You're clearly in middle school, my wonderful american friend.
Nah but for real. Out of the shower, wet your face with the hot water. Not the cold.
Lather your face up with shaving C.R.E.A.M dollar fuckin' you already thought it. Fuck that gel, gel is metrosexual.
NEXT: Shave__________________(beforehand strop the shitty disposable razor against your jeans or the skin on your thighs)
Clean the hard parts first: Side burns. Mustache. The sensitive parts of the neck beard.
The rest is easy if you're not retarded. With the grain, or with the grain and then.. Yes and then.. against the grain, slowly. Carefully. Methodically. Gracefully. Cali what what?
OKSee we have to do the back of the neck now. Ladies you know what I mean.... King of the hill style, rednecks. WRONG! You should have done this in the shower to save time, how will you have more time to think in isolation if you don't do this in the fucking shower. No need for shaving cream in there Dilbert. Be more of a Gilbert.
THE SECRET! No bullshit. Cold water. Leaves no residue, feels great. Towel face dry.
Dry razor.