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Search results

  1. Turniphead

    Oquonie ("Animal Crossing in a K-Hole")

    Oh, I forgot about Antichamber, it probably has some similarities. I haven't played through it yet. It's really interesting, but for some reason I'm not very compelled by 3d/first person experiences.
  2. Turniphead

    Has anybody on this forum created a video game?

    I've made some small ones that aren't terribly exciting, and I'm working towards making something bigger/publishable.
  3. Turniphead

    What is Post-Human?

    Emotions are necessary to make decisions. Emotions are a motivating factor. Without them there is no reason to not starve or be fat. Logically is there a reason why it matters if someone is starving? Survival? Why does that matter? Because being alive feels better than being...
  4. Turniphead

    Time hoarding

    Interesting. I guess all you can really do is increase awareness of that process of hoarding. Paying attention to when and in what circumstances it tends to come up. I would be wary of labelling it as a negative habit, but that's just me. I know that without at least some time to myself I...
  5. Turniphead

    Time hoarding

    Is it causing specific problems for you? I recognize it, but I don't know that it's a negative thing for me.
  6. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    I was attempting to make a genuine self observation, and trying to figure out my motivations for abnormal posting behaviour. Hmmm... :confused:
  7. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    I was using it as an example, not a literal statement. I personally would never declare myself absolutely anything. I guess sometimes Im more interested in exploring ideas than getting caught up in pointless semantics. Weird, what is happening to me. :storks:
  8. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Well, if my goal was human survival, unchecked population growth is negative because it greatly increases the risk overpopulation(carrying capacity of food chains), and then collapse. If technologies for energy capture and transformation into food sources are vastly improved this might be a non...
  9. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    I just don't think anything is absolutely knowable, so yah, while you are vaguely correct in your point, It just has no bearing on my feelings towards children. But apparently I am "full of shit" because I'm not currently being pedantic enough. Probably why I keep responding is because...
  10. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    From an anthropocentric perspective, or from a broader perspective?
  11. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Ok, well, I'll just declare myself absolutely* child-free then. *does not take into account the possibility of children being forced upon me, pets, rape, adoption, future technologies and organ transplants.
  12. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    What is this "objective meaning" you speak of? :kodama1:
  13. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Obvious. Real control? What is abstinence? If I have the capability to murder someone, is that choice not really controllable unless I take away that capability?
  14. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    No thanks. Also, your logical point is stupid and irrelevant. Yah, that's the point. Did you actually read the whole site?
  15. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Okay, so what part didn't you understand about my post?
  16. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Haha, it's clearly a topic based around FEELINGs around children. Obviously I'm going to have feelings about it. :) I'm arguing with my feelings and I'm totally okay with that. As if being a feeler would be a bad thing. Silly person you are. Yah, that website has a lot of problems and...
  17. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    The topic is intentionality about child bearing, not whether decisions made in the present will be remain the same in the future. We can only make our current intentions/thoughts/feeling known. Obviously thoughts/feeling/intentions change, but that can apply to any topic, it has no extra...
  18. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Yah, you are being petty. I fixed it for you. It's not a real point, and it's not on topic.
  19. Turniphead

    Childfree club

  20. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    Didn't you know Base groove is a Catholic. :rolleyes:
  21. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    On topic organization: http://www.vhemt.org/
  22. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    This has been my stance for a long time.
  23. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    So define your terms then.
  24. Turniphead

    Childfree club

    It would probably be easier for the people with children to make a club. My assumption is that child free is the majority. :phear:
  25. Turniphead

    What does it all mean, INTPs?

    Hmm, random thoughts: What type are you? Did he self identify as an INTP, or are you guessing? INTPs communication habits are not always consistent. I don't think anything "happened", it seems pretty clear that you are more into him than he is to you. You could continue seeing him, and...
  26. Turniphead


    Ha, I started reading about what the mega society was after I thought of posting this. I then hesitated for a moment. Worried about how the source, and my assumed interest in it would be perceived. :phear:
  27. Turniphead


    Too many of them. I came across this interesting article: http://megasociety.org/noesis/138/aptitude.html From the article: This sheds some light on some of my own struggles anyway.
  28. Turniphead


    I'm going to go see Neil speak in person this week, hopefully. :elephant:
  29. Turniphead

    What drew you to MBTI?

    Oh, Oh, I just heard about this great one the other day, but i can't remember what it was called... Quickmbti, no that wasn't it. SpeedyTypologists? Hmm, :confused: TurboHumanities? JungOnSpeed.com?
  30. Turniphead

    What drew you to MBTI?

    Stop with the not so subtle advertising.
  31. Turniphead

    Are INTPs less likely to derive joy from music?

    MUSIC SEEKING: 60 EMOTION EVOCATION: 45 MOOD REGULATION: 36 SENSORI-MOTOR: 25 SOCIAL: 40 MUSIC REWARD: 36 Those scores are low apparently... Weird, I definitely value it highly. When I was younger I didn't quite as much. Probably because I didn't have access to a large variety of music...
  32. Turniphead

    Flappy birds

    Was there legal action taken on Nintendo's part(I'm not aware of any)? It's pretty irrelevant, in terms of others making knock offs(of a knockoff(games are all knockoffs of each other)).
  33. Turniphead

    Flappy birds

    What copyright infringement? The pipes being similar to mario pipes? Your post does not make sense. :confused:
  34. Turniphead

    Rorschach inkblot test

  35. Turniphead

    I always misrepresent myself in text format. help me understand what I do wrong?

    I tried reading the second page of this thread, but my head figuratively exploded and I need to have a lie down.
  36. Turniphead

    INTP Careers

    From the ask Architect thread: Contradictory advice? Is seeking greatness just our Fe inferior talking?
  37. Turniphead

    why can't we be who we want to be?

    Maybe this is the healthier route to cultivate:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccentricity_(behavior) ? --- As long as this isn't constantly happening? But why would the "eccentric" care if others thought they were seeking attention? :confused: I read in a book somewhere, that eccentrics...
  38. Turniphead

    House of Cards

    Here is another dicker: Francis: ENFJ Claire: INTJ
  39. Turniphead

    INTP Careers

    Huh? I'm guessing? that you mean using the internet for job searches? If so, "har har". If not, I have no idea.
  40. Turniphead

    INTP Careers

    Good post. That sounds nice, finding a mildly compatible "day job" is not so easy though.
  41. Turniphead

    think and read

    I thought this is what MBTI was for. Understanding why people think/act differently than other people?
  42. Turniphead


    "Hi, I know how to ethically hack things. Sadly, this ability has rendered me unable to use something as basic as a forum search. It is, how you say, "beneath me"." :elephant:
  43. Turniphead

    how to be sure you are intp? bias issues

    I almost never loose things... The price is anxiety. I have systems in place so when I leave somewhere I always check the spots the things are supposed to go. Water bottles always go in the same spot in my bag. I almost always have the same items in my pockets. I always double or triple...
  44. Turniphead

    Random Enneagram test.

    The Investigator (TYPE FIVE) (100%) The Individualist (TYPE FOUR) (96%) The Peacemaker (TYPE NINE) (82%) The Loyalist (TYPE SIX) (60%) The Reformer (TYPE ONE) (60%) The Achiever (TYPE THREE) (46%) The Enthusiast (TYPE SEVEN) (41%) The...
  45. Turniphead

    Mood altering drugs and type

    My theory is that pot increases peoples awareness of their weaker functions. What I have experienced is a huge boost in Fe. The other functions are still available, I'm just not really paying as much attention to them. edit: Actually the other day, I was going through some heavy emotional...
  46. Turniphead

    what do you fear in the external world

    Fear?... not much... I'm somewhat looking forward to the adventure of death, whenever it comes. Anxiety? All of the things. Having to deal with the world on a day to day basis. Stupid things like bed bugs and malaria.:facepalm:
  47. Turniphead

    Thanks for having such useful answers. I'm always impressed.

    Thanks for having such useful answers. I'm always impressed.
  48. Turniphead

    how to be sure you are intp? bias issues

    No no, pick me, pick me. Am I an INTP? I've thought about this a bit lately. Typing others, and then typing others based off of the first people you typed. If you typed the first people wrong then the second group is going to be wrong also. Sort of like a chain leading back to...
  49. Turniphead

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    More like paradox/logic game.
  50. Turniphead

    Oquonie ("Animal Crossing in a K-Hole")

    Not off the top of my head... I posted this game because I haven't really played anything like it before. I guess FEZ has some similarities, but it's much more focused on platforming/exploration. I haven't finished that one. It has some language puzzle stuff you can do as well I believe...
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