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Search results

  1. nanook

    i have looked at the thread but haven't read the whole exchange. there are of course techniques...

    i have looked at the thread but haven't read the whole exchange. there are of course techniques of achieving some specialized mental discipline (focus), i know nothing about them. when i think "meditation" i hear "i will just sit here and hope that i wake up from suffering, from the dream of...
  2. nanook

    What is your favorite supervilline?

    Tetsuo (from Akira. spoiler alert!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4COLV6CleU
  3. nanook

    What is your favorite supervilline?

  4. nanook

    Using Ne to socialize

    i believe enfp rely very heavy on Si, while in conversation, much of their response is of irrational and sentimental quality. shortcut Ne with Si, instead of with Ti. be enthusiastic about sensations that everyone can relate to, from noticing the smell of tea to swarming about the coming full moon
  5. nanook

    Using Ne to socialize

    enfp like Ne may be more about your ability to follow what other people say and responding to it quickly. more than suspending your inner censor of what you want to say, as suggested above, you would have to suspend your inner critic or how you want to analyse and add depth to what has been...
  6. nanook

    Who are You?

    I'm a mixture of willard (2003), django (1966), powder (1995) & mr spock. On first sight those characters tell you how much i am the product of self-hate, compulsive restriction/avoidance introjected into my super-ego by parents and society - I mostly exist in my head and through some online...
  7. nanook

    i have no idea what space jeti had in mind. perhaps he is thinking in dichotomy clichees. enfp...

    i have no idea what space jeti had in mind. perhaps he is thinking in dichotomy clichees. enfp are very chaotic and unconventional (see movie girl interrupted), ISFJ (both FiSe and SiFe, ISFJ and ISFj) are thought of as being rather protective of a familiar state. "don't make any noise!" Si...
  8. nanook

    Ni afaik is not solid visualisation, like the cylons do on TV, but i think it's related to...

    Ni afaik is not solid visualisation, like the cylons do on TV, but i think it's related to mapping processes in visual spacial intelligence type of way and this can sometimes solidify into a more concrete visualisation, still not like something you see in concrete fashion, but something you talk...
  9. nanook

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    i'm using the words slightly different. biology is not outside of intelligence, in my book. it's complexity arranging itself=intelligence. however one might divide into levels of physical, bodily and human intelligence but the levels are not disconnected, they are integrated with each other...
  10. nanook

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    what if the circle rotates in relation to something outside of it or rather that outside thing rotates around the circle? if the circle is like the earth, it's continents like the functions, the moon like the ego (dominance), the sun like introversion, it's shadow like extroversion. ... and the...
  11. nanook

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    these graphics argue against the idea that introversion does only exist inside of functions and that is what makes them really .... revolt against typical mbti jazz. but if you think about it. does a human being's NEED to adapt to external reality, thereby creating objectivity aka extroverted...
  12. nanook

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    not reading the whole thread, just interpreting what i see in the first image. it appears the print is bad and the label refers not to the axis but to the field that is next to the label counter clockwise. 100% Te (dominant) aux and tertiary (in mbti language, jung calls both of them aux)...
  13. nanook

    Who are You?

    i can't consistently perceive your voices inside of me, empathically, in awakened manner, rather than analytically, as objects, even though on occasion i notice that you are present, to each other, rather than just dumping your voices like objects - and i do perceive you inside of me, while i...
  14. nanook

    Its finally happened, INTP or INFJ

    that reads like a response to what redbaron said: "TiNe is very chameleon-like, in that it can entertain a variety of polarizing ideas at the same time. " or, in case you were addressing me, no, that's not what i said :confused: socionics has a concept called demonstrative functions...
  15. nanook

    Its finally happened, INTP or INFJ

    here is a relevant article i picked up somewhere in the Aether:
  16. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    that might work
  17. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    best to die laughing :smoker:
  18. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    2013 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F60.9 Personality disorder, unspecified Between 1999-2007 there were 12 deaths in the United States where ICD-10 F60.9 was indicated as the underlying cause of death i am literally dying right now. science, it works.
  19. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    more like unspecified personality disorder. 60 ~ something
  20. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    hahahahaha, architect always makes me cry
  21. nanook

    What am I? Bi-Polar? OCD? Autistic? You name it.

    i am very proud and gratefull that i have been diagnosed as "not classifiable" and i imagine you have deserved the same for being utterly batshit strange. there is a number code and paragraph for "not classifiable" in the european dialogistical manual (ICD) :kodama1:
  22. nanook

    Asperger's, anyone? (Not me)

    just look at the fucking moron who is the boss of the dsm gang ...nuff said
  23. nanook

    Anatta and nonlocal panpsychism

    well you are always the noself, next to whatever else you are. and what if there is like just one soul though, like a landcape of soul-stuff for all sentient beings, and what you call "your" soul is just the facettes of it, that you're familiar with atm, cuz they resonate with the soul facets...
  24. nanook

    Anatta and nonlocal panpsychism

    altered brain states are just deeper (more basic) reflections, they are always a mixture of the subject and the absolute, while the subjective state is temporal, even though it often feels eternal, due to the absolute quality mixed in. (there, now i called it quality, contradicting myself) all...
  25. nanook

    Anatta and nonlocal panpsychism

    i never got deeply into the official definition of the word qualia, i'll translate it as 'qualities know to us'. i mean 'spirit' aka reality aka time and space aka everything is essentially aware, i wouldn't say that awareness is a particular quality of spirit as that would imply that it's...
  26. nanook

    Anatta and nonlocal panpsychism

    I'm not sure if i understand you. this would be my view (and i guess it's my take on integral evolutionary panentheism): what happens in human life is what happened prior, after or elsewhere plus something else. in death you have a totality that extends beyond the brain, it includes the...
  27. nanook

    Which types do you have the hardest time getting along with?

    differences in judgement could possibly be compensated for with well-meaning intelligence. people with a combination of Ni and Se don't seem to live in the same time and space dimension as people with a combination of Ne and Si. when locked into a room, there is involuntary alienation. (though...
  28. nanook

    All I do every day is...

    at the moment i'm sort of obsessed with running into "social" situations, online. basically chatting up as many facebook users as i can run into (most of which are on other fucking continents) while only being in the moment, not trying to get to know people intentionally. trying to break up my...
  29. nanook

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Lamb - Gorecki
  30. nanook

    Faces by Type

    how are the first three peeps not the same type??? (is she your twin sister?)
  31. nanook

    MBTI parties

    what's my type, own8ge? i think type-parties should be themed around indulging into a function and anyone who likes the theme enough to surrender to it is welcome ... (only, there is no way you can communicate the concept of a theme to most people...)
  32. nanook

    Here's what I think of Lyra

    actually, gingers were not bullied in germany, in the 80ies. not unless they were weird and he wasn't. youtube wasn't around to make ginger into a meme associated with ridiculous anger. i'm blonde but my beard gets red, when i grow it ... and no, i didn't say one thing about hawkeye, i...
  33. nanook

    Ni - perceptive of human nature?

    the core definition of Ni is "consciousness trying to form 'images' (comprehensions) about itself" or "subjective perception of process" where the major "process" of interest to the subject happens to be "the flow of consciousness (feeling/thought/other)" and anything else said about Ni, if...
  34. nanook

    Here's what I think of Lyra

    triggers memories of that bully in elementary school, the first bully in my life (there have been only four), named alexander. who also reminded me of harvey keitel. he was a ginger, btw. how can anyone be so fucking aggressive and gaming obsessed? ruthless subjective thinking as egocentric...
  35. nanook

    How can we shave the forum?

    yeah, i had a shower shovered up my ass yesterday. and don't make fun of my second language :p
  36. nanook

    hi, all i can say is that i see big differences in the three faces, yours and theirs. i was only...

    hi, all i can say is that i see big differences in the three faces, yours and theirs. i was only looking at fotos. the mouth is similar in all three, yes. chapelle has dancing sparkling eyes, lopez has penetrantly staring eyes, you have detached dreamy eyes. chapelle has a radiating welcoming...
  37. nanook

    How can we shave the forum?

    i'm heavily opposed to shaving (always gives me ingrown hairs). maybe it would be enough, if everyone took a shover? after sleeping off the intoxication.
  38. nanook

    The Ideal Forum

    yeah, i second the desire for more video action. i'm rather tired of imagining that i am talking to avatars (in reality i am ignored by avatars). i'd rather imagine talking to moving images (in reality being ignored by them). although i still shy away from real time interaction (apparently i...
  39. nanook

    S vs N and intelligence

    no, until you define intelligence in favor of one of them. and i believe, atm, intelligence is defined in favor of sensors. school and even intelligence tests rely heavily on more or less creative handling of exact memories, not on fluid animated imaginations and perceptive abstractions from...
  40. nanook

    Are you Arrogant?

    i have often been called arrogant because i feel that an analytical concept of my liking is a better way of approaching an issue, compared to someone's mostly descriptive approach to labeling his experience. for instance they think their state (ie panic attacks) is induced by medicine, like it's...
  41. nanook

    Asperger's, anyone? (Not me)

    urz like onto something, wez more in touch wiz da irrational truth of who we and teh otherz are. overwhelmed somtimez. teh senzitive mind is allwazy more impersonal and iconicalstic, thuz less in tune with the nerotypical expert of egioik illuzion. tis motherfucker posted two blogz entiez...
  42. nanook

    The Ideal Forum

    ponies, no organization, weed distribution, politicians honestly, the word ideal makes no sense in the context of a message board, because communication is just a tool for life, not a design-box for it. the next best thing is therefore an everything-goes, everyone-is-welcome board, with so many...
  43. nanook

    Philosophical questions from a young age.

    i don't remember my childhood that well. for me this "conclusions from the tinyest amount of information" goes against having questions, i am so creative/speculative, that i may remember speculations, but not questions. i mean, it was always so clear, that no one in my live would add to my...
  44. nanook

    no, lately i've just been fermenting whatever understanding i had

    no, lately i've just been fermenting whatever understanding i had
  45. nanook

    i just need more verbosity in dialogues

    i just need more verbosity in dialogues
  46. nanook

    What Moves You?

    i am moved, when i feel like i have something rather unique to contribute to a situation. never happens. okay i am lying. it's just that the universe is never ready for my contributions, but it's always ready to punish me. or else i am just insane. what has moved me the most, in recent times...
  47. nanook

    Why do all my threads get put together when they are different topics?

    if smugness is unbearable, that means that other people are unbearable. we will all die lonely.
  48. nanook

    INFJs mistyped as INTP, INTJ, ISTP

    lmao glad to hear they banned you, makes it easier to trust you
  49. nanook

    INFJs mistyped as INTP, INTJ, ISTP

    and once again, I can't tell if i'm too humble or too cowardly to post a response such a question wouldn't even arise, if they wouldn't push the anger button so hard. if they were capable of a gentle attitude, everyone could simply make genuine contributions and the unfit would loose interest...
  50. nanook

    Asperger's, anyone? (Not me)

    it seems that autism spectrum is in fashion and diagnosticians forget about equally superficial and meaningless alternatives like schizoid PD, mixed PD schizoid paranoid, schizotypal PD, avoidant dependent PD, compulsive PD, social anxiety, whatever .... i have officially been denied the...
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