't only directed at you but at others as well.
This still doesn't mean the problem lie with you.
I really don't understand your offense but I apologize anyway.
Please quote me were I used the words feel or rational reason either one.
"I know this because I looked at myself and my life history and identified these events with characteristics of both ENTP and INTP."
This is actually word for word what I said.
I looked at myself and investigated my motives and my life history and I identified with characteristics of both ENTP and INTP.
This answers the question of what make me confident about the type I believe I am.
Basically I investigated myself and came to the conclusion based of what I investigate ENTP and INTP to be. I didn't mention feelings or rational reason.
I would say this is the best approach but that my personal belief.
My first statement.
"Waking up in the morning and realizing I am me. "
Was suppose to be pointless and Ironic. It really doesn't say anything and I found it amusing at the time. My humor is lost on everyone that has posted on it so far. Most likely because it really isn't funny and my dry ironic humor doesn't come across well when I try to write it out.
To find another example of were this happened look at my "What kind of bird are you?" Thread.
Tu Shae
My humor however is defective
you got that right.
you said it's subtle. that's usually a positive attribute. you really don't know these things?
Subtle only means "slight and not obvious"
That is the actual English dictionary definition of Subtle look it up yourself.
I think I am an INTP because I like people the way I like my ants, behind a pane of glass where I can observe there behavior from a removed perspective. I also have an organized and indexed mental realm and a messy laissez-faire outer one.
because we are always right
I think I am an INTP because I like people the way I like my ants, behind a pane of glass where I can observe there behavior from a removed perspective. I also have an organized and indexed mental realm and a messy laissez-faire outer one.