it seems that autism spectrum is in fashion and diagnosticians forget about equally superficial and meaningless alternatives like schizoid PD, mixed PD schizoid paranoid, schizotypal PD, avoidant dependent PD, compulsive PD, social anxiety, whatever ....
i have officially been denied the asperger label in a german humanist + integral psychosomatic clinic at age 34 (in favor of a more awesome diagnosis which reads literally "you don't match any of the criteria of the recognized disorders, but we still feel, that there is something wrong with you" - yes there is a number code for that in ICD/DSM), but i have no doubt that if i had been exposed to contemporary american psychiatrists at age 19 or any earlier age in my life, i would have been diagnosed as on the spectrum.
there are some self identified (also officially diagnosed) aspies on youtube that make me feel like i finally found someone who belongs to my own species ♥♥♥♥ (the ann mish, undeadpoe, taylor J, dead rodent girl, ....)
i would argue that they are nothing but a healthy combination of the INXX type and the individual story of handling the challenges that this type implies in their family and society.
"healthy handling" doesn't mean "perfect" or "functional in a sick society", it means that type/kognition isn't largely rejected, but largely integrated into the personality.
and this way of handling one self can in deed be interpreted as personality "disorder", when it doesn't work well for self-expression in society, when it's self-sabotaging, self-loathing, self-denying.
however the concept of autistic PD totally fails to illustrate this issue and it does just the opposite, it pathologies the type/temperament, which makes it nothing less but type-targeting fascism and while autistic people should learn to be proud about their type/temperament, they must necessarily fail to differentiate their temperament from how they are interpreting and handling it as personalities, because this differentiation happens only later in life, and i fear that "autistic pride" is usually a misguided proud about the "disorder" (misinterpretation of temperament), which is sucking the cock of the fascist system in a stockholm-syndrom-manner "it's good that they recognize me as inherently broken creature, this way they will at least give up on making me into one of them and i can be one of my own kind, fuck yeah". this feels good but it really means: "fuck me, now i won't discover who i truly am for as long as i believe in their concept of me " - huge waste of time. (edited)
but there are truly autistic individuals, i mean people who are entirely stuck in cognitive development, in a way that isn't solely explained by how any type will naturally come with a specific profile of higher and lower lines of intelligence ... and i would rather not be considered to be one of them. and i am not, which is why i haven't received the diagnosis.
but there is the difference between a stuck development (a true disorder, wherein personality goes into denial/shock about the challenges of type/cognition) and a naturally slow development (of auxiliary, tertiary or inferior lines of intelligence) - you can't tell for sure, whether someone is actually stuck (has a disorder) or whether he is simply naturally slow until he is well into adolescence, but they diagnose young people with autism/aspersers and that's most often a misjudgment.
true developmental disorders are not related to type, but they are categorized differently depending on type, for instance classic narcissism means nothing but child in a grown up body, who only superficially pretends to be grown up, but doesn't have the perspective taking skills of grown ups. there are minor differences in how development goes wrong, when it goes wrong, and those depend on type. so even when diagnosis don't reflect type directly, but reflect actual subtleties in developement, there is still statistical alignment between type and diagnosis - then there is a lot of inconsistency in how diagnosis are applied.