Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science)
Go on...
Both the selection process and the copying process. For one thing, you have to select the objects in the explorer/Finder windows, which takes time. For another, you may be using a headless server, and so would have to type them out manually. So you're only talking about a GUI environment, and then it depends on the speed of the GUI environment. It also depends on what types of devices you are copying from and to. If you're copying via an FTP window, then you can only access the devices much more slowly. I've used all sorts of environments for copying, where I've had to wait a long time for things to copy. Sometimes, it was much quicker to write them out by hand.
Please explain, you're just denying it and arguing ad-hom.
To copy and distribute something thousands of times in the world in a few milliseconds, requires that all of those destinations are accessible and writable in only a few millionths of a second. That requires a very good internet connection and almost instant accessibility to all those locations over the internet. Theoretically, you're right. But I've had to write routines that update dozens of servers and the whole process takes a lot longer, because it is common that some of those locations and servers can be accessed almost instantly, but many can't, and take a lot of time to access and update. I usually have to write the code to perform multiple passes, because some will take so long to access, as to hang up the rest, and make the whole routine end up getting stuck and blocking 90% of the following servers from being updated.
Copying can be done by hand, press, or computer. You say that hand is better than computer.
I am saying that if we take 2 different logical entities P and Q with different properties (p1, ..., pn) and (q1, ..., qn), then P > Q by one norm (distance metric, or in general understanding, measurement scale), and P < Q by another norm. It depends on the criteria that we choose. Each thing is better or worse depending on the way we choose to evaluate their value as a quantitative measurement. The computer is better than the hand by some methods of measurement, and worse by other methods of measurement.
Therefore in your argument remain only the hand and press.
In my argument, even though in some ways, the hand is more advantageous than the computer, the computer still exists, and still is more advantageous in other ways.
Almost no-one has a printing press, and using one for personal copying is even slower than copying by hand. Therefore in your argument remains only the hand, which cannot make 50,000 quotidian newspapers ere the morrow.
Your argument rests on the current situation in which you find yourself, and considering only the norms, i.e. that ways of evaluating things that you choose to evaluate them. I am simply willing to take a "big picture" view of things, which considers far more situations and far more was of evaluating things that you seem willing to consider.
Please present the knowledge; otherwise you're still arguing ad-hom.
I was having to do all sorts of tasks, before the internet, because the internet didn't really become commonplace here until 1995, when I was 24. It was still incredibly slow until broadband, which really only started becoming common around 2000. I've also been in several programming jobs with high performance requirements where anything taking more than a few seconds, really held people's work up quite considerably.
No, the idea came from Jenny. "The problem with tech is that it automatically dumbs us down".
It does. When I was a kid, and people didn't have calculators, mobiles and computers with them all the time, and when most people didn't use credit cards, everyone could add up in their heads, because they needed to, to know how much money to give for what they wanted to buy, and to have an idea of how much money to bring with them to the shops. Today, most people really stuggle to add up without a calculator, even most adults. Necessity is the mother of invention. When you're not forcing your brain to keep doing arithmetic in your head, the mental faculties atrophy, and that's what I see.
The same follows with other things as well. When I was a kid in the 70s, we wouldn't see the types of arguments that we see online. People would recall things much quicker, because they couldn't just look things up on Google. That same ability to recall things from memory, that would support one's view, worked in general, and made people think of things that supported one's view, and contradicted one's view. So people had much more multi-faceted points of view.
These days, it's not that hard for people's arguments to be trounced online. Usually, their views are not that sophisticated, and are often contradicted clearly by things that they already believe. They rely on Google to build their arguments. So their brains are not used to throwing up the things that support their view, and consequently their brains also are not so habituated to throw up other things as well, such as those things that might contradict their POV. So it becomes very easy to quickly find something that contradicts their POV. As a result, even their initial positions do not consider all that much, other than what they've recently experienced or been told about, and so their views are a lot more one-dimensional.
No, the idea came from Jenny. "The problem with tech is that it automatically dumbs us down".
Jenny was talking in general. You were specifically talking about Google, and seemed to focus mostly on that. You may have got the idea from Jenny. But Jenny wasn't specifically talking about Google, and that changed the argument.
Google is a tool. "A poor workman blames his tools." It's not Google's fault that other people get dumber. If someone isn't recalling things as well as they can, then if they spend some of their time reading, and some of their time deliberately trying to discuss and accomplish tasks without relying on Google, then their brains still have regular motivation to keep their mental faculties high.
If, however, they never bother to exercise their mind, then their mental faculties will be likely to atrophy, out of the choice to not regularly engage in mental exercise.
The situation is not much different than a couch potato saying that he doesn't need to exercise because everything is so much quicker to get to by car, which it is.
Your viewpoint has not changed since you joined? :headscratch
I only joined this forum in May 2011. I was already 41. I'd been using the internet for 16 years, and been around for 24 years before that. I'd had plenty of time to see both sides in all sorts of situations.
No, I'm not arguing rubbish, and what good is insulting my argument?
When I was nice to you, you kept dismissing my points, and kept arguing as if you knew everything and I was an ignorant idiot. Maybe it's your style of communication. But it just made discussions and debates with you very boring, because you weren't listening.
I tried different methods to improve things. The approach of reminding you of your age, and of your youthful inexperience, seemed to make you stop dismissing what I was saying, and made you stop ridiculing and criticising me all the time, and seemed to make you sit up and take notice of what I was saying.
You missed the point, and what? Girls? Now I'm just baffled.
Most geeks were told in science class that science shouldn't care about people's feelings, and the only things that matter are reason and evidence. They often took that to mean that in conversation, other people's feelings, interests and opinions didn't matter. Knowledge, such as science, is about what is in your head. When I think about things in my own head, I can't afford to let myself decide something is true or false, just because it might upset someone else. But when I'm talking to someone else, I'm communicating what is in my own head to another person. If I communicate in a way that ignores their feelings, then I'm communicating to them that when I interact with them, I don't care about accommodating them at all, which in turn says that I intend to walk all over them and treat like like dirt if I'd get the chance. If they have any self-respect, they will not give me that chance, by steering clear of me. Then if they are rational and reasonable, I wouldn't get to date with them.
It took me till my late-30s to realise that a lot of the dating opportunities that geeks like me had missed, was because of our failings. I would hope that you don't have to wait till then to change, because a lot of your dating opportunities would have passed you by.
I debate to gain and spread knowledge, and even if I didn't, ad-hom.
Same problem. When you debate, you're
communicating. You're doing the equivalent of making a web request. If you ignore the protocols, and keep treating the server like shit, then the admins will lock your IP out. They won't share their info with you. You'll end up making decisions based on ignorance.
When you communicate with others, but don't show respect for their views, then the same thing happens. They get defensive. Their walls go up. They don't tell you what they know that is pertinent. You're not going to hear many of the other side. So you'll end up with an extremely one-dimensional viewpoint. It doesn't matter if you're right. Such a view will be far too one-sided to reflect reality in any reasonable way, and is simply unworkable for anyone. For that reason, your view will be a warped version of reality, and will cause you problems if you try to test it out in reality, as you told me before, that you almost killed yourself trying to do so. It will also be far too unworkable and unrealistic to be of benefit to anyone else. So then your debates will be likely to be of no help to you, and will be likely to be of no help to anyone else, and will most likely be just a hindrance to you, and a hindrance to others.
Your current debating style is thus not fit for the purpose of gaining knowledge, and not fit for the purpose of spreading knowledge, and is grossly inefficient.
You made it damn clear, that you believed that there wasn't anything worth memorising, which would mean that memorization categorically is wrong.
I don't recall that. When?
Among the set of all possible sets of information exist ones that are better memorized than stored. My question is, "Which ones?" and my answer is:
-Not phone numbers
-Not addresses
-Not all of science
-Not all of history
-Not all of art
-Et alii ut opus
I looked up the latin phrase that you ended with. Google translated it as "and others, such as the work". However, "opus" generally refers to any large task of value, not just in work. So it could be translated as, and makes more sense as "and other things, including anything of any value", which realistically means "anything that is actually worth doing".
See her categorical statement.
I did, which is why I wrote:
She only argued that over-dependence on technology trades skills for convenience,
Her statement was a general observation, which would obviously have exceptions. You stated that her statement was a
categorical statement, which implies that there were no exceptions. Therefore, you only thought of her statement as if it was absolute, when it clearly didn't have to be, and made a lot of sense if it wasn't, but no sense if it was, and therefore, was most likely made as a non-categorical general observation.
Her point was about
over-dependence on any one type of technology, which is using it always, with no exceptions, as a categorical solution. It's convenient, because you don't need to keep yourself open to multiple options. But it equally limits one to not seeing exceptions,
which was exactly what you were doing.
(See Jenny's categorical statement)
See the comment above on how you are clearly wrong about claiming that her statement is categorical.
Ad-hom. Are you here to debate,
I'm here to learn how to get on with intransigent people, and also here to
Debate is a 4-person process with an audience and specific rules. It's not feasible to have a debate here, unless you set some formal guidelines and everyone follows them. This is an open forum, which allows for a free-for-all discussion. People here are not following rules of debate. So I still don't know how you could ever have gotten it into your head that you could be here to have a debate.
You wrote:
I debate to gain and spread knowledge,
If you mean that you're here to discuss ideas and put them to the test by means of pointing out flaws, and testing your ideas by means of others pointing out flaws in them, then may I remind you of of Schopenhauer on the subject of debate?
Generally, a disputant fights not for truth, but for his proposition, as though it were a battle for life and death. He sets out to work whether right or wrong.
Debate is generally unproductive in a search for gaining and spreading truth, because it is a process that seeks to defend its position even when it's wrong, and seeks to knock down other positions even when they are right. Thus it seeks to hide the flaws in one's own views, and seeks to create flaws in other people's views even when they don't exist, and seeks to present any such flaws as invalidating other people's views, even when those flaws do not invalidate their views.
It's incredibly inefficient as a method of sharing information.
or to try to hurt my feelings?
I'm trying to get you to wake up and realise that you're being incredibly inefficient. You won't learn much this way. Most people will simply clam up and not inform you. You'll also make them feel so defensive that they won't learn from you. It's not fit for your purposes.
You rebutted my rebuttal and were bent on implying that Google dumbed people down.
At the moment, Google does. But only because so many assume that having Google makes using their own minds and memories purposeless, and that makes them so completely reliant on Google, that they won't add to what Google can already tell me without them. It makes them completely superfluous to what other people already have.
It also makes them no better than a browser with a dumb idiot who just types his desires into Google and follows them blindly, which detracts severely from the power of the mind they could have used, but didn't.
Things don't have to be that way. But currently, that does seem to be the way that so many people use things like Google.
More fool of us for making ourselves be no better than a dumb idiot with a computer terminal.