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Search results

  1. Turniphead

    Oquonie ("Animal Crossing in a K-Hole")

    Yup, one of my favourites. Played it when it first came out. This game is a very different kind of puzzle solving game than Machinarium. Machinarium's puzzles are somewhat "arbitrary" and/or self contained. Oquonie's are about understanding non-linear spaces and language(if you want). The...
  2. Turniphead

    Oquonie ("Animal Crossing in a K-Hole")

    For ios. It's not overly long(although I don't think I've solved everything yet). It's pretty and has great music. Just read the description: http://wiki.xxiivv.com/Oquonie
  3. Turniphead


    :o Oops.
  4. Turniphead

    Pearson-Marr Archetype test (unofficial free version)

    Got creator, but then read redbaron's post... You scored 63% on Orphan, higher than 87% of your peers. You scored 69% on Sage, higher than 73% of your peers. You scored 56% on Destroyer, higher than 63% of your peers. You scored 69% on Seeker, higher than 59% of your peers. You scored 61% on...
  5. Turniphead

    Solar habitation.

    I assumed things from the thread title, and now all I can think about is living on the sun. So, the sun.
  6. Turniphead

    Are you self employed?

    Yup, I've been on the lookout for someone to partner up with. Finding someone compatible is a little like dating. I've been doing a few projects with someone, and we sometimes keep each other informed of what we are working on. The problem is that we are probably both too similar. Too easy...
  7. Turniphead

    How to be logical about love?

    Listen to Adaire.
  8. Turniphead


  9. Turniphead

    How to be logical about love?

    As someone in the opposite situation(coming out of a long term relationship), I'm jealous. My feeling brain says you should pursue, pursue! Oh yah, logicsss? Umm... In my experiences with dealing with the pain of "loosing everything", it's worth it. Even if you do end up with nothing, you...
  10. Turniphead

    Are you self employed?

    I know right. Today I was thinking about how much of a better fit what I'm attempting to do is than what I did before(retail, obviously worse) so why can't I just do it then? :facepalm: I need to pay someone to slap me every time I start doubting myself.
  11. Turniphead

    anyone meditate? what have you learned?

    Yah and? That doesn't prevent you from following some sort of structure and "going deeper". Sounds like you are actually looking for "nirvana or whatever". Meditation without some sort of structure is basically just regular thinking.
  12. Turniphead

    Are you self employed?

    I'm currently not making a living this way, but that's been my goal so I'll answer questions anyway. If so, what do you do? -- Game development. How's that working for you? -- I've learned relatively quickly, but haven't managed to finish/release anything I'm proud of yet. Do you ever...
  13. Turniphead

    Thinking of getting a cat.

    Cats did domesticate themselves apparently. So you could say human homes are their "natural habitat".
  14. Turniphead

    Flappy birds

    I think I'm going to make a game for this jam in "support" of the developer. If you are going to play any games from that jam, play this one: http://distractionware.com/blog/2014/02/maverick-bird/
  15. Turniphead

    Reading more than one thing at once

    I read multiple threads at once. This is a good reminder that I want to read more books again, maybe even less than 10 at once.
  16. Turniphead

    Malware warning in specific thread?

  17. Turniphead

    Malware warning in specific thread?

    I don't use any antivirus(convince me this is necessary on OSX and I will). I do use the built in OSX firewall settings(shouldn't effect this). Screenshot(Large):
  18. Turniphead

    Malware warning in specific thread?

    The do you walk fast thread. http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=18767 Anyone else getting this warning in Chrome? "Content from illuminatiwatcher.com, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page. Visiting this page now is very likely to infect your Mac with malware."
  19. Turniphead

    Who programs, or wants to get into programming?

    For me, the desire wasn't there until I had a purpose for learning programming. It's like learning a language. Learning a language while being immersed in a culture where you have to use the language every day, is much easier than learning it in isolation. The immersion gives you purpose...
  20. Turniphead

    Changing type

    Haha, and I here I was trying to explain my perspective and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should have just gone with the helpful sarcasm method. :rolleyes:;)
  21. Turniphead

    Do you walk fast?

    Oh godS. I was not expecting that. :elephant:
  22. Turniphead

    Changing type

    A lot. Clearly the way someone is raised has an effect on them. I don't want to go down the "nature vs nurture" debate road(my observations would say that both have influence)... This is a quote in your signature: Acting against nature. Why would someone act against their nature, besides...
  23. Turniphead

    Changing type

    Why wouldn't you be able to use a combo of Ne/Si for fitness activities? Example: how do you need Se for running? You can run with your eyes closed. Si is more important in that context. I think that's something that people often get confused about with MBTI. Functions can combine in...
  24. Turniphead

    Changing type

    This was true for me. I did team sports from 8 - 15(aprox), and then solo(ish) sports from 15 - early 20s. Now most of the exercise I get is from riding my bike as transportation, as well as occasionally climbing on things(trees, rooftops). In the town I grew up in "everyone" did team sports...
  25. Turniphead

    Why do so many INTPs like anime?

    Yah, well Hitler also liked wearing clothes. Can we turn this into a What Would Hitler Do thread?
  26. Turniphead

    The Perfect INTP Movie

    Examples of ambiguous plots? I'm having a hard time thinking of anything. I like this list: But for myself I would add "Mood". It can tie into surreality, but It doesn't have to. Example of a movie that I love almost exclusively for it's mood is Lost in Translation. Also, I...
  27. Turniphead

    Cool Architecture Ideas

    For a long time, I've (unrealistically) wanted to build a house in a fountain. More precisely, the fountain would "sprout" out of the middle of the house, moving enough water to encapsulate the house in a wall of water. Of course to get out, you would need a bridge of some sort, plus an...
  28. Turniphead

    Type this video celebrity

    First one- xNFJ maybe, but I could also see INFP, Te deadpan expression perhaps. She does seem like she is "performing". Second one- I didn't watch the whole thing, but INTP does seem likely. --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvVMGe5xQo
  29. Turniphead

    Your Reaction to a Public Vid

    I skipped through the video, but I was a little bit impressed that that it seemed to be all one take. Not much else of interest though. Seems like a decent marketing idea, I guess. It's weird how the video was super focused on the humans, and the animals were basically just extra props.
  30. Turniphead

    The perfect house should have...

    A tower. With my bedroom at the top. -Plus a lot of the things others mentioned in the rest of the house. Maybe some ramps/skatepark type stuff for playing on while traveling to different locations. The tower is the important part though.
  31. Turniphead

    INTP - Enneagram 3

    Huh, I don't remember coming across type 3 INTP's. How do you feel you differ from typical INTP behaviour?
  32. Turniphead

    INTP Producer here. I would be honored to hear your opinion!

    Re: INTP Producer here. I would me honored to hear your opinion! I like some of the other stuff on your soundcloud(just followed you on there) page more than what you posted here. But it all has some interesting elements. It seems like we might be in a similar boat, in terms of how we...
  33. Turniphead

    Rules and exceptions in interaction.

    Yup. If I say what I'm thinking, it's sometimes taken as criticism. It totally depends on the person you are interacting with though. There are people out there who can handle pretty much whatever you want to talk about. So, I tend to hold back, until I understand the nature of the person...
  34. Turniphead

    Do you walk fast?

    I'm not sure. I would say yes, but it might just be because I'm really tall and have long legs. Edit: I do ride my bike really fast though. I'm usually slightly late, so I have to.
  35. Turniphead

    INTPs: tell me your entertainments

    Reading... even though I don't do it as much as some of the other ones(does reading the internet count?). It's the most fulfilling. Music is a close second.
  36. Turniphead

    Experiences in Close Relationships Scale.

    Your score for avoidance was 2.3 Your score for anxiety was 3.5 In graph form: ......|...... ___|___ ......|.o... ......|...... I'm going trough a very messy breakup/change/broken trust... thing at the moment. So I'm sure my answers are influenced by that.
  37. Turniphead

    Which Star Wars character are you?

    Also. edit: went back and changed a single answer and now got boba fett.
  38. Turniphead

    Partnership Rights: Spanned from: INTP Sexual Orientation

    Voted for the first option. Rights are a silly concept. But people shouldn't be treated differently because of something that is currently of no real consequence to how a society functions. I understand that in a historical context, exclusively homosexual relations would have had a negative...
  39. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    In general? I take in the world/art/etc, and then alter it into what I find interesting/tasteful/feel like at the moment. This takes the form of whatever my current obsession is. From visual art to playing in a sandbox, making towers out rocks/whatever is in front of me, music...
  40. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    Oh, I also identify with Enneagram 5w4, sometimes 7.
  41. Turniphead

    What do you think of QuickTwist?

    Yah, what is this, a "democracy"?
  42. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    Actually, hmm... Maybe I should just Identify with functions instead of types. Identify with(in no particular order): Ti, Si, Se, Ne, Fe And not: Fi, Te, Ni
  43. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    Yah, I'm pretty sure Ninety-Fourth was joking. I thought it was amusing anyway.
  44. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    I think the type I'm most attracted to in a general sense is ENTP. I don't know enough about Socionics, something about it seemed off. But yes I do want to affirm my behaviour I guess. And yes my behaviour might be altered if I see myself through a different "box".(I'm currently trying this...
  45. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    I like birds! What would you suggest as an alternative?
  46. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    Haha, Yah, it might be true about not ever knowing. But, In all this time I've not really had much outside perspective on it, so I thought I might try that.
  47. Turniphead

    xxTP. Help solve xx.

    The first time I took an MBTI test was probably 7 or 8 years ago. For the past 5 or so years I've used typology extensively as a tool to analyze myself and others. As much as I sometimes wish I didn't give typology any weight it has influence on my life, in positive and negative ways...
  48. Turniphead

    Are INTPs better writers than conversationalists?

    I prefer conversation in person(one on one). Especially with people who are on a similar wavelength. When I write things, I'm always going back and correcting myself. This makes for slow going and high energy use. It's easier to talk quickly and keep up with my thoughts. Even while...
  49. Turniphead


    Which part of Canada are you in? Which part of Canada is the best? Which part of Canada has the highest ratio of kittens to people? Which part of Canada am I in? Which part of Canada has the most :elephant: s?
  50. Turniphead

    What do you over react about?

    I love this. ^ Another one for false accusations...
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