I always wanted to be a writer, well, at least from maybe...16 on? But here there are only a handful of writers that make enough money to live off it. Famous people that wrote some classics. The rest is all just part-time.
I never wanted to be a writer full time, at least, never considered it. My dream was more to get my fantasy series published.
I read Tolkien quite young, before any kid was even aware it. I found a copy in a book case in the attic. I can actually still recall the moment, the feeling of adventure to look at these books, hidden behind a cupboard sliding door. I went over them and found Tolkien. And I found The Hobbit. And it had a map! Oh. My. God.
A book with a map of a fantasy land?! The concept!
I read it and from there on I was hooked on anything fantasy and sci-fi. When I got to high school many years later I pushed it on a friend I had, like a drug dealer trying to seduce a potential customer. If I only got him to read chapter one...
And he read on, and on and I experienced it with him as he read it for the first time and loved it. What part are you now! Oh yes, thats right...
I read it in English for English class, impressing my teachers. Even the one for economics... I would have read it in German too but never got around to that.
Newer copies of the book have more modern translations. But the original translations are awesome, a little more archaic in language. I love that style. Also like the much older English, such as you encounter in Moby Dick e.g.
Anyway, rambling on here.
I wanted to write stories because my imagination is limitless. I can literally come up with a book idea in 5 minutes if I set myself to it. I had dreams thatw ere sod etailed, that I could write them as a book.
I even bought an expensive course to learn how to write as a pro. But my dopamine shite ADD got in the way of ALL my fucking' dreams.
Even then I realized also that Iw as just not mature enough to write on a Tolkien level. But I kinda promised myself one day I would be more mature and, like characters in a book, would have undergone character progression.
Well I did, but look where it brought me. I have progressed but mostly on the level of pain and agony. Which I guess are great sources of heart-wrenching and insightful and deep shit!
But still the ADD thing... Writing is one of the last hopes I have for improvement in my life. I will be shite at it, because of various reasons, but I can learn and practice and get better. And maybe one day I'll punish my LOTR and it will be as deep as his work. It might be the only thing about me that can be...distilled out of my disorders and regrets and dysfunctions and all that. The typical tormented writer, like Nietzsche maybe. Hahaha. Omg. Hilarious.
Pour all my ridiculous notions into some story about good and evil, deep and heroic characters that come to live in the readers' mind, subliminally becoming archetypes but when asked to talk about the book on some radio show or on tv, a no-show, the seclusion of a mentally disturbed man, to be talked about after his suicide on the day Nietzsche died or something. How romantic.
Ah writing. It is only for fools.