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Search results

  1. nanook

    differences between intp and intj

    @Cherry Cola. my theory is that all facebook INFP are actually Ti who call me out for lack of Fe (without wording it like that) and abandon me from the fake INFP tribe, so i must assume i'm another type (also differences between my and their physiognomy). they practice a complete lack of...
  2. nanook

    differences between intp and intj

    I identify a lot with a robot, who tries to understand Fe, but fails. The outsider, who tries to belong but has absolutely no means. I don't like Data (star trek) but the concept of him. However Lt. Data doesn't have Fi either, so that's where i differ and that's where he does resemble the Ti...
  3. nanook

    Am i for sure intp?

    not seing a Ti pattern here either. see much introverted feeling, extroverted thinking and adaptive/extroverted perception. just as a democratic comment. don't want to throw more of my hallucinations down your throat.
  4. nanook

    differences between intp and intj

    I'm a very sensitive harmony seeking introverted person, much better than most at creating a space for others to feel unconditionally accepted in, but when we discuss important subjects and i understand something that makes all the difference, for the future of your personal development or your...
  5. nanook

    Please help. I'm going mad

    It's not that simple, since most psychiatrists who work in mental institutions are pigheaded atheists, they will diagnose any spiritual experience as psychosis, most likely as schizophrenic psychosis, though borderline or bipolar are popular alternatives. This is called pre-trans fallacy...
  6. nanook

    Psychology of the beautiful gyal.

    alpha men are allowed to to approach all girls, but alpha girls are also allowed to reject all guys. it's fair game and works like a charm in romantic relationships. what people don't take into account is that one night stands or fuck buddy constellations are not actually supported by our...
  7. nanook

    What every INTP need

    To be more extroverted or more fully engaged in life, more self actualized, you have to change the content of your functions. Carl Jung calls functions "attitudes", that is revealing. You have voices in your head, which represent attitudes. (Not necessarily vocal voices). Your introverted voices...
  8. nanook

    Merged: INTPs with Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD)

    Re: INTPs with Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) "secret schizoid" stinks like bullshit to me. engaging in life (strongly feeling what you want) and schizoid don't go together in my understanding, thinking type and engaging DO go together, looks like another psychologist tries to pathologize...
  9. nanook

    Which type is the better...? (Functional comparison and analysis)

    I think TiSe is a reliable mechanic to take care of the airplaines at the base, while SiTe is the car lover who has crazy oldtimers that need special care. Si, subjective sensation is probably not really all that gifted at rotating precise objective shapes around in his mind, not an engineer at...
  10. nanook

    Which type is the better...? (Functional comparison and analysis)

    actually he seems more like INTJ/INTp NiTe with his snarling smile, but he still seems like a good example for fully subjective (introverted) directiveness. much like friggin dali. both are not really in close social resonance with anyone. and do their own insane (introverted) thing.
  11. nanook

    Which type is the better...? (Functional comparison and analysis)

    i have actually changed or expanded my view, to see how mbti can also be seen as being somewhat correct. i mean there isn't just one mbti, there are as many mbtis as there are typologists, but it can be narrowed down to two common mbtis, one of which is just silly, the other one is largely...
  12. nanook

    Preference of Imagery over Language?

    if you were to spend some time recreationally and had the choice between a tumblr with poetic or witty or philosophical notes and a tumblr with artwork and you would prefer the one with artwork, would that make you a sensor? similarly, if you were a child, would you rather look at a book with...
  13. nanook

    Men phased out?

    Haha, yes, we germans have an obsession for carefully cultivated brainz. The intellectuals and the common zombis.
  14. nanook

    Men phased out?

    aren't men needed to advance the machine take over? because women rarely appear insane like that. like auburn said: synthesize genders into one or else you are just getting rid of organs, in which case: also get rid of uterus, it's painful and unreliable. make robots that grow a brain inside...
  15. nanook

    worst personality type to be

    let's keep in mind, it's relative to the society you live in. if you can't make friends because social fears isolate you (hyperfocus on differences, incompatibilities, in a world full of subcultures) and you don't have the toughness to do business either, if you can't be happy with anything as...
  16. nanook

    I Took the Drug Coffee

  17. nanook

    I Took the Drug Coffee

    you can add some curcuma to warm water with lemon. curcuma is very healthy, according to studies. you can quit caffeine, by mixing green or black tea into this lemon water. use less and less tea every time. the taste will stay pleasing, due to lemon. you can add brown sugar, if you need a...
  18. nanook

    How Old Are You?

    my biological clock works different, so it hurts to say the number, especially when people can't see my face. it seems people age faster, the older they get, but i do not, so the gap seems to become greater. i started out with 1 year delayed school entry, then 2 year delayed entry into puberty...
  19. nanook

    I Took the Drug Coffee

    the highest cost of coffee is perhaps loosing a stable circadian rhythm (it becomes longer than 24 hours) and loosing a subtle sensitivity for patient soulful (call it right brained) self experience. it's not doing anything positive on the side of task oriented consciousness, since we develop...
  20. nanook

    There is no true compassion.

    there isn't much more free compassion, other than what is already applied in the world. it's probably somewhat rare, that true opportunities for compassion are missed. because compassion is so much inborn. of course, some people have lost all naturalness. we go through life like robots, not...
  21. nanook

    There is no true compassion.

    schadenfreude is when you get more and more happy, as someone fails more and more. compassion is when you see that someone fails, you feel into what it's like to fail like that, so your mind comes up with a fitting duality, meaning you imagine how much better he could feel, if he would not...
  22. nanook

    Is low IQ related to not understanding J/P ?

    thinking that you know something about external reality because you have formed a theory that is coherent in it self and compatible with all of your other theories about reality is related to mediocre or low IQ. syncing theory with all data available and correctly estimating the likely...
  23. nanook

    How Many of You were "Late Bloomers" ?

    i don't equate blooming with maturity, because maturity will occur even when virtually all blooming was suppressed into the shadow (dream time, not acted out). the pacing of maturity* is somewhat linearly correlated to biological potential, to brain quality. blooming depends on the context, on...
  24. nanook

    How Many of You were "Late Bloomers" ?

    what i mean is, in my experience, boys in 5th or 7th grade, who escape from peers, by hanging out with teachers have no ideal of becoming a young man who gets anywhere (late bloomers, remember), they want to remain within the 3rd grade vibe of church choir, so they hang out with old teachers...
  25. nanook

    How Many of You were "Late Bloomers" ?

    if it has worked for you. it's difficult for me to imagine. i'm inclined to compare myself and to look up to people and adapt to what they expect from me. older people don't expect anything from me and never have a true need for what i could offer. perhaps they think it's cute. spoken validation...
  26. nanook

    How Many of You were "Late Bloomers" ?

    we are "literally" flowers, bitch. Deep inside you are ten thousand flowers. Each flower blossoms ten thousand times. Each blossom has ten thousand petals. You might want to see a specialist. (internet quote)
  27. nanook

    How Many of You were "Late Bloomers" ?

    a delay of physical puberty can cause a chainreaction of delayed development of practical/social skills. when you are late in physical puberty, you don't understand how you compare to your peers, intellectually. they begin to perceive a world that is invisible from you and you will feel inferior...
  28. nanook

    extroverts change to introverts?

    i think there is an important difference between extroversion and being an introverted kid without a sense of boundaries and taboos. the introvert is stimulated by the subjective factor of activities. but in kid play subjectivity is largely tolerated, until you begin to eat the head of your...
  29. nanook

    What is love to you?

  30. nanook

    What is your easiest method of learning?

    being hated upon. nothing has made more impression upon me. (might be IXFP though)
  31. nanook

    Is suicide selfish?

    is suicide selfish? *catch me if you can* :cool: seriously, can you get any more possessive?
  32. nanook

    I'm a bum.

    I'm a bum.
  33. nanook

    Perfect Circle / Tool

    Agree with redbaron, but I like the live set*, much better sound, imo. (*eMOTIVe, mer de noms, stone and echo, thirteenth step) I mostly like puscifer these days, because being all serious about stuff has become a bit difficult for me.
  34. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    as if anyone didn't know, that rights are not objectively real, until they are granted in a body of law or common sense culture. you will NATURALLY assume property of your body and of things needed to sustain your body, your body also involves intelligence, so you also assume property of...
  35. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    since you like questions, you should also ask: if people are equal, why can't i kill them anyway? in fact, if i kill one person, should i not kill all of them, as they are equal? it's all about your intentionality, which is about your nature.
  36. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    i have explained how (we understand equality) and why we choose to maintain it as relevant. the word why has a good meaning when it's concerned with human intentionality. why did you do it, give your reasons. this way i get to know you. there is no true or false reason. "why" it's used loosely...
  37. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    you are familiar with individuation, for example? something people have to grow and cultivate inside, once they are ready for it. it's no option for children. and the word group mind means anything to you? it's what was there, in evolution, before individuation became possible. HOW are humans...
  38. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    deletes the part where is say because and says: explain. lmao. you are arguing that my response was questionable, but it was complete and coherent. that is an argument, but an agressiv argument, because you give no reason. or perhaps your only reason is that you say rooting our brand of...
  39. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    and why do you keep using the inappropriate word "individual", part of your trolling scheme, so you can win the argument at the end? because according to some meaning of this word, not every human being has individuality.
  40. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    humans can't be equal to you, because you keep shedding any gram of Ti from your psyche, because you think it makes you lighter and faster and sort of superhuman. the flash.
  41. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    hardcore reductionist. entp i reckon we have never CHOSEN ANYthing, because we are created by nature and free will is an illusion. we are choosing exactly what we are choosing at any time, not just anything ;)
  42. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    who else would ever chose that anything is anything, but human intelligence? you are a slave of the myth of the given (as if objectivity would exist outside of human intelligence, as if there could possibly be a different reason for anything we do or believe), i don't have the patience right...
  43. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    i have explained to you various meanings of the word equal, which of those meanings is the one in which we are considered equal and that this attribute of equality comes about in part because of a given sentience that we have discovered and in part because we choose to respect that sentience as...
  44. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    I'm going to post this again, just to annoy you, then i am out. if you are not trolling, you just don't get it. we make choices because we are human. the more we evolve, the more our choices are distinct from the choices of something that is not human, such as a brick falling on your head...
  45. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    i'm pretty sure you are discarding none objective reasons as being purely descriptive. i have edited #32
  46. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    you are asking for objective reasons, because you are having a mind that is discarding anything that isn't strictly objective as "purely descriptive", as if those levels of subjective human intelligence were anything less but the reasons for why we do things. i gave you rational, pluralistic and...
  47. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    metaphysics is the assumtion that there are hidden laws that are higher than physical laws, it's like the concept of a holographic universe or intelligent design or god. none of this shit is involved here. level 3: the subject is thinking, what it's aware of is not the activity of thinking but...
  48. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    didn't i explain, that none of this is metaphyiscal? it's meta-rationality. is the difference unclear?
  49. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    read ken wilbers "a brief history of everything". it's a simple read. and foundational to understanding any topic. alternatively study spiral dynamics. you could also consult william wilberforce. there is a movie about him. development of a whole culture is not linear, it's a cooking boiler of...
  50. nanook

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    because if sentience and respective rights should not be considered of equal importance, how would you determine differences of their importance? 1) because i say so (batman is horny for catwoman) - this is a primitive argument (level 2 of psychological development, correlates with eternal...
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