You claim that according to MBTI, you are INTP and not INTJ, and INTPs are as you described, but if you're wrong, it doesn't matter because MBTI is wrong, but you're "INTX" actually, and also your classification of INTP and INTJ is definitely correct in terms of MBTI.
Yeah dude... whatever the argument, I'm right lol. Echec et maths.
Seriously though... The great thing about pseudoscientifical bullshit is that anyone, whatever their knowledge can be right. Wether the argument is fallacious or not. I find it funny to use myself as the experiment.
Lol Goku... I empathize greatly with you genius comment.
No poster more consistently gives me uncertainty about whether he/she is serious than you.
SO you should eventually check my posts.. I even doubt myself.
Its the other way around you got it backwards. Ni is dominant and a perceiving function, it is also non-verbal and ethereal and so does is not readily rendered formal.
I find INJ to be too normal; seriously( While INP tend to stand out). They are just too normal. An normal people can't naturally understand the world.
-->1° What I intuitively get is that environmental informations(= understanding of the world) are collected by the main extroverted function( Fe, Ne,Te,Se). Of the 4 functions Ne vortex is largely the best.(so ENTP>ENTJ and ENFP>ENJ in terms of smartness). THus in terms of information gathering INTP and ENTP are the champions.(that's why we are better researcher and brainstormers than NTJ.)
-->2nd: Ni, Ti,Fi, Si... are like the processors of the gathered information. Now here are things becoming more complex. Ni is fast, mysterious, flexible, holistic, integrative and analyze Fe/Te informations multidimensionally.... sure, while Ti although slow and linear is the most accurate and precise function, don't forget that. I prefer Ti over Ni. But I can't objectively say which one confers the greatest intellectual powers. My guess is: it depends from the task. INTJs are empiricist scientists. INTP are researchers.
SO we have Ne>Te and Fe; than we have Ni=Ti. INTP wins.
anyways... INTX is better. But what is INTX? INTP who get things done or lazy or hesitant INTJ?
I was INTP, my job is turning me into a hyperdecisive INTJ. SO INTJ inside my job; INTP outside of it. Bit frustrating and exhausting.