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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Is belief a right?

    Of course they do. They just don't have the right to act on them, whenever and however they feel like. Other people have opinions too. We already do. Ever read "L'Etranger" by Albert Camus? It's about a guy who is sentenced to death, not because he killed someone, but because he didn't cry at...
  2. scorpiomover

    "Not paranoid, it's perfectly logical"?

    There is. Meaningless coincidences occur everywhere. The brain has to screen them out, or people would be doing lethal things all the time, under the misguided belief that a coincidence that allowed the person to do the lethal thing and still survived, showed that that thing is safe to do. When...
  3. scorpiomover

    Are you a jerk?

    E = objectivity. I = subjectivity. As Jung explained, Is show more egotism, and thus are far more likely to be a jerk. Es are likely to do the objective thing, and ignore the subjective needs of the lone I in the group. More likely to run roughshod over your feelings without realising it. The...
  4. scorpiomover

    Are you a jerk?

  5. scorpiomover

    The Void's Collection

    Re: God is not dead Shhhh. Don't tell the atheists. They had enough trouble accepting Santa Claus wasn't real.:confused:
  6. scorpiomover

    Act Dumb

    Being less frustrated at life, in the same vein as the complaints in your opening post.
  7. scorpiomover

    Brainstorming the idea of being an ISTP and not an INTP

    This would happen when an ISTP mistakes Se for Ne and Si for Ni, because of his background and experiences. Take Leonard from The Big Bang Theory: Leonard became a scientist, because his family are scientists. He followed family convention. He does experiments like his brother's experiments and...
  8. scorpiomover

    Act Dumb

    From The Big Bang Theory: “The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” ― C.G. Jung “An intellectual? Yes. And never deny it. An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the...
  9. scorpiomover

    What is Post-Human?

    What point? That you claimed that people are getting smarter, and that on that basis, the argument that Idiocracy cannot happen, cannot be correct? I think you'd have to prove that people are getting smarter, first. To do that, you cited Flynn's IQ scores, which Flynn himself called into...
  10. scorpiomover

    What is Post-Human?

    The Flynn effect: Idiots have been getting smarter for decades. The highly-intelligent physicists who are smashing protons together at the speed of light and taking pictures of the universe, have not. Flynn's own explanation for the phenomenon...
  11. scorpiomover

    Rousseau, specifically Progress vs Stability in Modern Times

    The concept of science had been around since the Ancient Greeks. The actual idea of developing things further had been around long before. Anyway, it was close to 400 years between the Scientific Revolution and the horseless carriage. Baseless assumption. Sounds like you went to a school and...
  12. scorpiomover

    Do you walk fast?

    I used to. My dad would walk very fast. It became a habit. These days, when I'm lost in thought, or find something interesting, then I become more animated and speed up.
  13. scorpiomover

    Rousseau, specifically Progress vs Stability in Modern Times

    So when people only had horses, you think that the best thing to do was to say "Horse-drawn travel is by no means perfect. But what's the alternative?" So we might as well just stick to horses, and give up on progress? The essential issue being raised, is that if progress is a good thing...
  14. scorpiomover

    Rousseau, specifically Progress vs Stability in Modern Times

    That was what I wrote. Yes, because that's exactly how evolution works. The more adapted a group is to the environment, the more successful they are, the more they have a chance to breed, and the more of them that exist. The less adapted a goup is to the environment, the less successful they...
  15. scorpiomover

    Who do people say you remind them of?

    INTP. I seem to have a lot of dopplegangers running around. Just the other day, a friend thought he saw me, when I was somewhere else. It seems to happen a lot.
  16. scorpiomover

    Rousseau, specifically Progress vs Stability in Modern Times

    Progress is usually considered more important than stability by NJs. Stability is usually considered more important than progress by NJs. If life was better with only one, then societies composed exclusively of one type, would have become dominant via evolution. Evolution has made societies...
  17. scorpiomover

    how to be sure you are intp? bias issues

    Interesting. Jung wrote about the type being there from birth, almost as if it was genetic. But he also said in his interview with Freeman, that "the type changes throughout life". What if both are true? We have a genetic type in our DNA, that is with us always, and cannot be changed. But we...
  18. scorpiomover

    Do sh*ts need to be given to like... social conventions?

    Fe say "But it's an objective moral value. Must be observed." I sometimes am blunt too. But it's unintentional, and when I realise after, I do feel guilty for it. After all, it's easy to do, and other people seem to place such a high value on it. Always useful to have people on your side. Nah...
  19. scorpiomover

    how to be sure you are intp? bias issues

    One of the things that happened often here, was how much INTPs would talk about their P-ness. INTPs seem to be the most indecisive of the types, even to the point of not being sure if they exist. The expression "no doubt" is not part of an INTP's vocabulary. If it is ever used, it means they've...
  20. scorpiomover

    Intelligence is specialization

    Still a specialist, because you're specialising in mathematics. The subject you are specialising in, applies to everything, and so is the most general subject of all. Being a "master of everything".
  21. scorpiomover

    My new A.I. idea

    I've been struggling here as well. Nice to know it's not because I'm a noob. The diagram is cool. It's a basic spatial layout of many of the common functions in the brain. The problem with making that into an AI, is how to make the parts. The sensors are easy enough. We can use photo-detectors...
  22. scorpiomover

    Intelligence is specialization

    I don't think I've seen such a compelling argument in a long time. I'll have to think about this. But I think you've just completely changed my world-view. To an extent. It's true that "jack of all trades but master of none" is an English expression, that is meant to convey how there are many...
  23. scorpiomover

    Architecture vs computer science

    Computer programming is essentially a virtual construction industry. Basically, any device can be linked to any other device, to accomplish almost any task that the combination of the components could do together. In the old days, you had to link the devices together manually via wires and...
  24. scorpiomover

    Sherlock Holmes - the final conclusion

    1) The thesis: Keirsey gave all the types positive-sounding nicknames. He nicknamed the INTJ, "the Mastermind", because INTJs usually try to be the the best among their peers, and attempt to do so by continually attempting to outwit those who challenge them. In addition, those whose main...
  25. scorpiomover

    Enlightenment & The Will to Power

    AFAIK, Buddha was a prince who was trained in all forms of warfare and military strategy, in order to learn how to keep his people safe when he would become king. He eventually realised that the root of warfare, is to try to control the things that are external to oneself, in order to keep hold...
  26. scorpiomover

    Istj physical characteristics?

    This. The most salient characterisitic that I know of with respect to ISTJs, is their attention to physical details. ISTJs seem the most likely to spot a flaw with physical thing, such as, when the plates have been washed, to scan them over and say in less than a second "missed a bit", which...
  27. scorpiomover

    INTPForum Space Program

    How about Cavorite? What about astral projection? That one can take you to another galaxy in a millisecond.
  28. scorpiomover

    Your opinion: absolute truth or subjective truth?

    It has been shown to me, that there are absolute truths. But the path to truth is blocked by many obstacles. Even more, much of physics, mathematics and philosophy suggest that one's knowledge is always partially incorrect. So it seems that humans probably know very few absolute truths, if...
  29. scorpiomover

    Equation for intelligence

    idea generation vs. idea application.
  30. scorpiomover

    Equation for intelligence

    Mainly because there's a ton of people on the internet, who claim to be INTJs, INFJs, and INTPs, who have this personal war on about who is smarter. Like it matters. I've sat MBTI exams for sales jobs. Never for a field that required technical proficiency. We can test for technical proficiency...
  31. scorpiomover

    Inconsistency in Keirsey's Temperament Model

    Because that's how things work. I've actually asked myself this question some months ago. I gave it a great deal of thought. Jung said in some of his writings that Sensation is concrete, so much so, that it swallows up Thinking/Feeling, and so makes it difficult to tell the difference between...
  32. scorpiomover

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    Every rule has an exception. Like INTPS who are into fashion. There's a thread here about INTPs who are into fashion.
  33. scorpiomover

    The process of functions in reasoning.

    Yes. They kind of have to be. You can't really get a full idea just with Ti, except possibly by years of thinking. But as Words pointed out, that doesn't mean that everyone uses all the functions all that much. That's why Jung said that many people who have not developed their auxiliary function...
  34. scorpiomover

    No Such Thing as Mental Illness

    Illness simply means that something is unwell. Mental illness means that the brain is unwell. If you're depressed all the time, when you've got no reason to be, then you're unwell in a way that shows the brain is unwell. Not rocket surgery. Ahhh. What you mean, is that the diagnosis for mental...
  35. scorpiomover

    No Such Thing as Mental Illness

    It can't. The acid test for schizophrenia, is a test to show the tendency to believe things as absolutely certain, based on so little evidence that almost all people, even incredibly stupid people, would not be so certain with such little knowledge. They are supposed to give you a bag full of...
  36. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) It was clear to me from the start, that she was not claiming a categorical viewpoint. For starters, she used a computer to make the claim here in the first place, which as you correctly pointed out, is a technological advancement on pen and paper...
  37. scorpiomover

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    It is normal to spend more time at work with people that one hates, such as bosses that are universally hated by everyone.
  38. scorpiomover

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    I usually find that I get on pretty well with people who have similar values and experiences to me, and/or where I have found ways to understand those who have different values and experiences to me, and ways to communicate with them so that they understand me. I used to think it was down to...
  39. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) Why would you think that? I normally take a fair bit of time thinking about a thread before I post. Have you not taken into account that I thought a lot about the things that I post, before I post? Or is there another reason why you made this...
  40. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) Both the selection process and the copying process. For one thing, you have to select the objects in the explorer/Finder windows, which takes time. For another, you may be using a headless server, and so would have to type them out manually. So...
  41. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) Really? Then consider that the position that I stated in post #23, allows for every POV, and he still tried to claim that it was categorically wrong. How can anyone be interested in the truth, when everything is wrong, unless it's what makes him...
  42. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) The "Texas vs Science" thing is rather boring. The responses are usually the following: 1) Them thar Texans are stupid. They're sooooo dumb. They can't understand how evolution is true. It's more true than anything else in science (when other...
  43. scorpiomover

    Oh My Jung - It is BEAUTIFUL

    I was wondering what Jung meant by individuation. He said that those who weren't individuated, should conform to the collective. This suggested to me, that what he meant was those who couldn't be creative, and can't think of their own ideas, and so need to follow the ideas of others, to have...
  44. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) No, it doesn't. You've missed out important steps in the process. It won't work your way. No. It can't. That would be obvious to anyone who knows about computers. I work with them. You don't. You're talking about some idealistic introverted...
  45. scorpiomover

    Oh My Jung - It is BEAUTIFUL

    Bit of a problem, because MBTI frequencies of Americans show that 50% of people are introverts. If most introverts are sufficiently creative and individuate, then that would mean that individuation would be for the many. So it must be that Jung believed that most introverts are insufficiently...
  46. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) 400 bits = 50 bytes = 50 letters. I can write that in probably 15 seconds. Takes me longer than that to plug my USB key and copy something. Why would anyone copy eight billion characters by hand without a good reason? It would take too much time...
  47. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) Duxwing, what you're arguing is the basic argument advanced by young people who grew up with the latest technology of their time, and who consequently saw no reason to develop skills in the older technologies that their parents grew up with, before...
  48. scorpiomover

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) Of course we are comparing apples to oranges. The human equivalent of RAM is memory, and the human equivalent of HDDs are books. It's trivial to copy a poem by writing it out on paper, but takes a lot of time and effort to memorise it. What good is...
  49. scorpiomover

    I Demand a Formal Debate

    Yes. But such a decision is still imposing his will on others. It's still a J-ish characteristic. True. But Aristotle is famously quoted as having said "Do what I say. Not what I do." He ate from the food that he bought with the money that was given to him from those who were. If he did as he he...
  50. scorpiomover

    cultural indoctrination?

    Not magically so. But I am aware that when I read a text or hear someone speak, my brain now automatically cross-matches with how it might be read in the different languages that I know. This has a huge significance to me, because different peoples have a completely different way of thinking...
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