Spiritual "Woo"
In this poll I am asking for your authentic response in whether you hold a core value that truth is absolute or that truth is subjective.
It has been shown to me, that there are absolute truths.In this poll I am asking for your authentic response in whether you hold a core value that truth is absolute or that truth is subjective.
I don't think so. You could understand something and see how this cannot be true and something else is more true than this thing.Truth is only an a priori prerequisite for communication. Otherwise it does not mean anything. It is also a necessary belief in order to try to understand anything.
why does your poll have alternatives for two separate questions?
you're not gonna get any useful information from it.
While I voted truth is subjective. If we use the scientific method, we can head toward objectivity and call it objective if we can't find exceptions and enough experts agree.
Such was the case with Newton being true until Einstein came along. Practically speaking though, Newton is true. Cursory observation reveals the Earth is the center of the universe. Broader study reveals it ain't so. the Sun isn't either, BTW. The Sun orbits the outer edges of our galaxy. The black hole at the center of our galaxy ain't the center either ... but I digress.*
There is another kind of truth which is subjective but absolute. That is when a person decides on hir's own what is true. This is what people of action MUST do.
Now is truth provable? My answer to that relies on the very steps of the proof. Can we accept the method as true or not? Look at this:
I am lying.
Therefore I'm telling the truth.
Therefore I'm lying.
*Some people claim THEY are the center of their universe. Fancy that.
Unprovable, ultimately.
However, there are lots of things we can test that give consistent results that would seem to suggest an enduring truth (if you take the betting odds). We just can never quite verify it or know if it's just a subjective truth within a larger framework.
it seems as though what is "proven" in modern times may have certain elements of subjectivity to them, however, the longer we use the same terms and the more basic they seem to us to describe something as represented as truth the more valid the terms become because they are not dis-proven.
Wasn't it DeCartes (sp?) who said, "I think, therefore I am"? He never defined "I". A baby feels but can't say, "I am." That's because the baby hasn't acquired the experiential personal subjective expertise to form the concept of an "I."If truth is subjective, then that statement is subjective. Doesn't that create a paradox
I think it's probable there is a state of matter that is truth, but whether humans are able to observe any of it is impossible to tell. We can only make assumption based on knowledge we have and what seem probable. There is a chance that we are very wrong, but it's impractical living a life where we don't make any assumptions.